Showing posts with label Roper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Roper. Show all posts

3 October 2015

The Company He Keeps: Meet Fromm's New Friend Brian Ruhe (UPDATED)

We briefly mentioned Ruhe a few weeks ago in reference to Paulie's horrible, rotten, no-good 2015, but didn't really talk much about the man himself other than posting a link to a recent article about Ruhe in the "Gerorgia Straight."

Brian Ruhe is was a continuing-education instructor at Capilano University teaching courses on meditation and Buddhist philosophy, however on learning of his other activities, some of which might have been taught in his classes according to one anonymous poster in the comments section of the "Georgia Straight" article, Ruhe's contract was not renewed.

You see Ruhe was also a UFOologist (which might be eccentric but otherwise harmless) and a proponent of antisemitic tropes (which was not harmless and would sort of damage the university's reputation if they remained associated with him) which he cloaks in eastern spirituality:


In short, Brian Ruhe is Canada's 21st century poor man's version of Savitri Devi, though he justifies his antisemitic Hitler worship based on a warped interpretation of Buddhism and, unlike Devi, Ruhe has the charisma of a lightly-used dish rag.

Ruhe is a prolific user of YouTube and so provides a great deal of material indicating what an odd duck he is, however we decided to profile one of his more recent videos (edited for length and cut into three sections) in which he discusses his own particular "solution" to the "Jewish problem":

19 September 2015

Paul Fromm's Annus Horribilis: Part II

When we posted the news release regarding the anti-fascists' efforts to oppose the PEGIDA Canada rally planned for today, we received some comments condemning our efforts to deny the free speech rights of the participants. We would argue that opposing PEGIDA Canada publicly isn't so much denying them their freedoms as it is showing them that the majority of people believe they are Islamophobic assholes, thus engaging in their freedoms as well. We would further add that we aren't the ones organizing the counter-protests, but we do support the efforts of those opposing PEGIDA Canada.

One of the folks who has commented on ARC promoting the counter rally was our good friend Paulie:

Since you can read the message he is referring to here, we won't bother with that part of Paulie's missive, but we can't say we feel a lot of love from him.

But this part kind of amuses us:

Not sure how a request to bring blags, banners, and noise-makers is a call for violence. Sounds more like a plan to disrupt the PEGIDA Canada event with noise and sounds. Still, it is sort of rich that Paulie is complaining about the anti-fascists plan to disrupt the PEGIDA Canada event when Paulie himself has a history of disrupting opposing rallies and speaking engagements himself back in the 1970s as a founding member of the Edmund Burke Society:

Toronto, ON – William Kunstler assaulted by members of the Edmond Burke Society

Attorney for the Chicago 7 William Kunstler was assaulted and slightly injured during a speech in Toronto after members of the Edmund Burke Society stormed the stage. Prior to the assault the Burkers had been heckling Kunstler so a spokesperson was invited to state the groups views. Paul Fromm took the stage and poured water over Kunstler’s notes, resulting in Kunstler pouring water over Fromm.

Toronto, ON – Edmund Burke Society precipitate riot

“In May 1970 the Burkers counter-demonstrated against ‘the last of the big Communist anti-Vietnam war demonstrations in Toronto’ … The ensuing violence resulted in widespread damage to property, numerous injuries, and almost 100 arrests, 90 per cent of them supposedly left-wingers, the remainder Edmund Burke Society supporters. In later years, it was revealed that the rampaging demonstrators and the destruction actually were precipitated by Edmund Burke Society infiltrators into the left-wing ranks. The purpose was to discredit the anti-American peacenik movement.” (Barrett, 59)

Toronto, ON – Edmund Burke Society associates arrested for assassination plot

Police arrested two men after receiving tips of a plot to assassinate Soviet premier Alexei Kosygin in Toronto. Raids on a number of homes of several Edmond Burke Society members yielded weapons and what spokesperson Paul Fromm characterized as, “equipment.” Earlier in the week Edmund Burke Society member Geza Matrai attacked Kosygin while the Soviet premier was visiting Ottawa.

