BHP chairman Jac Nasser reflects on 30 years in management

Jac Nasser's advice to his son (and to himself): “Meet someone new every day. Learn something from them. You may never ...
Jac Nasser's advice to his son (and to himself): “Meet someone new every day. Learn something from them. You may never see them again, but I doubt it.” PAMU

Unseasonal springtime snow decorates the corner of New York’s Central Park West and 79th Street. Inside the grand edifice that sits on this corner, the American Museum of Natural History, Jac Nasser is hosting a fundraiser for the Great Barrier Reef Foundation, in front of the reef exhibit.

The guest list is carefully crafted, eclectic, and surprisingly abbreviated. The museum would not routinely host dinner for just 30 people. The rule is at least 100. But Jac asked. And the outgoing chairman of BHP Billiton, the man whose controversial years running Ford Motor Company made him a household name in the US, has a habit of winning negotiations. Nasser has been making deals since his teenage years, when he and brother Jamie started a bicycle-making business in the inner Melbourne suburb of Northcote.

Our contract for this late March evening is that Nasser’s guests retain their privacy. But because he indulged our request to use his name, we can say that it is James Gorman, the Australian-born boss of Morgan Stanley, who sits next to Nasser at the dinner, in unimpeded view of the replica blue whale hanging from the museum’s roof. And we can say that the main speaker is Great Barrier Reef Foundation chairman John Schubert, a former chairman of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, one-time chief executive of Esso Australia and, until last November, member of Nasser’s BHP Billiton board.

Schubert and Nasser shared the BHP boardroom for more than a decade, with Nasser beating Schubert to the chairmanship in 2010. BHP might be listed in Australia, London and South Africa but it has growing ties to US equity investors, which now speak for more than 17 per cent of the company.

Jac Nasser with Great Barrier Reef Foundation managing director Anna Marsden and chairman John Schubert, 
at the New ...
Jac Nasser with Great Barrier Reef Foundation managing director Anna Marsden and chairman John Schubert, at the New York fundraiser in March. Paola & Murray

Tonight, the pair are building bridges between American capital and a quite different Australian icon. Schubert, who carries himself with that still dignity so typical of his generation, recently told Nasser that about 30 per cent of casual donations to the Great Barrier Reef Foundation arrive unprompted from the US. That the foundation has never actively marketed in the US and does not enjoy charitable tax status there makes this beneficence even more surprising. Seen through the Nasser lens, however, this oddity represents only latent opportunity. That’s why he’s corralled people from inside and outside his circle of commercial intimates for a dinner with a whale of a view.

A natural networker

This is what Jac Nasser does. The Lebanese-born son of a bus driver, the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology graduate who started with Ford in Australia before climbing to the very top internationally, Nasser has spent his working life manicuring relationships between people, companies – even nations. From the powerful of Washington to the rich and famous of New York and London, to retail shareholders at BHP’s annual general meetings, people feel at once welcome and fortunate to fall into brief orbit around him.

“I just love people,” he reflects. “It is a crazy trait to have. I would go nuts if someone put me in solitary confinement. I couldn’t live with just myself for too long.”

It’s 11.30am on the day after the night at the museum. Nasser is sitting in a booth at Casa Lever on Park Avenue. Very apparently a haunt for Manhattan’s Midtown power lunch set, the restaurant is a short walk from BHP’s handsome office in that legendary tower of modernism, the Seagram Building. Nasser usually tries to avoid Park Avenue, one of New York’s premium boulevards for corporate strolling. “I can be walking uptown and people will approach me to talk Ford or some new business,” he says.

