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'It's a bit rich': Gonski 2.0 passes Parliament, forcing state governments to increase school funding

Education Minister Simon Birmingham says he makes no apologies for new rules compelling state governments to significantly increase their school spending after the Turnbull government's "Gonski 2.0" passed Parliament in the early hours of Friday morning.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull hailed the package, worth $23.5 billion over a decade, as "the biggest reform in Commonwealth school funding ever".

"The funding wars should now be over," he said following a marathon parliamentary session.

Labor declared the Coalition would "rue the day" it reduced school funding by $17 billion by tearing up the existing legislation and agreements with the states.

"If the Turnbull government does not fix the unfairness in its school funding cuts at the next election, we will," Opposition Leader Bill Shorten said.

Under concessions offered to the Senate crossbench to secure a deal, states and territories will be required to fund public schools to 75 per cent of their appropriate resourcing standard in order to be guaranteed Commonwealth funding.


The federal government will fund 20 per cent of the resourcing standard for public schools and 80 per cent for non-government schools under the new model.

The NSW and Victorian governments will have to increase school funding by hundreds of millions of dollars to meet the benchmark.

In an interview with Fairfax Media on Friday, Senator Birmingham said: "It's a bit rich of states who invest less per student than others to think that the Commonwealth should be topping them up to a greater extent.

"If a state says, 'We can get the same or better educational outcomes for less' that is fine, but they should be accountable to their electorate for that rather than blaming the Commonwealth.

"In a number of states, it's clear their existing funding, together with what we are providing, is enough to get their schools to 95 per cent of their resourcing standard.

"If Western Australia and Tasmania can do that, the rest of the country clearly can."

The Victorian government currently funds its schools to 66 per cent of their appropriate standard - the lowest in the country - while NSW provides its schools with 71 per cent.

Western Australia, the ACT and Tasmania already fund their schools above the resourcing standard.

Victorian education minister James Merlino said: "The sheer arrogance that Malcolm Turnbull is showing in attempting to pass this bill without consulting the states is astounding.

"Victoria spends almost $10 billion a year on government schools while the Turnbull government only spends $7 billion on all government schools nationally."

"That's a mere 1.5 per cent of the federal budget and 20 per cent of the Victorian budget."

NSW education minister Rob Stokes said he had not been given any details of the amended package and was "obviously anxious about the effect that the passage of this legislation will have on NSW schools."

"We signed up...in good faith and with the legitimate expectation that the federal government would honour their side of the funding agreement. We are disappointed that this has not occurred," Mr Stokes said.

"The NSW Government made tough reforms to our budget, at a time when we were in deficit, in order to provide an extra $1.7 billion to make the original Gonski agreement possible."

Senator Birmingham said future federal governments could increase spending on schools, but expected them to maintain the new funding formula.

"The Labor party will look incredibly foolish if they try to unpick this or work around this in the future," he said.

"Australians will expect us to see through needs-based funding without a new raft of special deals."

Labor education spokeswoman Tanya Plibersek on Friday compared Mr Turnbull to Neville Chamberlain, the British prime minister who pursued an appeasement policy with Nazi Germany.

"I will not forget, and we will not forget, that this legislation is not fair, needs-based and not sector-blind funding," she said.

Labor would never accept legislation that says public school children are entitled to have 20 per cent of their schooling funded by the federal government while children in Catholic and private schools receive 80 per cent, she said.

The National Catholic Education Commission said it was "bitterly disappointed" the bill had passed and it was still concerned fees would have to rise in coming years.

The Independent Schools Council of Australia welcomed the new funding model, and said it treated schools around the country more fairly and consistently.

Senator Birmingham said his focus would now shift to David Gonski's review into how to improve the country's educational outcomes.