AMP Capital signs Electrolux at Crossroads

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This was published 7 years ago

AMP Capital signs Electrolux at Crossroads

By Carolyn Cummins

AMP Capital has announced appliance group Electrolux will take a 10-year lease at its $130 million Crossroads Logistics Centre, located at Casula in Sydney's south-west.

This follows the signing of WesTrac and Cosentino, who have already committed to 36,300 square metres of purpose-built facilities at the centre.

Electrolux has leased a site at AMP Capital's Crossroads industrial estate, Casula, Sydney

Electrolux has leased a site at AMP Capital's Crossroads industrial estate, Casula, Sydney

AMP Capital's managing director of office and industrial, Luke Briscoe, said the signing of Electrolux as a key customer to join Crossroads, "reinforces the development's appeal and the strength of the current industrial leasing market in Sydney".

According to Mr Briscoe, the major drivers behind Electrolux's decision to commit to the development were the strategic location of the centre and the adjacent amenities available for their 250 staff.

Electrolux has leased a site at AMP Capital's Crossroads industrial estate, Casula, Sydney

Electrolux has leased a site at AMP Capital's Crossroads industrial estate, Casula, Sydney

"We are excited about the progress of this development and we are now focused on partnering with new customers to occupy our Precinct B which is DA approved and ready to go," Mr Briscoe said.

AMP Capital will commence construction of the purpose-built facility for Electrolux in the second half of 2017, which will occupy close to 25,000 sq m of the centre. This marks the next stage of the development, which is nearing full commitment with only one precinct remaining available for lease.

Crossroads Logistics Centre is owned by investors in the AMP Capital Diversified Property Fund.

Once complete, Crossroads Logistics Centre, which is located in the growth corridor in Western Sydney, will accommodate about 80,000 sq m of warehouse and office space across three separate precincts.

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