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The book of babes: Sexual exploits come back to bite Victorian Liberals

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He's a Melbourne mortgage broker who once penned a book about his sexual exploits titled Around the World in 80 Babes.

But the explicit story line has now come back to haunt him, as he seeks Liberal preselection in one of the city's most progressive seats.

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'Date Doctor' runs for Victorian Liberal preselection

'Around the World in 80 Babes,' a fictional dating guide, has landed an aspiring Liberal candidate in hot water ahead of next month's preselection battle for the state seat of Prahran.

In revelations that have reignited concerns about the Liberal Party's vetting process, political aspirant Nigel Gohl has come under fire after the contents of his book resurfaced ahead of next month's preselection battle for the state seat of Prahran.

The book is the story of a modern Casanova who spends his days pursuing women around the world, "from European princesses, to English slappers, to American cheerleaders".

Its blurb explains that "chicks, babes, women and nudity" were among Mr Gohl's favourite things. However, the book then offers faint apology, warning it may anger some women but most men will be throwing "high fives" at the end of each chapter of this "true story". 

From its first sentence, the book boasts of bringing a woman to "her third orgasm during an intense forty minute session". 


It continues: "While I loved pounding her athletic body, she bored me to tears with her desires to spend Saturday AND Sunday mornings going for walks and picnics." 

Much of the book follows in a similar fashion, with graphic details about dating conquests, sexual positions - and even the ability to "fart freely in bed".

"After detaching myself from the picnic lifestyle and knowing that I could now fart freely in bed, I became a happy man."
“In relation to chicks, my life definitely started to resemble '54'. By focusing my efforts seven days a week, I became amazed as to how many chicks I could add to my schedule.

“…the quicker you can get the first date out of the way and the time needed for a girl to feel comfortable with you, the quicker you start getting laid! It started to become common practice for me to meet a girl on Friday night, have a drink on Tuesday or Wednesday before a most excellent bonking session the following Saturday night.”

On the process known as 'System One':

“When applying 'System One', every now and then you will find that a mid-week drink may turn into a bonking session.”

While the book was published in 2005, several party members have raised concerns about the way it depicts women – an issue that is likely to prove particularly sensitive in Prahran, a diverse electorate with high numbers of young people, LGBTI residents, and families.

The Liberals are keen to regain Prahran after losing the seat in 2014, with the preselection battle a three-way contest between Mr Gohl, Rory Grant (a staffer to federal minister Christopher Pyne) and Professor Katie Allen (from the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute).

Fairfax Media understands state director Simon Frost has since spoken at length to Mr Gohl about the book, which the author, now 42, will likely be forced to defend to delegates at the Prahran preselection convention on July 29.

Mr Frost declined to comment on Thursday, other than to say: "Unlike Labor, Liberal Party members have the right to preselect our parliamentary candidates. Every party member is free to nominate. It would be inappropriate to comment further."

Mr Gohl also declined to respond, citing Liberal Party rules preventing candidates from speaking to the public.