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League of Legends: OPL split 1, week 7 recap

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Revenge stories are always lots of fun. From Tarantino's Kill Bill to the real-life story of the forty-seven rōnin, nothing gets the blood pumping like some good old vengeance against an old friend. So when Sybol and ry0ma couldn't manage to topple their old teams, I was understandably disappointed. But, hey, worst case scenario: they have really good seasons even if they don't win. Just look at Russell Westbrook.

Play of the Week

The great Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu once said that "victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win." He also once executed two concubines to prove a point, but that's neither here nor there. The point is that it's best to pick fights that you know you can win, and this was on full display in this scrap at Baron between Chiefs and Sin.

Chiefs started Baron off the back of two isolated kills, putting Sin in an uncomfortable 3v5 situation. But as Victor "FBI" Huang caught out Simon "Swiffer" Papamarkos and put him within a millimetre of death, Sin realised that they had the makings of a game-winning team fight in front of them.

Collapsing into the pit like middle-aged mums at an Adele concert, Sin's victorious warriors systematically took out Chiefs and stole the Baron. Check out Tommy "ry0ma" Le's Flash Shockwave onto Quin "Raes" Korebrits – it's a prime example of why you don't get aggressive on an Orianna who's holding her ball.

Sin Gaming v Chiefs Esports Club

Result: 2-1 Chiefs Esports Club


A back-and-forth, chaotic early game saw both teams gingerly tiptoe around Baron, but it all felt apart for Sin 26 minutes in as a botched engage saw Swiffer nab a sudden triple kill, finishing the game 11/0/11 on Jayce.

Early kills saw Sin take a small lead early on, which would only continue to grow as they continued to find favourable fights. As Chiefs threatened to launch a comeback near Baron, Sin answered with our Play of the Week, picking up four kills and following up with the Nexus shortly after.

But in the end, Chiefs showed that they weren't willing to go the way of Legacy in dropping a set to Sin. Swiffer picked Zed and was incredibly active in the midgame despite some early resistance by ry0ma. In the end, his lane pressure gave Chiefs the opening they needed to take the match.

Exile 5 v Abyss Esports

Result: 2-1 Abyss Esports​


The two lowest ranked teams in the OPL faced off with both teams looking for a crucial win. Exile 5 managed to pick up their first map of the split in Game 1, where Eldin "Guts" Skenderovic had a true carry jungle performance on Graves, finishing 9/0/4 after picking up x5's first four kills.

Daniel "FivetoEight" Hicks brought out Kled in Game 2, creating some nice opportunities for his team and bringing x5 close to victory with an inhibitor at 26 minutes. Exile 5, however, were not content to let Chiefs hog the Baron throw glory, getting caught in the pit and having the match snatched away before their eyes.

It was a longer game, but Abyss showed their superior synergy in Game 3 as they were able to outmanoeuvre x5 around objectives in a fairly bloodless game. Guts and FivetoEight showed up early, but the carry duo of Leon "Frae" Lee and Julian "Raid" Skordos were too good to lose.

Legacy Esports v Tainted Minds

Result: 2-0 Legacy Esports​


Legacy fielded a familiar face this week in Aaron "ChuChuZ" Bland, subbing in the mid lane for a chance to take out his frustrations on Tainted Minds. He showed up in big in Game 1 after dying early in lane, but credit has to go to Lawrence "Lost" Hui for going deathless against a carry-unfriendly comp.

Game 2 was League of Legends perfection on the part of Legacy as they won in just 20 minutes without dropping a single tower or death. It was the single most dominant game of the split, and that's an achievement I don't see Legacy dropping for the rest of the season.

Dire Wolves v Avant Garde

Result: 2-0 Dire Wolves


The highly anticipated battle between third and fourth got off to an anticlimactic start as Richard "Phantiks" Su put Avant in the grindhouse, picking up single kills here and there to stop them from advancing their gamestate. Dominance from the Wolves bot lane put Avant deeper in a hole as they couldn't claim a single objective in Game 1.

Stephen "Triple" Li brought out the Katarina in Game 2, and while Avant went down early, they were able to turn for four kills and a Baron 28 minutes in. Still, the Wolves had a strong buffer behind them, and were able to close out the win despite their slip-up.

The Oceanic Pro League continues this Saturday from 3pm AEST as Dire Wolve take on Tainted Minds. Watch live at