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Pauline Hanson: Come to my classroom. My students could teach us both.

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Pauline Hanson and I have something in common – and that's a fear of difference.

That was clear yesterday when she said autistic children shouldn't be in mainstream classrooms. She made the argument that they should be in special classrooms with special funding.

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Watch as the Labor MP, who has a son with autism, responds to Pauline Hanson's suggestion autistic students should be segregated in classrooms.

She said: "If it was one of my children I would love all the time given to them to give them those opportunities — but is it at the loss of our other kids?

"It's no good saying 'We've got to allow these kids to feel good about themselves and we don't want to upset them and make them feel hurt', and I understand that.

"But we have to be realistic at times and consider the impact that is having on other children in that classroom."

I teach in what could pass for a mainstream classroom at a university. And earlier this year, I received a note from the part of the university that supports students with a disability.


The note told me that in my tutorial on citizenship and democracy, one of my students had Asperger's. I wasn't terrified of the student – but I was deeply anxious about how he would cope in a room filled with students who weren't like him.

And ten years before, in my first semester of teaching as casual, I'd had an experience where a student in a tutorial stood up and told other students, apropos of nothing, that he had high functioning autism and they could like it or lump it.

I didn't know how to respond, and neither did the other students. The spirit in the room drained away into a pool of awkwardness.

This time, with the note from the accessibility person for reference, I hit the references. Also I badgered my high school teaching daughter, whose work at an Intensive English Centre brought her into contact with young people with a much bigger range of abilities than I will ever see at a university.

Was I better prepared to meet the student with Asperger's? At least this time, I knew more about him. I was tense, anxious he was sitting by himself. His first assignment wasn't much good. Panic. Would this be my fault if he failed?

Research tells us students frequently don't act on the detailed notes we leave on their assignments (and here's a depressing study for those of us who do that kind of feedback).

Not this student. His response to my feedback on that first piece of work was incredible. He followed up everything, went to extra classes, did extra reading. His next assignment went up over 20 marks. When I marked that second assignment, I rang my marking buddy at 10pm to share the good news.

Then came my next moment of dread. How would he go in group work?

Plus the material I'd read made me even more worried. This was an assignment that required collaboration, imagination and pretty good fine motor skills.

At the end of every semester, we ask students to give a brief confidential report on how their group functioned.

And as I read the feedback, I started to cry.

He was honest. Organised. Clever. Consistently great. Always willing to help anyone out with everything.

"Working with him was a joyful experience."

Another student said he had the best grasp of the democratic process in the entire class.

Yes, not every experience is like this. Look at my first experience, where my own lack of preparation ruined those two hours of learning for the disclosing student and probably for everyone else. But let's not label all the boxes without looking at what's inside first.

I'd be happy to introduce him to Pauline Hanson any old day. And if she's not interested, he'll be my teaching buddy next year. He's promised to provide advice for students who need help.


Jenna Price is a Fairfax columnist and an academic at the University of Technology Sydney.