Toronto, ON – Edmund Burke Society members attack audience in Convocation Hall, University of Toronto

“Quebec labour leader Michel Chartrand and lawyer Robert Lemieux, referred to later by a former Burker… as FLQ communists, were the targets. As the Toronto Daily Star (29 March 1971) described it, Edmund Burke Society members hurled a stink bomb, threw stones through windows, and sprayed the hall with a mace-like substance. The building caretaker had to be treated for temporary blindness, and a Toronto Telegraph reporter also hospitalized after being kicked in the head and abdomen.” (Barrett, 60)

Barrett, Stanley R. Is God a Racist? The Right Wing in Canada. University of Toronto Press: Toronto. 1989.

And given his support for the likes of the Aryan Guard/Blood & Honour, Volksfront, National Socialist Movement, Klan, etc, it's sort of hard to take Paulie all that seriously.

Besides, he might have to deal with other more pressing matters in the near future:

Meet Austin Collins, a participant in Ku Klux Klan leader Tom Robb's "Faith and Freedom" conference in 2011. It appears that Collins stumbled across our little spot on the Internet, read about Paulie's difficulty with fidelity (NSFW), and unlike other "White Nationalists" didn't sweep Paulie's indiscretions under the rug:

5 April 2014

April 2014 Bites and Bites

You know, Paulie really isn't trying anymore. Point of fact is he hasn't been trying for a few years. There was a time when he tried at least to maintain a semblance of mainstream respectability, but it looks like those times have long past.

This weekend, Paulie is speaking at a Tom Robb's Klan gathering in Arkansas. Though this in and of itself isn't exactly anything new, the subject matter of his speech has certainly become much more overt:

Diane King, eh? Uhm, wasn't Paulie married to Diane at one time? We wonder what happened (hint, we don't actually wonder what happened).

But you know, maybe we're overselling this a bit?

Or maybe not?

Closer to home, the Goudreau finally decided to respond to Luke Northmore's accusations from a few months back:

We're sure that Luke responded with the measured restraint we've come to expect from him:


30 August 2013

Paul Fromm: Summer Instructor at Kamp Klan

Clockwise: Paul Fromm, Billy Roper,
Rachel Pendergraft, Thomas Robb
Some time ago we reported that Paulie, who lost his job as a teacher in 1997 and later had his certification stripped from him, would be in Arkansas in August 2013 to, in his words, teach a course to "students" attending a Ku Klux Klan seminar. Well, we suppose he didn't actually refer to it as a Klan seminar (the name given is the SOTC Training Institute), but given that it was organized and hosted by Thomas Robb, a man described as the national director of the KKK (at least the faction that David Duke organized in the 1970s who's leadership was followed by Don Black, a man with his own link to Canadian boneheads including Fromm) we think it's fair to refer to it as a Klan event. We actually like what others have described the event as though: Klan Kamp.

Paulie has been attending Klan events for a number of years now, though again he has always seemed to have been careful not to actually refer to these events as being hosted by the Klan. However since Paulie has become an active user of social media, that veil of respectability he has attempted to cultivate for himself since he became active in right-wing fringe politics in the late 1960s has crashed and burned, a fact that becomes readily apparent as one peruses the pages of this particular blog.

Regarding the Klan itself for example, Paulie has very nice things to say about the founder of the racist terrorist organization:

5 July 2013

Paul Fromm's New Gig: KKK Summer Camp

Sometimes one learns the most interesting things when following Paulie's Facebook account (which, by the way, is conveniently public which means we don't even have to do anything sneaky).

For a number of years Paulie has been tight with Thomas Robb, the National Director of the Knights of the Kul Klux Klan (the Klan faction David Duke originally lead). He has been interviewed by the Klan:

And he has been a frequent attendee and speaker at Robb's "Faith and Freedom" conference:

The account of his presentation at the 2012 conference is one of the more colourful accounts of Paulie that we've read:

Next up was Paul Fromm, a red-faced Canadian anti-immigration crusader and straight up crazy motherfucker. Oh, he had a nice sort of aw-shucks speaking style that, along with his pleasant Canadian accent, gave him the air of a slightly frazzled professor. But he was perhaps the most extreme extremist of the entire weekend.

