Response to Market Speculation regarding Macquarie Media

19 June 2017:

Fairfax Media Limited (Fairfax) (ASX:FXJ) notes the recent press speculation regarding a potential offer for Fairfax’s 54.5% shareholding in Macquarie Media Limited (Macquarie Media) (ASX:MRN) by a consortium of investors including Mr John Singleton and Mr Mark Carnegie (Singleton Consortium). 

Fairfax has received the attached letter from the Singleton Consortium. 

Contrary to the suggestions in the letter, Fairfax is not seeking offers or undertaking a process to realise its investment in Macquarie Media. 

Fairfax notes that Macquarie Media is a separately listed ASX company, and any potential offer for Macquarie Media or request for due diligence for that purpose would be a matter for Macquarie Media to consider. 

Fairfax shareholders do not need to take any action in response to the Singleton Consortium’s letter.