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Perth builder fails in attempt to sue businessman for 'stealing home design'

A high-end Perth home builder has failed in its attempt to sue a Perth businessman it claimed had ripped off one of its designs to build a $1.7 million house in Bicton.

Venezuela Pty Ltd - trading as Craig Sheiles Homes and specialising in building one-off high-end residences - said Allrid Pest Management owner, Ian Bright, engaged the company in 2009 to develop design concepts and house drawings based on a house he had seen and liked in Queensland.  

However, shortly after the plans were prepared for council approval, and still legally the property of Craig Sheiles Homes, Mr Bright and the builder parted ways, allegedly over a disagreement to do with heated bathroom floor tiles.

Mr Bright forfeited the $25,000 he had already paid to the company. 

Soon after, he engaged another builder, Ross Griffin Homes, to design a house for him, which cost more than the original contract.

Craig Sheiles Homes argued Mr Bright had either directly given the plans to the new builder and authorised them to copy them or he had steered the company's designer step-by-step to substantially reproduce them.


Mr Bright denied he authorised Ross Griffin Homes to copy the plans or that he infringed upon any copyright.

To prove its case, Craig Sheiles Homes had to show a sufficient degree of objective similarity between the two works and a causal connection between the two designs.

In both designs the house is three-storey and has a similar lay-out but there were some differences in scaling, floor levels and views of the Swan River from inside the home.

Perth District Court Judge Troy Sweeney, in June, found Mr Bright had based his home design around the Queensland house he had seen in 2009 and dismissed the copyright claim.

"The line between underlying design concepts and functional considerations, and original design which is protected by copyright, is not always obvious, and the defendant was in the position that he wanted certain features in his house, and he still wanted them even though he was no longer willing to deal with the plaintiff," she said.

"The defendant made no financial profit in any alleged infringement of copyright. What motivated him could only have been a desire to have the house he wanted.

"There was no profit to be made, and indeed he built a more expensive house."

Judge Sweeney claimed in her judgement, Craig Sheiles Homes had failed to prove Mr Bright copied their design.

"I am satisfied that the Ross Griffin home was the product of [Ross Griffin Homes'] own independent effort, and not a copy," she said. 

"Much of this case turns upon issues of credibility and I find both the defendant and [the Ross Griffin Homes designer] to have been both honest and reliable in their recall of the essential facts.

"That assessment is informed by the objective evidence before the court, particularly... concept drawings and the images of the Mermaid Beach [Queensland] house."

Judge Sweeney said if the plaintiff had succeeded, she would have only awarded $1,000 in damages.