"When I go to the Wal-Mart I don't see a group of young Negroes with backward hats on looking to lift somebody's wallet," he said, in praise of the charms of Harrison's non-diversity. "When I took a brief stroll from my hotel, you didn't have some 13-year-old negress trying to sell herself to me." I don't know where Paul Fromm usually vacations—presumably somewhere with plentiful 13-year-old negress prostitutes with very forward dispositions—but I do know that he is crazy as a fucking loon. But he's also rhetorically nifty. "We are being ethnically cleansed from the cities of America!" he thundered. "I don't know if it was the Hutus cleansing the Tutsis, or the Tutsis cleansing the Hutus. Well, they should all be cleansed."

Knowing this, we weren't surprised to see that Paulie is promoting this endeavor by Robb:

19 May 2013

Paulie Gloats About McKee's Release, Then Throws Temper Tantrum Over Love's Arrest

Something we've noted over the course of this blog's history is the increasing tendency of Paul Fromm (whom we lovingly refer to as Paulie) to move away from the, "genteel bigotry" he had been noted for advocating publicly in the past. He would couch his racism in euphemisms such as immigration reform and free speech advocate. Increasingly over the years his racist positions have manifested as more extreme and vulgar. This can be illustrated by some of his more recent posts on Facebook, from what tickles his funny bone....

8 May 2013

Talk About the Company He Keeps: Part VI

Okay, this is hardly a new revelation, but given some of Paulie's friends have said they have never heard him say anything racist and that there is nothing wrong with him, we like to remind everyone what kind of fella he really is.

The genesis of this brief article was the result of stumbling across this:

no telling what holocaust de-nier Paul Fromm will say when no one’s looking. We were finally able to get a video of his speech to the American Friends of the British National Party last March in Falls Church, Virginia. 

4 April 2012

Byfield "Linked" To Extremist

That view [that white people have a disproportionate share of power] is based on the error that all people are equal. Blacks are on the whole less intelligent than whites. - Paul Fromm

Oh hi. First a brief introduction. I was asked by a vampire to make an occasional post while she was on hiatus. I picked the name "Naberius200" because Nos has this weird obsession with names that start with the letter "n" and the number 200. Who knows why? In any case, like the other members of the Collective (and I guess I can count myself in that number now) I'll try to keep the joint alive while Nos is on her well deserved break.

So I tried to think of an appropriate first post, and I realized that since there's an election out in Alberta, I might as well start with that.

I noticed while looking at the list of candidates for the Wildrose Party that a name jumped out at me.

Link Byfield is running in the constituency of Barrhead-Morinville-Westlock. He has been a long-time player in conservative politics in Alberta having been the editor and publisher of Alberta Report for 18 years (the magazine went under 2003). He became a, "senator in waiting" in 2004 and ran unsuccessfully in Whitecourt-Ste. Anne in the 2008 Alberta provincial election. Now in 2012 he's taking another stab at elected office. Here he is with Wildrose Party leader Danielle Smith.

Mr. Byfield, someone who's views are considered by many people to not be very mainstream in and of themselves, has also been associated with people much less photogenic and mainstream as Ms. Smith.

19 August 2011

Isn't An Implied Threat to Harm the President of the United States Illegal?

Okay, so this deals exclusively with American boneheads, but as Paulie and April are friends, we sort of keep tabs on her too.

A little backstory. April Gaede is best known as the mother and promoter (or, better put, figurative pimp) of Prussian Blue, twin girls who, in their preteens, were trotted out to WN rallies and conferences to entertain boneheads with their a set of catchy racist tunes.

Fast forward a few years. Lynx and Lamb, now 19 and no longer under their mother's watchful eye, have started to reject the racist ideology their mother had tried to indoctrinate them into as children (they aren't all the way there yet, but we remain hopeful). And April is not dealing well with this. At all. After all, the girls were sort of the only reason people paid much attention to April.

So, how does April Gaede, who really likes being the center of attention, remain in the center of attention?

Copious us of the, "n" word and outrageous statements, sort of like this one:

5 April 2011

Paulie Standing as Candidate in Federal Election. And Speaking at American KKK Rally

In Paulie's latest Internet radio program (which includes his repeating of the lie we covered in an earlier blog entry) he states that he will be running in the current federal election. We're assuming that he's running as an independent, and we're assuming that he'll finish with roughly the same percentage of the vote he received in one of the last federal elections he ran in.

In addition to his continual political aspirations, Paulie has also continued his public speaking. In fact, he spoke at a conference this past weekend. In Harrison, Arkansas. At what was for all intents and purposes a Klan rally:

15 February 2011

February 2011 Bits and Bites: Paulie Edition

We all know that Paulie has a "unique" fashion sense that he likes to share with his friends. This, combined with his creepy, "come hither" look he gives the camera, is inevitably awkward and sort of uncomfortable.

Now we get to see all that, sans glasses:

Ill-fitting jacket? Check.

Pants that looks like his ass is in the front? Check again.

Douchy, "how YOU do'n?" stare? You gotta believe that's a check.

But without his glasses? Ladies and gentlemen, Paulie has manage to achieve something we didn't think possible. He makes this look good by comparison.

Paulie is especially proud of what we must assume his his new jacket, using it as the image for no fewer than two articles posted on his Facebook profile. The first deals with the continuing tragedy in Haiti which he perpetuates the canard of low Haitian intelligence as a reason for a devastated infrastructure (funny, we thought that it had something to do with a natural disaster coupled with corruption in concert with poverty and historic meddling by outside forces, but what do we know?):

10 July 2010

Paul Fromm Goes to Bat For.... Michelle Erstikaitis???: Part II

Hey, remember back in May when Paulie inexplicably decided that Michelle Erstikaitis was in prison not because of the assaults, arson, threats to murder a child and a number of other crimes she was involved in, but because of her political views?

Those views being of the, "White Nationalist" variety. In spite of the fact that in not a single news story has there ever been mention of her holding such views. Oh, and really nothing in the police record... unless he considers having a crush on Tim McVeigh is a valid, "White Nationalist" policy platform in which case we invite other, "White Nationalists" to run with that position.

And remember how even Paulie's fellow travelers decided that, well, no, Ms. Erstikaitis probably should be in prison and perhaps should be declared a dangerous offender based on an extensive criminal record.

Yeah, that was fun, wasn't it?

We thought that since so many people shot Paulie down that he would decide that maybe Ms. Erstikaitis wasn't worth spending whatever capital he possesses in the Canadian, "White Nationalist" on her case. She's clearly a damaged individual who needs to be kept in detention for the safety of the public and for her own safety. Even Bill Noble, not exactly someone with a firm rooting in reality himself, can see Ms. Erstikaitis for what she is. Paulie MUST have come to his senses, right?


Good god he's still on this... and he's made a Facebook group to try and drum up support for her:

Hey, looks like Billy Roper is a supporter. Interesting.

Again, we can't help but note that he glosses over some pretty significant portions of Ms. Erstikaitis' criminal curriculum vitae, characterizing her crimes as mere youthful tomfoolery:

Maybe this would be an appropriate time to reacquaint our readers with Michelle Erstikaitis?

Michelle Erstikaitis: Canadian Dangerous Offender

Michelle Erstikaitis has consented to being designated a Canadian dangerous offender. This is a very rare step for someone to take as that is Canada’s most serious criminal designation. Ms. Erstikaitis told Ontario
Superior Court Justice Todd Archibald that she was confident in her decision to agree to that designation when she appeared in court on Tuesday, January 5, 2010.

She plead guilty to charges of mischief, armed assault and threatening. The accused arsonist stated in court that she would not oppose the Crown’s request to declare her a dangerous offender. That decision could result in her being in prison indefinitely.

