
Dan Webb 1924-2017

One of the first faces of TV news had a stellar career

The Melbourne Olympics in 1956 were a chance for radio man Dan Webb to join the early days of television news - and he never looked back.

Christened Thomas Denys Bernard, Dan Webb was born in England into a family of adventurers and entrepreneurs. His mother's family started Liberty of London and Floris perfumery and his father had a number of theatrical performers in his lineage. His father Harold was a very strict Victorian doctor whose brothers elected that he should be the one to marry and continue the family name.

Dan was the second of three boys in a family of four. His beloved elder brother John died at the age of 14 from a throat infection. Dan, now the eldest son in front of sister Mary and brother Edward, had to deal with a heartbroken father who had become sad and bitter as he knew of the discovery of penicillin, yet was unable to obtain it to save his son.

Dan never saw his father again once he left home at 18 to join the RAF at the start of World War II. He volunteered to join a colonial squadron with Aussie skipper Bruno, Canadian navigator Stevie and Pommy gunner Rags Bamfield. Dan was the wireless operator.

It was war, but he loved the mateship and the chance to experience the exotic lands of Burma and India. As he got older he spoke of horror stories of inhumanity towards man, but he was able to accept this and always find something positive. His crew evacuated Changi prison camp.

When he was released from the air force, Dan chose to emigrate to Australia as his skipper Bruno had painted an amazing picture of the country that had welcomed his own migrant parents.

Dan first went to work for Radio Australia in Darwin. He moved to Melbourne and joined 3DB, and as "Daybreak Dan" hosted the breakfast session for many years. He often spoke of meeting Jack Austin, who took him to just about every Victorian country town so he could know who his audience was and what country living was really like.


Dan married Kathleen May Robinson in 1951 and moved out to the wilds of North Balwyn (then mud roads, no public transport and a camel as their next door neighbour). He often recounted how his turntable boy, Ernie Sigley, would arrive at 4am by taxi to pick him up. Kate would rise early as well, especially to make sandwiches for them.

Dan loved his days at 3DB and in his last few years reminisced about Zoe Worral, Geoff McComas, Maurie Callard, Dick Cranbourne and Eric Pearce.

In 1956, when television started in Australia, Dan and Eric Pearce were part of Channel 7's opening programs. He loved recounting tales of the excitement of racing with huge cameras from the MCG track events to the evening swimming events at the Melbourne Olympic Games. They just worked day and night until the games were over – no overtime, no days off.

When Dan moved to the news department, he often spoke of the exciting times he shared with his cameramen. Dan and Gordon Bennet were the first crew at the site of the West Gate Bridge disaster for an on-the-spot report, and he was the first "ecological warrior" on TV with his Cowderoy Street drain stories. He witnessed many amazing news stories and would often reminisce about the incredible life he led working for 7 News.

Famously, Dan will be remembered for producing Australia's first television April Fool's Day gag, the "Spaghetti Worm" – to this day it produced the most viewer mail enquiries. HSV7's John Maher made Dan and his co-accused respond individually to the thousands of letters they received.

He was passionate about helping the Children's Hospital. He had known and greatly respected Sir Keith Murdoch and Dame Elisabeth Murdoch, who would call on Dan to help her out at various fundraising functions. As the years went on he was particularly impressed with Appeal organisers Christine Unsworth and Emoke Bakacs.  Dan attended his last Appeal in 2016.

He witnessed many amazing news stories and would often reminisce about the incredible life he led

In 1977, Dan was awarded the Order of Australia (AM), which to him was one of the proudest moments of his life… that his beloved adopted country awarded him for a job he loved doing.

Dan had mixed emotions about retiring from television – the style of journalism was changing and it didn't sit well with his honest and truthful nature. Retirement opened up new opportunities for him.

Writing was Dan's new career for the last 27 years of his post-retirement. In his spare time, he became a published author. Years of holidaying at Tatra Inn on Mount Buffalo with Ollie and Betsy Polasek ignited his passion to tell the story of the Mount Buffalo plateau and the historic Chalet. This became all-consuming once he met up with a retired Mount Buffalo National Park ranger, Bob Adams. They formed a partnership in 1992 and wrote Mt Buffalo Story 1898-1998 – a composite history of the mountain, and followed up with Mountain Man (2012) – the biography of Mount Buffalo guide Bill Marriott, who spent 50 years telling visitors of the mystical fascination of the iconic mountain.

Following the closure of the historic Mount Buffalo Chalet in 2006, Dan and Bob became active political agitators, and they were still discussing strategies to restore and re-open the chalet only a week before he died. Dan Webb often described Mount Buffalo as his "nearest place to heaven".

Dan and Kate created a dynasty and he is survived by daughter Liz, sons Peter and Tim, four grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

* Written by the Webb family and Bob Adams.