Nasser in 1990 with the new Ford Capri. His relentless cost-cutting at Ford Australia earned Nasser the nickname “Jac ...
Nasser in 1990 with the new Ford Capri. His relentless cost-cutting at Ford Australia earned Nasser the nickname “Jac the Knife”. Gillianne Tedder

Nasser’s morning has included a meeting with former British prime minister David Cameron. A friend of both men had mentioned that Cameron was in town and they really should meet. The offer was irresistible. “I will go to any meeting where I think I can learn something,” Nasser enthuses. “I am a business junkie. I just love it. Business is people, people are societies, businesses are teams, business is intellectual intensity inside these teams. And you have also got to reach out. Like we did last night; probably half of the group in that room I have done some business with.”

Fatherly advice

Talking business with new people has ever been a siren call. Nasser recently recommended that his entrepreneurial son, Guy, spend 2017 trying to meet a new person every day. “He asked me, ‘why do you want me to do that?’. I said, ‘because you will learn something from that person and never burn your bridges’. Meet someone new every day. Learn something from them. You may never see them again, but I doubt it. You will always get something from that person.

“You help him. He helps you. You form a relationship. Then, two years from now, he is calling and asking, ‘Hey, I am thinking of doing this deal, what do you think?’”

Nasser's 33 years at Ford embedded in him a deep trust in the capacity of the corporation to be a force for good. “I had ...
Nasser's 33 years at Ford embedded in him a deep trust in the capacity of the corporation to be a force for good. “I had an almost religious view that the corporation would be fair and would look after you," he says. Gillianne Tedder

Nasser has agreed to meet The Australian Financial Review Magazine primarily to talk about BHP Billiton, the world’s biggest diversified resources company, and about these disconcerting times.

"We are very fortunate in Australia," he starts. "This is an extremely special company and I never took my responsibilities lightly. I always felt I was going to be there for an extremely short period in the history of what is a 130-year-old company. My view: Don't get carried away with yourself, you will make an impact, hopefully it will be sustainable and positive, but it is a very small part of an extremely long and successful history.

"Look, I am an unabashed nationalist Australian. There are probably only two countries in the world where you can do what we have done. One of those is here [pointing around the room] and I hope that continues to be the case. The other is Australia."

BHP rebranding

The BHP board will choose a chairman to replace Jac Nasser this week.
The BHP board will choose a chairman to replace Jac Nasser this week. PAMU

Nasser's confident assertion of Australia's place in BHP lore has, subsequently, been made formal. On May 15, BHP launched a plan to progressively drop Billiton from its branding and eventually from its various stock exchange listings. The decision was made as part of a move to re-introduce BHP to Australians as their home-grown global mining company through a $10 million advertising campaign that aims, to some degree, to mimic the impact of Bill Hunter's legendary Big Australian ads. The pitch this time is Think Big.

The coincidental backdrop to the company's renewed interest in brand advertising is an increasingly aggressive attempt by the activist US hedge fund, Elliott Associates, to cajole Nasser and his executive team into massive structural reforms in the name of releasing up to $46 billion of latent energy assets.

Recent history indicates that both these issues were fermenting as we dined in New York. Nasser mentioned neither. But they were, in retrospect, plainly at the front of the chairman's mind as he mused on the potential of the corporation to be a wellspring for good and on BHP's unique contribution to Australian prosperity.

New York is a Nasser kind of place. It is a meeting place for global deal makers, a compulsory destination for global companies. Nasser is recognised more often in Manhattan than in any of the other cities he calls home. (He has apartments in New York and Melbourne, and properties in four other cities around the globe). It’s the only one in which he doesn’t drive.

BHP’s Geoff Healy, Andrew Mackenzie and Jac Nasser at Trump Tower before meeting President-elect Donald Trump in January.
BHP’s Geoff Healy, Andrew Mackenzie and Jac Nasser at Trump Tower before meeting President-elect Donald Trump in January. AP

In January, Nasser led a three-man BHP delegation into Trump Tower to meet the US president elect. Look closely at the photograph that captures that New York moment. BHP chief of external affairs Geoff Healy looks just that little bit stunned to find himself in Trump’s brash gilt foyer. His boss, chief executive Andrew Mackenzie, looks expressively thrilled to be joining history’s march. Nasser? He stands calmly diffident, hands buried in the pockets of his overcoat, collar up against the cold. Of course Trump wants to meet him. This is exactly where he should be – and he knows it.

