
Exposing Canary Mission: A Resource for College and University Leaders

N.B. Yes, I have been smeared by this odious hate group, but there's not much they can do to me. …

Friedman: Does Iran’s Quds Force really Control four Countries and is Israel-Iran War Near?

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - - Thomas Friedman's column this week made several allegations about the danger …

‘Great March’ for Palestinian Refugees’ Right of Return Endures Bloody Crackdown

By Joey Ayoub and Marwa Fatafta | ( | - - After months of preparing, tens of thousands of …

Diamond rain in Sudan evidence of ‘lost planet’

Middle East Monitor | - - Diamonds from outer space formed inside a long-lost planet Diamonds found inside a meteorite …

Is this America? Entire Island of Puerto Rico plunged into Darkness Again!

The Watchers: Watching the World Evolve and Transform | - - Posted by Matti K on April 18, 2018 The …

Israel to French Mayor: You can’t visit Occupied Palestine if you stand against Occupation

TeleSur | - - Leclerc Patrice, a member of the French Communist Party, has been denied entry into Israel more …

Why do Red State Teachers need to Strike for a living Wage? It is about Class

By Steve Fraser | ( | - - Teachers in red-state America are hard at work teaching us all …

With Turkish Troops in Syria, is Erdogan’s Neo-Ottomanism a Diplomatic or Military Project?

By Nicolai Due-Gundersen | (The Conversation) | - - On our third trip to Istanbul, my wife and I visited …

Syria After Trump’s Withdrawal: Top Reasons an “Arab Force” will Fail

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - - President Trump's determination to withdraw US troops from eastern Syria by …

The Hannity Case is so Serious it Requires a Consumer Boycott of his Advertisers

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - - The problems at Fox Cable "News" go way beyond Sean Hannity. …

What People get wrong about Iranian-Americans (Looking at you, Mike Pompeo and John Bolton) (Video)

AJ+ | (Video News Clip) | - - "What do you think of when you hear "Persian" or “Iranian”? Iranian-Americans …

Growing up with Fear of Gun Violence in America: The Weaponization of Everyday Life

By Frida Berrigan | ( | - - Guns. In a country with more than 300 million of them, …

As Lebanon prepares to vote, Amnesty for the disenfranchised provokes Fierce Debate

Haley Bobseine | (Informed Comment) | - - After almost a decade of multiple postponements stalling the national political process …

Comey did it to himself & Us, by gutting Privacy, Encryption, & 4th Amendment

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - - In former FBI director James Comey’s interview with ABC News, he …

Behind the Struggle with Mueller & Comey: Trump is the Triumph of Privilege over Law

By Martin Powers | (Informed Comment) | - - Frustration and bewilderment are common in media accounts of this administration’s …

Saudi Arabia’s Yemen Campaign escalates into War of Missiles

Khalil Dewan @KhalilDewan | Middle East Monitor | - - As Mohammed Bin Salman’s global tour continues in a bid …

Will Bolton and MEK pull an Iraq War-like Chalabi-type Scam on Iran?

By Nadejda K. Marinova (Author of Ask What You Can Do For Your (New) Country: How Host States Use Diasporas …