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Amazon's Bezos shakes up philanthropy, with one tweet

Jeff Bezos shakes up another sector: :Philanthropy.

The tycoon's request to Twitter last week -- asking how he can best use his wealth to help people "right now" -- has set off a frenzy of responses from every corner of the world. Even Madonna chimed in.

Perth accountant jailed for pocketing $2m

Peter Stamatopoulos was sentenced to jail for eight years.

Peter Stamatopoulos was one of three directors at Claremont-based accounting firm Stirling Partners when he altered 112 tax returns between 2011 and 2015. During his sentencing in Perth District Court on Thursday, defence lawyer Sam Vandongen said the 51-year-old's greed, ego and desire to appear wealthy had fuelled his deception.

US banks clear first hurdle

Citigroup fared the best among big Wall Street banks, with a common equity Tier 1 capital ratio of 9.7 per cent.

The 34 largest US banks have all cleared the first stage of an annual stress test, according to the Federal Reserve.

Cowin loses $600m of dough at Domino's Pizza

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Jack Cowin's extra large slice of Domino's Pizza got cold pretty quickly after peaking at a value of $1.336 billion in August last year. It has now chomped through $600 million of his wealth since the peak.

​High-rise fire-trap fears

The Elm's builder says testing is being undertaken to determine if further fire safety measures can be implemented.

Hundreds of tenants living in at least a dozen high-rise blocks are unaware their buildings could be flammable-cladding fire traps.