Ups and downs at Ford

Nasser, 69, will leave BHP later this year, on the eve of his 50th year working for big business. This half century can be divided into three chapters: 33 years with Ford, an enriching eight years with JPMorgan’s private equity arm, One Equity Partners, based in New York, then in 2010, the swapping of that senior partnership for the Melbourne-based chair of BHP.

His time at Ford embedded in Nasser a deep trust in the capacity of the corporation – Ford in particular and the entity in general – to be a force for good. “I had an almost religious view that the corporation would be fair and would look after you. I don’t know whether that still exists. But I still have that view, by the way,” he says. “It was one of the reasons why, in my whole career with Ford, I never outright said ‘no’. When they said would you like to go to Venezuela, I said ‘fine’. Argentina? ‘Good.’ Mexico? ‘OK.’ Brazil? ‘Yes.’ Japan? ‘Fine.’ Philippines? ‘Why not.’ Thailand? ‘Yes.’ Europe, London, Cologne? ‘Do it.’”

Detroit? A move to Ford headquarters required some pause. “I hesitated, for quite a while. But I said yes, in the end,” he continues. “It worked for me. I don’t know it would work for a different generation. I never really questioned whether, long term, there would be alignment between doing a job well and the company doing well – that meritocracy mattered no matter where you came from.”

It sure worked for Nasser. In 1996 he was invited to run Ford’s global automotive business, which meant speaking for 90 per cent of what the godfather of American car-making then did. Three years later he took over the whole shebang. But in October 2001 Nasser’s Ford life came to an abrupt end, due to eroding financial performance and a brutally public dispute over who and what was responsible for defects in the Ford Explorer that had caused accidents killing more than 300 people.

Nasser reflects on this unhappy history over lunch but not for the public record. He seems, however, nowhere near as bitter about events as might be imagined. He reflects that Bill Ford, the great-grandson of Henry Ford and the man history says sacked Nasser, remains a very close friend.

This is typical of Nasser. He admires discretion and is a master of the art. While he’s spent a lifetime running public companies, he’s successfully defended his privacy. He plans to keep it that way. His family sits in this off-the-record world. He has four children, son Guy and daughters Jackie, Catherine and Justine. All are scholars, three now in business, the other married to an entrepreneur who recently made a lot of money selling out to a big US defence company. Nasser divorced his wife of 30 years, Jennifer, in 2000. Friends says that Nasser’s peripatetic lifestyle and 18-hour-a-day commitment to work finally took its toll. The two are said to be on good terms these days. Neither Jac nor Jenny have remarried.

Jac the Knife

Nasser has made a lot of tough calls. It was during the years he ran Ford Australia in the early 1990s that relentless cost-cutting saw him dubbed “Jac the Knife”. He identified variously as an impatient, demanding and occasionally divisive figure. He polarises opinion. Nasser has always been prepared to own painful decisions. He’s comfortable with that. If leadership were easy then everyone would do it.

Nasser’s eight years as BHP’s chairman have been punctuated by waves of those very personal traumas that profound restructures generate. His era has been shaped by a $US20 billion plunge into US onshore oil and gas in 2011. When the two-step punt on shale and global commodities markets turned tough in almost immediate concert, Nasser and his board determined on a totally new course for the company. BHP would shrink to recovery and, along the way, refresh its pathway to global greatness.

The punt began in February 2011, when BHP paid $US4.75 billion for a fleet of shale gas fields in Fayetteville in Arkansas. By June that year the bet was tripled up with $US12.1 billion being thrown at a shale business called Petrohawk, which arrived with about $US3 billion of debt. Within three months BHP was forced to take a $US2.8 billion impairment on Fayetteville and the board had suspended the bonuses of chief executive Marius Kloppers and petroleum boss Mike Yeager.

By February 2013 Kloppers had been replaced by then non-ferrous minerals boss Andrew Mackenzie. Expansionary zeal was replaced by a puritanical insularity, with Mackenzie and Nasser working to reduce BHP’s focus to a collection of the 14 core assets that it manages and that will be the wellspring of its future.

The BHP rebuild

The nearly four years between then and now have seen BHP rebuild its balance sheet, move to align its capital allocation to the post-boom times, release a collection of unwanted or irrelevant assets into the demerger of South32, and relieve itself of layers and layers of management, an exodus that started right at the top with the departure of all of Mackenzie’s competitors for the top job.

Does Nasser think he’s been good for BHP? “Look, businesses in the resources sector have a very long life. It is extremely difficult to take any point in time and measure it and say this is it, success. These things have long tails.

“Then you get a lot of what I call interference to these messages because of volatility, because of unforeseen events, whether internal or external. So, I think really, it is almost too early to tell.”

Nasser has lost often enough over his working life but he has rarely been at a loss. His recall of the moment he was kidnapped in the mid-1980s from a Ford plant in Argentina by extreme right-wing activists is instructive. It was more than just the car man in Nasser that allowed him to focus on the vehicle that took him into captivity rather than on the dark reality that he was being spirited away, blind-folded, in mortal threat.

“They bundled me off in the trunk of an old ’61 model series Falcon,” Nasser says. “It was a new car there still, they had kept the same old Falcon for 40 years. They were used by the police, the military, everyone, because they had a big six-cylinder engine in them.”

Nasser knew Ford would not pay any ransom. That was policy. It took him just three days to talk his captors into driving him back to work. A similar kidnapping of a Pepsi executive a couple of years earlier had ended in a gruesome fatality. So, was he scared? “Yeeaaaahhh,” he says extending those Americanised Australian vowels for a full breath. “But it all finishes very quickly. I never imagined coming to any harm. As it turned out, I was kept in a country club about five kilometres from the plant. But I thought I was 50 kilometres away.”

Nasser agrees he has deep reserves of self-belief. Sure, he has an ego. “Look, you can decide to second-guess yourself every time,” he says. “But the only guy who never makes a mistake is the guy who doesn’t make a decision. Everything I’ve got is what I have earned. I think it is difficult not to have some level of self-belief when you know you haven’t been handed anything on a silver platter. That doesn’t mean you don’t question yourself. Doesn’t mean you are always right. I have probably made a tonne of mistakes just today. But I don’t think about it in that granular way.

“I think about the long-term accomplishments. Have I got kids that I love, do they respect me? Do I have business relationships that are based on fundamentals? Do I have genuine friendships? Are there people that I care about and care about me? They are the roots of self-belief to me. Whatever I get I am grateful for. I started with nothing. Australia gave us an opportunity.”

The Murdoch connection

Nasser’s affirming Australian story opens with a four-year-old standing on Melbourne’s Station Pier. Nearly 66 years on, he is arguably the nation’s greatest management export, comparable only with the peerlessly successful owner/manager Rupert Murdoch. It is fitting that these two sons of Melbourne are close both commercially and personally. Nasser has been a director of Murdoch companies pretty much continually since he joined the board of BSkyB, News Corporation’s big British pay TV bet, in 2002. He left BSkyB in 2012 and in 2013 became a director of 20th Century Fox.

Like Murdoch, Nasser’s lighthouse has been a larger than life father. Abdo Nasser died late last year. He was 104. He had lived a very full life. Abdo was born to olive farmers in northern Lebanon in 1912. His parents would routinely travel to the US to sell olive oil.

“They would peddle to the coal miners of Pennsylvania and West Virginia then take their money back home,” Nasser says, recalling admirable family lore. “They would bring the family with them. He [Abdo] ended up staying. Then the recession hit and there was no work. So he jumped on a merchant ship and went to Cuba.” Cuba didn’t work out and neither did Canada. Eventually Abdo Nasser found his way to France, where he lived in Marseille until the outbreak of the Second World War, when he returned to Vichy-controlled Lebanon.

“Almost immediately the French were pushed out by the Allies,” Nasser says. “And who ended up in northern Lebanon but the Diggers. Those Australian soldiers walk in and there’s this young, good-looking guy who speaks and writes French, English and Arabic. So they enlist him. He had his papers and everything. At the end of the war he gets decommissioned and he gets this letter of honourable discharge and gets thanked for everything. And the way he told it, he was given papers that entitled him to take him and his family to Australia.

Fremantle or Melbourne?

“But he wasn’t married and he didn’t have a family, obviously. He thought, ‘I am going to get married, have a couple of kids and then we are going to jump on a boat.’”

Nasser adds: “It was as simple as that. These were not complicated decisions then. The alternatives were not great.” As mentioned, Nasser was four years old when he arrived in Melbourne. It could have been the other side of the country.

“He gets us on a boat. We land in Fremantle. And we are meant to get off there. He looks at Fremantle and says, ‘Jeez, pretty small.’ So he turned to the captain and said, ‘This is pretty small, is there another stop?’ Yes. Melbourne. It is a bit bigger. This is 1951-52. We arrive in Port Melbourne. It is morning. We know no one. All we know, somehow, is where the church is.” The church was St Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Church in East Melbourne. “I can’t remember how we got to the church. But we got there. The priest had his house next to the church. He [Abdo] says to the priest, ‘There are four of us, we need a room to rent and I need a job.’ ”

By afternoon Nasser’s father was chopping firewood for local pensioners. Within the week Nasser’s mother, Najla, was working in a Flinders Lane clothes factory. “She was sewing. Piecemeal. No wages, just the more you sewed the more you got.” Nasser warms to one of his favourite topics. “Listen, Australia, what a country, what a country. We all came from somewhere, we all started somewhere. When you feel there is at least some level playing field of opportunity for everyone, that’s what makes a wonderful society. It’s when people give up and feel like there’s no hope, that’s when society crumbles.”

A fair society

Nasser worries about the fragility of the social constructs that support a strong society. “Sustaining and improving what we’ve got depends on good government, it depends on good governance, it depends on a cohesive and fair society and it also depends on having good strong corporate presences,” he says.

“Otherwise what creates the wealth and how do you share that wealth more fairly across society? I’ve lived in countries where the inflation rate was 30 per cent a month, where people had no respect for government, didn’t trust money, didn’t trust currency. They were hoarding, buying assets that were seen as protection against inflation and devaluations and currency fluctuation,” he says.

“In the end, if you don’t have very strong institutions and rule of law, then countries tend to fall apart. What do I mean by that? It’s not just having good government. It is about fair government. It’s also having great universities, it’s a having a healthcare system that’s seen as equitable. But it is also about having really strong companies.”

To that extent, he believes Australia is fortunate to have BHP Billiton, the dual-listed resources house born in 2000 out of BHP’s need to resecure its future and the desire of the South Africans that ran the British-listed Billiton to create the world’s first super-major mining house.

While that didn’t happen, BHP Billiton did become a senior citizen of the global economy. The end of the resources boom may have robbed it of pre-eminence on the Australian Securities Exchange – its combined market capitalisation of $120 billion puts it behind the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, valued at $150 billion – but it remains internationally influential, and the only Australian company to have had face time with President Trump.

Values are fragile

“I would always say that [Australia is fortunate to have BHP] when I was an outside observer, but I feel even more strongly now that I am inside the company and I see what the values of the company and its people are. But all of this is fragile. I saw what happened to the automotive industry. If you are not careful, it can happen with other Australian industries. And then, what are you left with?

“BHP Billiton is one of the few global companies of scale that proudly calls itself Australian. Proudly. That doesn’t mean wrapping yourself up in a flag on Collins Street. What it does mean is that you value your presence in Australia, you respect Australia, you value what you can give back to Australia, but you can’t do that long term unless you really understand the markets you are in and where your investors are and policy trends around the world.

“Things change. And they change quickly. I sit back from it and there are hard decisions that have to be had. You can head-fake these decisions and pretend you are making them. Or you decide on a strategy, whether you are a company, a country or a society, and you stick with it. And I think BHP Billiton, over many generations of executives and boards has been true to the long-term strategy of the company.”

Nasser has done well from his life as the ultimate company man, but not only from that. It pleases him to reveal that he has twice done very well backing son Guy’s IT start-ups. He is thrilled that two of his three daughters are also working in start-ups, in San Francisco. He agrees that he and some investment partners of long standing own two chemicals plants in the south-east of the US, where big gas has always met big industry. He has properties in Michigan, Florida, California and London, plus his apartments in New York’s Upper East Side and on Melbourne’s St Kilda Road. “I really like property as an asset class,” he says, almost apologetically.

Flash cars

Friends say Nasser is a very wealthy man. “He is in the multiple 100s of millions,” one associate advises after demanding anonymity. “But you would never know it. Outside of cars, Jac does nothing flashy. He is low key. He just really likes doing business.”

Nasser does not specify the 1960s Jaguars or Aston Martins he owns but legend says he has at least one E-type and a DB5. Friends say he doesn’t need to be on a racetrack to drive fast. “I love cars. I love driving. And to me it is a hobby,” he says. “But I like the history of cars, one of the great inventions on this planet. It gave people independence that enabled cities and nations to grow as we know them. And they are available to everyone. I love that. I like the mix of technology and design and craftsmanship and freedom that cars give you. I love the sound, the noise.”

Nasser still gets to the track a couple of times a year – Watkins Glen when he’s in New York and Sonoma when he’s staying at his Californian vineyard. He goes to the track to put his original Ford GT40 or his very own quarter-mile monster, the Shelby GT350R Mustang, through their paces. And he just loves his 1961 Lincoln Continental. It is pure Mad Men.

“It is so big it can overwhelm you. But its design is so pure and straightforward. Looked at from every angle, it is just iconic. The irony is that it didn’t sell well because people wanted bigger cars. The Cadillac was bigger. But still today you get it on the road and it is a real head-turner.”

Planning his exit?

Nasser expects to have a bit of time to turn heads in his Lincoln with his exit from the BHP boardroom. He’s been asked constantly whether there’s a new plan. There isn’t. “I want to pause for a while, do different things for a while, do smaller company things for a while, which I have done for my whole life. I am at a point where I want to do very different things, mostly with my family.”

Those smaller things have in the distant past involved owning and operating one of Melbourne’s more famous nightclubs, Silvers. What was Silvers is now the Trak Live Lounge Bar in South Yarra and it’s still in the domain of Nasser’s younger brother, Jamie.

Family sits central to the Nasser story. The geography of his post-Ford life has increasingly been shaped by the diaspora of his four children. That two daughters were living in New York at the turn of the millennium made it easy to take on the JPMorgan One Equity partnership. Now that they’re in San Francisco, Nasser will be spending more time on the west coast. But he is looking to put down roots after a life on the move. There are now six grandchildren to follow.

“America is where I want to be because my kids are here,” he says. “If one of my kids were to go back to Australia, I would go back to Australia. [But] I am not about chasing my kids around the world. I know what happens. They keep moving. And at some point, at least at my age, you have got to put down some roots.”

As for where those roots will be, time will tell.

“I wouldn’t call it for New York necessarily. We could be sitting in London and I would feel the same way. We could be sitting in Melbourne and I would be feeling that even more. We could be sitting in Sao Paulo and be feeling the same thing. There are advantages and disadvantages with that. You tend to develop different relationships. Because you are never in one town and city forever and your relationships are different. You kind of gravitate towards family, a very tight circle of close friends and your business relationships. And that is all you have time for.”