Erstikaitis is accused of assaulting her boyfriend with scissors and throwing a glass plat at his during an argument in Toronto last January. He was not gravely injured, however, she was was in the last six months of a six-year sentence as a long-term offender. In addition, she had served two years in prison after pleading guilty to a 1999 arson fire at a Hamilton apartment building. As a long-term offender, she is required under Canadian law to be closely monitored in the community. The next step beyond ‘long-term offender’ is to be declared a dangerous offender who is a risk to the public.

In the past, Erstikaitis has expressed her admiration for serial sex killer Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka. In June 1999, she was convicted of threatening to kill the mother of Leslie Mahaffy, the mother of one of three girls Bernardo and Homolka murdered. She has also expressed admiration for Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh. She has been diagnosed as a psychopath.

In June 1999, Erstikaitis was convicted of threatening to kill the mother of Leslie Mahaffy. She is the mother of three girls who were murdered.

At her hearing on January 5th, Erstikaitis declined the judge’s advice to seek the advice of an attorney before entering her guilty plea. She stated she didn’t need a lawyer, that she was sick and tired of lawyers and knew more than they did. She told the court, ‘I have a bit more intelligence and education than the average criminal. I have read Martin’s Criminal Code twice.’ The judge appointed her an amicus curiae, otherwise known as a friend of the court, to assist her with her own defense.

Michelle Erstikaitis went on to tell the Ontario Superior Court that hers was a lost cause and she would write a book about being the only female Canadian dangerous offender. Of course, she went on to say she would write a lit of ‘nasty sh*t’ about those who had wronged her.

Female dangerous offenders in Canada are, indeed, rare. The first was Marlene Moore who committed suicide in 1988.

As a biography, Michelle Lyne Erstikaitis, 30-years-old, is the oldest of three daughters of a sex worker, drug addict mother. She lived with her mother until she was about 5-years-old. When she was 8-years-old she was adopted. Over the years, she was hospitalized at least five times with mental health issues including depression, hysteria, psychosis, borderline and anti-social personality disorders. She was a chronic drug abuser and cut herself.

She began writing Paul Bernardo in jail when she was just 13-years-old. When Bernado was on trial for the murders of Leslie Mahaffy and Kristen French in 1995 she began threatening the life of Debbie Mahaffy, the mother of the murdered girl who was her own age. The messages she left on Debbie Mahaffy’s answering machine were sadistic and threatening. At times she pretended to be her murdered daughter. Other times she threatened to kill her and her son. She was convicted of making death threats in 1999.

She poured gasoline around her Hamilton apartment in the fall of 1999 and set it on fire. She was rescued by emergency workers. At that time she was hospitalized in the Hamilton Psychiatric Hospital, then charged with arson, endangering life and breaching her probation. She plead guilty and received a two-year sentence. She was diagnosed as a psychopath at the time, but since she was only 22-years-old, the judge ruled she was a ‘long-term offender’ and sentenced to a six-years of supervision after her release from prison. She was still on supervision when she is alleged to have slashed her boyfriend with scissors about a year ago. That is the incident that landed her in court in January 2010. She has been in custody since January 2009.

At this point, it appears that Michelle Erstikaitis will get her wish and be a rare female Canadian dangerous offender.

So, just to reiterate, Ms. Erstikaitis:
  • Became so obsessed with Paul Bernardo that she began contacting the mother of the victim and eventually threatened to kill her and her son.
  • Poured gasoline in her apartment and set it alight. Keep in mind that there were other tenants living in the apartment building who may have been harmed as a result of her, "tomfoolery."
  • She has been diagnosed as a psychopath.
  • She assaulted her then boyfriend.
  • She was involved in other unnamed violent behavior.
  • And finally, she has ASKED to be declared a dangerous offender.
This is the woman, a human being that is seriously ill and desperately needs to be treated in a secured facility, whom Paulie has decided is a political dissident who's only real crimes really aren't very serious to be concerned about.

But this time Paulie has managed to get a little more support for his latest cause... from people who will believe anything they're told by a prominent member of the, "White Nationalist" movement and who don't know how to use Google: