Veras5 Fat Loss Program
Welcome to Vera's 5

The no.1 motivational fat loss blog tailored to your needs!

"Hi I’m Vera, thank you for stopping by, however you got here does not matter, but what does matter to me is that I can deliver to you the inspiration and guidance you're looking for to achieve your desired body shape and happiness in your life."

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Exercise Makes Me Hungry

How to Lost Belly Fat

when I exercise I eat more and fail to lose weiThere are many reasons to avoid exercising, in the past I used them all, since becoming a lifestyle coach I’ve heard them all! The problem is the reasons are often excuses, and while we may fully believe that the reasons are valid and true, usually […]

Tattoos, Grief, Memories And My Mum


I never thought that I would get a tattoo. It wasn’t that I had anything against them, I admired them on others, I just never had a desire to get one myself. That is until my mum died February 2014. By the time tattoos got really popular mum was in her seventies, she was also […]

Permanent Fat Loss And Ultimate Lifestyle Solution!

Vera's 5

The ultimate guide to achieving permanent fat loss, improve fitness, build strength of body and mind, improve well-being and live a happier life. Instructed by Vera Baker Health & Fitness/ Nutrition/Motivation Lectures              24                                             […]

What Does Christmas Mean To You?

What does Christmas mean to you

What does Christmas mean to you? It can mean different things to different people, and I know not everyone embraces the season as full on as I do, I’m also aware that if there is sadness in your life that Christmas can elevate this. However I do believe that the winter would be very long, […]

The Inca Trail And Machu Picchu

mp 65 rrs

The Inca trail and Machu Picchu were way up there on my list for many years, therfore when Jonathan from Concern told me that Concern Challenges where organising a trip to Machu Picchu I signed up immediately. The fact that Earth’s Edge was guiding the trek sealed the deal. I have already been on two […]

Part Two-5 Habits To Boost Your Energy

how to boost energy

In Part One of How To Boost Your Energy we looked at foods that zap energy and foods that help to boost our energy levels. Food plays a big part in our overall well-being, as do our habits. The good news is that by simply adjusting a few everyday habits we can positively charge our […]

How To Boost Your Energy – 5 Foods To Boost Your Energy


At this time of year the weather changes…………..well, like the ‘weather’.  Frosty mornings melt into a snippet of summer temperatures, often followed by winter winds and rain. The ever changing weather can have a huge effect on your energy levels and that’s why it is important that you are eating foods that boost your energy. […]

How To Slow Down The Aging Process

Slow down the aging process

My right shoulder has been giving me a lot of pain for a couple of years now, although it hasn’t stopped me from doing all the stuff that I enjoy doing, so I probably ignored it for longer than I should have. Recently the pain has been keeping me awake at night, and no amount […]

How To Love Yourself More

How to love yourself more

Valentine’s weekend is looming and if there is one holiday that has the potential to make us all feel bad about ourselves, its Valentine’s.  It’s a made up holiday, commercially driven, that has hijacked our most precious gift, love, and reduced it to syrupy verses on overpriced cards, tacky teddy bears with fluffy red hearts, […]

How To Boost Your Immune System

boost your immune system

At this time of the year we could all do with knowing how to boost your immune system. This is something I have put a lot of research into and personally implemented. I’ve broken it down into two parts: Part One – Five Foods To Boost Your Immune System Avocados:   This fruit is an easy […]

What Does Christmas Mean To You?

What does Christmas mean to you

What does Christmas mean to you? It can mean different things to different people, and I know not everyone embraces the season as full on as I do, I’m also aware that if there is sadness in your life that Christmas can elevate this. However I do believe that the winter would be very long, […]

Vera’s 5 Permanent Fat Loss Program

Permanent fat loss

It’s been quite a while since I blogged on here, but with very good reason. I have been busy putting the finishing touches to Vera’s 5 Permanent Fat Loss Program, which I will launch this coming January. I’m really excited about launching my program and I want to let you know what’s coming your way […]

How To Get Back To Sleep-5 Simple Steps

get back to sleep

It happens to all of us at times, we are woken from a deep sleep, in the middle of the night for apparently no good reason. Immediately we look at the clock and think ‘I have to get back to sleep, I have a busy day tomorrow,’ or ‘I need sleep I have to be […]

How Do You Get Motivated To Exercise?

motivated to exercise

Whether I’m coaching clients or chatting to friends about being active the most common question I get asked is ‘how do you get motivated to exercise?’ People tell me they know why they should exercise and they know they will feel happy once they exercise, but this knowledge is just not enough to motivate them […]

Strength Of Body And Mind

strength of body and mind

Do you ever wonder why some people seem to have great success at whatever they put their hand to? It seems some people are good at everything they do. Success comes from inner strength, and inner strength is enhanced by outer body strength. Read on to discover simple ways for you to achieve strength of body and […]

FITNESS-Simple Steps To Achieve Fitness

Vera Mountain Walking

Do you want to get fit and lose fat, but don’t know where to start? Do you think you are too old or it’s too late or you’ve let yourself go too far? If you do think these things YOU ARE WRONG! Here are some simple steps to achieve fitness. How I Achieved Fitness Looking […]