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Amb. Dennis Ross: Premature Palestinian state recognition should be discouraged

Amb. Dennis Ross: Premature Palestinian state recognition should be discouraged Categories: Israel, Middle East, Palestinians, United States, Updates     Author: Ahron Shapiro

At an exclusive AIJAC press briefing in Melbourne, Anti-Defamation Commission guest and veteran former US Middle East peace envoy and Ambassador Dennis Ross spoke out against calls for the immediate recognition of a Palestinian state, saying such gestures place ‘symbols over substance' and mak

Biblio File: Immoral Equivalence

Biblio File: Immoral Equivalence Categories: Israel, Media/ Academia, Palestinians     Author: Daniella Greenbaum

Kingdom of Olives and Ash, a new collection of essays edited by Michael Chabon and Ayelet Waldman, features 26 different writers - all of whom visited Israel on delegations organised by Breaking the Silence. The book is a latticework of propaganda, pieced together by distortions and half-truths. The

Print edition
Behind the News - July 2017

Behind the News - July 2017 Categories: Hamas, Iran, Israel, Palestinians    

On June 16, Israeli border policewoman Hadas Malka, 23, was fatally stabbed near Jerusalem's Damascus Gate in a co-ordinated gun and knife attack. Seconds earlier, two other assailants attacked Israeli border police troops nearby with a homemade gun and knives, injuring four people. All three attack

Essay: After Victory

Essay: After Victory Categories: Israel, Middle East, Palestinians     Author: Yaakov Lozowick

When the guns fell silent on the evening of June 10, 1967, the Middle East and Israel were forever changed. The discussion Israel's cabinet ministers began on June 14 forged the conundrum we live in now. Reading through transcripts of some 20 hours of discussions held the week after the Six Day War

AIR New Zealand: Back on Track

AIR New Zealand: Back on Track Categories: Australasia, Israel     Author: Miriam Bell

It's official: diplomatic ties between New Zealand and Israel are back on. In June, after six months of discussions, Israel announced that it was sending its Ambassador Itzhak Gerberg back to New Zealand and restoring full diplomatic relations.

Scribblings: Hope yet for the UN?

Scribblings: Hope yet for the UN? Categories: Anti-Zionism, Israel, Palestinians, United Nations     Author: Tzvi Fleischer

Are some people at the UN finally starting to get how unhelpful and unfair the approach of UN bodies to Israel and the Palestinians has been? US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley has certainly been outspoken about this problem, for instance, saying in February, "The outrageously biased resolutions fr

Power Play

Power Play Categories: Egypt, Gulf states, Israel, Middle East, Palestinians     Author: Amotz Asa-El

Gaza, the narrow, overcrowded, and destitute coastal strip wedged between Egypt and Israel is thirsting for power and light: physically, politically, and psychologically. The physical crisis is about the strip's lone power station's fuel, which ran out in April due to intensifying tension between H

Editorial: The UNRWA Problem

Editorial: The UNRWA Problem Categories: Israel, Palestinians, United Nations     Author: Colin Rubenstein

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu made headlines in June when he told visiting US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley that the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) should be disbanded.

Israel courts new ties with Greece and Cyprus at Summit

Israel courts new ties with Greece and Cyprus at Summit Categories: Europe, Israel, Updates     Author: Ross Beroff

On June 15, trilateral talks concluded between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades and Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. On the meetings, Netanyahu remarked, "there's a simple fact about Cyprus, Greece and Israel that brings us very close together. We'r

BDS versus Wonder Woman

BDS versus Wonder Woman Categories: Anti-Zionism, Israel, Middle East, Updates     Author: Ross Beroff

DC's newest superhero movie, "Wonder Woman" has grossed over $440 million worldwide, received rave reviews and has broken barriers as the most successful comic book film with a female lead, and the largest ever budget for a female director. However, not everyone can experience the film; it has so f

Print edition
New Zealand and Israel make amends

New Zealand and Israel make amends Categories: Australasia, Israel, United Nations, Updates     Author: Sharyn Mittelman

Israel announced on Tuesday that it will restore full diplomatic relations with New Zealand, and that its Ambassador Itzhak Gerberg will return to Wellington in the coming days.  Israel downgraded its diplomatic ties with New Zealand in response to New Zealand's co-sponsoring of UN Security Cou

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