Showing posts with label Jolin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jolin. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Jewish Defense League vs. Students for Free Discourse and Your Ward News

When Evan Balgord broke the story concerning the flyering of the University of Toronto campus by alt-right members associated with both Ronny Cameron as well as the Facebook group "Students For Free Discourse" and which ARC later covered, we learned a few interesting facts:

  1. The person known as "Winston Smith" is a UofT student named Jesse Sanderson.
  2. Lawrence McCurry of "Your Ward News" is a member of the Students For Free Discourse group (in addition to the usual assortment of scum and villainy)
  3. Meir Weinstein has finally appeared to have clued in that a lot of the people he and the Jewish Defense League have cozied up to are not only Islamophobes, but are also antisemitic ass hats.
Today all of this information crashed together in a beautiful disaster.

To be fair, Weinstein had "Your Ward News" in his sites as FAR back as October 31 (hey, better late than never I suppose). But as of today, his YWN target is a bit more specific:

The subsequent thread discussing Weinstein's.... offer is quite illuminating:

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

January 2016: Bits and Bites

In our previous article we noted the reaction of the anti-refugee folks on social media paying specific attention to a few Facebook groups. And we received condemnation from the usual suspect about how intolerant we were for commenting on the extremist nature of the comments. However, on twitter, we received feedback from from someone quite unexpected:

Have to say, were were quite pleased to see that Paulie was finally interested in playing as for the longest time he had difficulty even saying or writing out name, never mind attempting to engage us in a discussion. Not wanting to pass up the opportunity, we sent him a follow-up since we've had a question that Paulie is uniquely qualified to answer:

Thus far, Paulie has not responded. We'll be sure to keep our readers up to date however.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Students For Western Civilization: Trolls, But Still Interesting (Part II)

In late November we published an article about a group trying to establish itself in a number of Canadian and American universities and colleges. While Students For Western Civilization may or may not be a hoax, we still consider the topic to be of some interest in that some previously unnamed individuals who we've been looking at for a few years have popped up in relation to the group.

When VICE published an article on this movement back in September, we began to focus on some of the people who were posting in the comments section. Two in particular jumped out at us: