
Letters to the Editor

Climate overwhelms federal government

Illustration Ron Tandberg

Further to your spot-on editorial, the famous quote from investment guru Warren Buffet can now be amended to "if you are tied to coal, you are the problem" ("A compromise can still break through climate change policy fog", June 17-18). Translated into plain English, the federal government is the problem we have with any resolution beneficial to the country, exemplified by stupidity within the ranks and an intractable, regressive attitude to any opportunity to deliver progress. Is this really what we voted for?

Lessons for ALP

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Labor would be misguided in believing there were lessons to be learnt from the successful performance of its British counterpart ("Corbyn's success leaves ALP reflecting on way forward", June 11).

Dutton's defence demolished

SMH Letters

Congratulations to the Herald editorial for exposing Peter Dutton's dissembling defence that the $90 million Manus Island refugee settlement saved us money as just another contemptible and puerile attempt at distraction from the truth ("Secrecy is the only winner in Manus Island settlement", June 16).

New approach to radicalisation needed

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Although there is no easy answer to spotting the outliers, there are problems with the current orthodoxy of "last-minute" intervention against those who are undergoing radicalisation.

Gin and no tonic

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Attempts to downplay the risks associated with alcohol is in no one's best interests.

Time to tackle the fossil fools

SMH Letters

Malcolm Turnbull has known for years that a price on carbon is the way to tackle climate change but will have trouble convincing the fossil fools in his own party.

Lucky country? It doesn't feel that way

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

I don't think most Australians give a fig about whether Australia move(s) to the top of the league table ("The luckiest country", June 3-4). Most Australians are more worried about whether they will remain in full-time work, whether their wages are going to remain stagnant, or they will be able to rent a house let alone buy one; whether they can afford the surgery they need; and how far their standard of life is slipping.

Healthy aisle contradiction

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Isn't it ironic that one of the healthiest choices that customers can make in supermarkets these days seems to be to avoid the "healthy food aisle"? ("Raw facts: just how healthy is the health food aisle?", May 28).

Siege: the disturbing aftermath

SMH Letters

As a former employee of the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, who was there at the time of the Lindt Cafe siege, I read with interest the bail chapter in the coroner's report.