Thought for the day 28 June 2017

Yesterday, the winged messenger Mercury linked with Jupiter. Today, he converges with fiery Mars as they both link harmoniously with dreamy Neptune. I've spoken about this cosmic effect - that the truth is running out of hiding places. Today, if we feel that there's a ploy to obfuscate or distract, we'll lose patience with vagueness. It's not that we can't see the point of exploring alternatives, or dreaming up far-fetched ideas. It's just that once we find what we're looking for, we won't want to waste any more time searching.

Do you want to be happier and more fulfilled? Do you want to look forward to a brighter future? Of course you do... and I want you to help you. That's why I'm so pleased to let you know that until the end of June, there's another chance to get a 20% Discount on a full personal horoscope. You'll be amazed by what you find out. Download yours here.


Jan 21 - Feb 19


Perhaps the people you find most challenging are those who can't be bothered. If they can't find the enthusiasm to work hard, care about others, or take much interest in their own well-being, then why should you? Worse, though, are those who can't be bothered, but who act as if they are! You're being challenged to make a decision about your commitment to someone. Working hard, with integrity, is in your nature. You don't need to get involved with someone else's fuss. Stay clear and stick to your plans. Now, if you want to be happier and more fulfilled then I want you to help you. That's why I'm so pleased to let you know that for the next 2 days there's another chance to get a 20% Discount on a full personal horoscope. You'll be amazed by what you'll find out. Download yours here.


Feb 20 - Mar 20


The world I'd like you to imagine today is one in which all your brilliant ideas don't just remain a fantasy. What if the creative aspects of your subconscious could be made real by sheer force of will? What if all it took to make a dream come true was the motivation and strength to put your ideas into place? Actually, you don't have to imagine that world. You live in it already. And, as Mercury forms a conjunction with Mars after linking with your ruler, it's time to take advantage of this phenomenon. Now, if you want to be happier and more fulfilled then I want you to help you. That's why I'm so pleased to let you know that for the next 2 days there's another chance to get a 20% Discount on a full personal horoscope. You'll be amazed by what you'll find out. Download yours here.


Mar 21 - Apr 20


Our brains are astonishing. Their ability to store information is beyond any machine. We're able to recollect sights, sounds, smells, and emotions from our past in the blink of an eye. No wonder then, that there are occasional blank spaces - when our memories fail us. But nothing's ever gone forever. Some memories are just harder to dig out of the archive. You've got a feeling that you've faced the problem you're struggling with - and solved it before. Don't worry. You're about to remember a very useful strategy. Now, if you want to be happier and more fulfilled then I want you to help you. That's why I'm so pleased to let you know that for the next 2 days there's another chance to get a 20% Discount on a full personal horoscope. You'll be amazed by what you'll find out. Download yours here.


Apr 21 - May 21


The most valuable things in life are untouchable. They can't be stolen from us. Nor can they be lost or broken. They are a part of us, and they make us who we are. They are unique and individual - which is why they're priceless. At the moment you're feeling threatened. You've forgotten your strengths. The planets are encouraging you to turn and face the situation you are so wary of. With your resilience, there's no cause for alarm. What's the point of bothering with a battle you're bound to win? Now, if you want to be happier and more fulfilled then I want you to help you. That's why I'm so pleased to let you know that for the next 2 days there's another chance to get a 20% Discount on a full personal horoscope. You'll be amazed by what you'll find out. Download yours here.


May 22 - June 22


The ancient story tells us that it was the desire for fruit from the Tree of Knowledge that caused the fall of mankind. These days, the apple would be replaced by precious stones or a state-of-the-art computer! We still want what we can't have, and spend our lives chasing the latest of whatever product is in vogue. We want 'the best'. But do we know what that is? Is it just clever marketing, with no substance? Today, try not to judge a book by its cover. No matter what you want, it's what you need that counts. Now, if you want to be happier and more fulfilled then I want you to help you. That's why I'm so pleased to let you know that for the next 2 days there's another chance to get a 20% Discount on a full personal horoscope. You'll be amazed by what you'll find out. Download yours here.


