Comments for Informed Comment Thoughts on the Middle East, History and Religion Mon, 26 Jun 2017 13:38:48 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Trump’s Folly: Oil is a Worthless Commodity and Saudi’s Crown Prince Knows It by Juan Cole Mon, 26 Jun 2017 13:38:48 +0000 apparently 25% or so

Comment on Trump’s Folly: Oil is a Worthless Commodity and Saudi’s Crown Prince Knows It by My comment Mon, 26 Jun 2017 12:59:54 +0000 How much of the total oil and other fossil fuel production is not used as fuel? What percentage is used as chemical feed stock, lubrication, plastics, furtelizer, etc? In other words how much oil must we continue to pump in an all electric future?

Comment on Trump’s Folly: Oil is a Worthless Commodity and Saudi’s Crown Prince Knows It by Juan Cole Mon, 26 Jun 2017 11:03:03 +0000 You’re not paying attention. Norway jiggered things so it is. cheaper to trade in old vehicle for ev. Also India is on verge of doubling fleet & Norway type policy can ensure people want evs.

Comment on Trump’s Folly: Oil is a Worthless Commodity and Saudi’s Crown Prince Knows It by william Mon, 26 Jun 2017 11:01:20 +0000 ….making Putin even more dangerous. How will the hollow giant that is Russia respond when its leaders realize their primary source of wealth is going away for good?

May you live in interesting times, eh.

Comment on Trump’s Folly: Oil is a Worthless Commodity and Saudi’s Crown Prince Knows It by steerpike Mon, 26 Jun 2017 10:45:03 +0000 The average age of an American auto is over 11 years and the number of cars 16 to 24 years old is around 44 million.

Many of these probably do very little miles but car reliability is now so high a car can be run for 20 years. In India, with lower GDP, cars are likely to be kept going even longer.

If the oil price drops, these old autos get even cheaper to run. Unless there is a program to remove them from the roads, petrol powered cars will be with us for decades to come.

In India the middle income car owner will bitterly resent having their functional vehicle forced off the road, while the poor would be the losers if the government provided subsidies to car owners.

A 100% electric fleet in only 13 years in India is nearly as unlikely as the Saudis dropping oil without becoming an impoverished desert state.

Comment on Trump’s Folly: Oil is a Worthless Commodity and Saudi’s Crown Prince Knows It by David B. Benson Mon, 26 Jun 2017 08:11:40 +0000 And so the Russian Federation runs out of money.

Comment on Green France: Macron bans Fracking and welcomes US renewables Scientists fleeing Trump by spyguy Mon, 26 Jun 2017 05:10:45 +0000 Low cost, reasonably accurate weapons that can be produced by the thousands are the “winners.” This is why the AK-47 is so ubiquitous. AK-47 built in the early 1950s are STILL in use killing humans in large quantities because the design “just works.”.

This is why the USA will get devastated by Iran when the USA attacks. Iran has designed and made thousands of inexpensive, reliable and accurate missiles and other weapons whereas the USA has a few very expensive ego boosters for the USA officers.

The main reason I strongly dislike the F-35 is, it is extremely complex and based on my almost 45 years of engineering experience, I know that complex stuff breaks a lot. From a practical engineering standpoint, the F-35 is a total mess and I will not be surprised that it fails spectacularly in combat.

BTW – USA companies have out-sourced the knowledge of how to build low cost reliable products to Asia.

Comment on Trump’s Folly: Oil is a Worthless Commodity and Saudi’s Crown Prince Knows It by spyguy Mon, 26 Jun 2017 04:29:58 +0000 Carbon energy can not compete with non-carbon energy for several reasons:

– All carbon energy that can be harvested for very little cost has already been used up. All the carbon energy left requires more and more costs to harvest. Long term the cost to produce a kilowatt of carbon energy will have to go up.

BUT . . .

– The cost of non-carbon energy is decreasing every day as the technology evolves. That is, non-carbon energy technology is following a curve very similar to CPUs, memory chips, image sensors, etc.

– Right now we have a carbon energy glut because conversion from carbon energy to non-carbon energy plus massive energy conservation has drastically lowered the demand for all forms of energy much faster than most people anticipated and that trend is accelerating.

As a result, as professor Cole noted Saudi Arabia is sitting on an asset that is losing value by the day, especially as most countries (but not the USA) have figured out for any country to thrive by 2050, it MUST be energy self-sufficient so their wealth is kept at home and not drained by others.

So by 2050 at the latest, Saudi Arabia will have no market for its oil, just like coal producers are running out of markets for their product right now. Within a few short years there will be no active coal mines in the USA because they will not even be able to give coal away (unfortunately, due to USA politics, the coal workers will be in terrible shape – instead of fighting market forces the USA should be educating and moving coal miners to other parts of the USA).

I helped designed some of the technology we have today and I see non-carbon energy following the SAME PATH which will make carbon energy producers into the buggy whip makers of today.
