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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Fourniers fatal error was to confuse the right to free speech with the right to defame, lie, and slander and listen to hangers ons, idiots, and lawyers with losing track records who told them otherwise. Their second error was allowing themselves to be used by people like Marc Lemire and Paul Fromm - even going to the extent of using Doug Christie's junior as their lawyer. After allowing themselves to be wound up by them and conned into doing their bidding I wonder how much Fromm and Lemire actually contributed to les Fourniers endless defence funds? Lemire may have thrown them $20 or $40 but I'd be shocked if Fromm sent them a penny.

12 December 2015 at 06:28

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Given that there's a unanimous decision against them by a 3-judge panel and they lost every point they'd be absolute idiots to try to appeal further or to listen to any lawyer who is greedy enough to say they should - which is why I fully expect to see a gofundme fundraiser so the Fourniers can try to take this to the Federal Court of Appeal. Of course, the even bigger idiots would be anyone willing to be conned yet again into sending the Fourniers cash to fund their folly. BTW, don't the Fourniers still have a second case against them by Warman pending? When does that come up?

12 December 2015 at 06:42

Blogger Nosferatu200 said...

That's right. They are the remaining holdouts on the Cools defamation case. Every other individual named has settled and many have written retractions. Only Mark and Connie Fournier refuse to settle.

12 December 2015 at 11:52

Blogger ednoral said...

The Fourniers sound ike their stubborn as well a stupid. Not willing to admit they were wrong will cost them more in legal fees. Fight on!

17 January 2016 at 13:56

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