Jun 23 - Jul 23


Have you ever met someone who naturally generates an aura of excitement? When they walk into a room people take notice - and listen when they speak. Such folk draw people to them. They ooze charisma, ease, and interest. They walk as if they're comfortable in their skin. Most of us are a little envious of their confidence and magnetism. This week, it's your turn; the cosmos is energising your self-belief. Something is shifting. An infectious halo of dynamism and self-confidence can be yours. Now, if you want to be happier and more fulfilled then I want you to help you. That's why I'm so pleased to let you know that for the next 2 days there's another chance to get a 20% Discount on a full personal horoscope. You'll be amazed by what you'll find out. Download yours here.


Jul 24 - Aug 23


Neighbours. There are good ones and bad ones; absent ones, and ones we wish were absent. Some are merely acquaintances. Others become friends for life. And occasionally, we might disagree with them and become embattled over a disputed boundary. Like it or not, our lives are bound together with theirs. Just as you worry about what yours think about you, so they're worrying about what you think about them! What kind of a neighbour are you being? Be a good one today. Now, if you want to be happier and more fulfilled then I want you to help you. That's why I'm so pleased to let you know that for the next 2 days there's another chance to get a 20% Discount on a full personal horoscope. You'll be amazed by what you'll find out. Download yours here.


Aug 24 - Sep 23


We all have dreams and thoughts so outlandish, so unlikely, that we daren't even consider them. But life works in weird and wonderful ways. Whilst caution has its benefits, I'm asking you to re-evaluate a self-imposed limit that governs what is and isn't possible today. While the universe might not ever give us exactly what we want, it often finds a way to give us something that might be even better. Your ruler is linking with Mars; this is no time to be shy. Pursue your desires. Now, if you want to be happier and more fulfilled then I want you to help you. That's why I'm so pleased to let you know that for the next 2 days there's another chance to get a 20% Discount on a full personal horoscope. You'll be amazed by what you'll find out. Download yours here.


Sep 24 - Oct 23


We don't notice that we've become set in our ways. Whether it happens through convenience or habit, if you take a moment to consider, you might be surprised at how much of your life's dictated by convention. This isn't a bad thing. But it's worth noticing. Just because something is convenient doesn't mean it can't be improved. Events this week will reassure you about the value of some habits, and show you ways to gently alter others. A slight change can lead to significant improvement. Now, if you want to be happier and more fulfilled then I want you to help you. That's why I'm so pleased to let you know that for the next 2 days there's another chance to get a 20% Discount on a full personal horoscope. You'll be amazed by what you'll find out. Download yours here.


Oct 24 - Nov 22


Why do philosophers devote their lives to impossible questions? No matter how hard we think, or how clever we are, we're unlikely ever to understand the complex nature of the meaning of life, or pinpoint what makes us tick. Curiosity is a gift, a part of our nature. And, it's through the process of trying to understand our reasons and our purpose that we reach for the highest realms of human experience. You'll make the best possible choices today if you strive to be the best you can be. Now, if you want to be happier and more fulfilled then I want you to help you. That's why I'm so pleased to let you know that for the next 2 days there's another chance to get a 20% Discount on a full personal horoscope. You'll be amazed by what you'll find out. Download yours here.


Nov 23 - Dec 21


'In space, no-one can hear you scream,' was the classic line from the movie, Alien. But it's not only in space that voices become lost. Put enough people into a high-ceilinged room, talking excitedly, and there'll be a cacophony to rival any vacuum. But volume isn't our best friend when we want to make a point. It's imagery and the passions we provoke that prove persuasive. Today, no matter how loudly your internal monologue shouts, remember that intrigue, not outrage, is most effective. Now, if you want to be happier and more fulfilled then I want you to help you. That's why I'm so pleased to let you know that for the next 2 days there's another chance to get a 20% Discount on a full personal horoscope. You'll be amazed by what you'll find out. Download yours here.


Dec 22 - Jan 20


Finding fault is the easiest game in town. Just think of anyone close to you, and in no time at all, I bet you can draw up a list of their flaws, foibles and irritating habits. But the game becomes harder when we look closer to home. Recognising our own failings is a trickier proposition. Not that it's an altogether sensible exercise if we want to stay happy. Today, when someone criticises you, don't dismiss it as unnecessarily negative. It may well prove fruitful to hear what they say. Now, if you want to be happier and more fulfilled then I want you to help you. That's why I'm so pleased to let you know that for the next 2 days there's another chance to get a 20% Discount on a full personal horoscope. You'll be amazed by what you'll find out. Download yours here.