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Bring all your hardware, software and other troubles here.

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`while :; do test $(date | cut -d' ' -f4 | cut -d: -f1) -eq 06 && test $(date | cut -d' ' -f4 | cut -d: -f2) -eq 30 && beep -l 1 -r 8; sleep 1; done`

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Looking to buy something but aren't sure what to get? Ask here.

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I need a new laptop for 400$. I had a thinkpad e545 that I enjoyed but it fell apart from my rock and roll lifestyle. Is going with another thinkpad a good idea or would I be committing any obvious mistakes?


Why aren't you using a white nationalist OS?

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some fixed idea you value above your own self interest. Nationalism calls for you to serve and protect 'the nation' to the opint of even being willing to die for it. The ethnonationalist arguments get even spookier, arbitrarialy placing 'propegation of ones genetics' AS ones "self interest," framing evolution as some spiritual master to be served and upheld. serve your haplotypes, not yourself as an individual.

Im not actually of the opinion thats why nationalism is incorrect but it is a spook in exactly that sense.


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>some fixed idea you value above your own self interest.

Stirners self-interests are not the same as anyone elses, and he doesn't consider the fact ones definition of self-interest can change and vary. Humans are naturally selfish creatures naturally regardless, and this is a problem for the interests of humanity at large. Classical Liberalism tells us law is necessary to protect self-interest.

>Nationalism calls for you to serve and protect 'the nation' to the [point] of even being willing to die for it.

Wrong, Nationalism is not necessarily the same as Statism or State Worship. The most successful forms of Nationalism come from the peoples voluntary willingness to uphold a Nations values for the good of their people. It comes from the ideas that upholding the idea of a "Nation" is necessary to uphold the values required to allow people the right to self-determination to begin with.

>The ethnonationalist arguments get even spookier, arbitrarialy placing 'propegation of ones genetics' AS ones "self interest," framing evolution as some spiritual master to be served and upheld. serve your haplotypes, not yourself as an individual.

Genetics are a very real thing. You can be a race realist WITHOUT being idpol by accepting the fact, proven by science, that genetics have a significant effect on behavior and intelligence on different breeds of the same species and that humans are not an exception to this rule WITHOUT being prejudice to a race other than your own and instead judging them for their actions. It is necessary to except our genetic differences if we ever want to advance as a species. Too bad political correctness is keeping us from properly being able to do this



>the good of their people

>their people

and theres the spook.

that last bit is nonsequiter, but obligatory videos whenever someone brings that up



please sage offtopic replie to a shitpost thread, also.



and it's faster than anything you'll ever use.



>serve your haplotypes, not yourself as an individual.

Humans are programmed to do that already.


>their people

>there's the spook

>not understanding the concept of human breeds

IQ -1000


I'm at a Stallman speak, it's question time, tell me something interesting to ask

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Cry more, commies



severely underrated question imo


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and you're too stupid to notice how slow this board is



Linus talked about this in a documentary (I think it was revolution os on youtube).

it'd exist but it wouldn't be known.

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Why are emojis even allowed to be in the Unicode standard?

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Kill yourself fag


File: 68fe1f534ad7811⋯.gif (95.86 KB, 575x574, 575:574, jerkcity6657.gif)

There's a Jerkcity for every occasion.



>Why are emojis even allowed to be in the Unicode standard?





but then why are these in Unicode?

communist red star ★

hammer and sicle ☭

islam star and crescent ☪

These are literally used for nothing other than to be in the heading paragraph on Wikipedia about such symbolism

Answer: Unicode is a corporation and needs to come up with stuff to "innovate". Same with anything to do with X.509 and DNS, e.g TLDs, gTLDs, ccTLDs.


this too


well i at least agree that glyphs should be one color only


>hysteria about the streets not being safe

you could not be any more of a normalfag



>communist red star ★

actually, this one is just a black star, and I don't think it even has to have 5 points.

>islam star and crescent ☪

and this one may just be a generic star/crescent instead of intent to be the islam one, but still the hammer/sicle example is correct

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Tech podcast thread, give me some

Almost every tech podcast I have listened to has been shit. They are only talk about consumer electronics or blab on about boring political topics that fucking everyone is talking about and parrot exactly what everyone else is saying. Also 90% of them know nothing about computers other than they installed ubuntu on their laptop.

https://risky.biz/ is the only one I recently listen to, they focus purely on security and at least seem to know their shit.

Suggest me some.

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Presumably because Windows Users and Applications need securing much more than Linux Applications(which are usually open-source). Steam is a great example, it's a complete shitshow defective by design.


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>Presumably because Windows Users and Applications need securing

See >>756531.




Risky Business is pretty okay, if you can filter out the bluepilled elements.

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These are just the highlights:

>There's a revolution under way — and a woman called Tabitha Goldstaub is on a mission to make sure not only that London takes the lead but that women are given an equal role in it. Goldstaub, aged 31, is the co-founder of CognitionX, which aims to bring clarity to the fast-paced world of artificial intelligence (AI).

>“If you train AI based on racist, sexist information, you can’t be surprised that it becomes racist and sexist.” She cites the example of the chatbot Tay, which was trained on Twitter and in less than 24 hours was making offensive remarks.

>Goldstaub, who is “painfully dyslexic and can’t code” came across AI when she was running a video distribution company called Rightster.

>“We didn’t think about equality and legislation in other tech revolutions but now is the time. The stakes are higher. AI can change the world for the better and the more women we get in the more potential we have for good rather than negativity.”

>“I sign my daily newsletter ‘Tabitha until the bots take over’ because my job is the easiest to automate in the company."

But seriously: this is a woman who can't code and she is pushing for 'ethics boards' and regulations on AIs. What happens then if I want to play around with gneural-network? Will I have to register my hobby with the government because some busybody doesn't like what happened to Tay? Discuss AI, ethics and to what extent this field of computer science is already polluted beyond redemption.

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this whole person is shit, filters can't fix it


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Isn't it a bit of a stretch to call Tay and the likes AIs?

They're just neural networks looking for patterns to replicate, there isn't even any cognition yet.


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It's morenthan a bit of a stretch, it's full blown retarded. It looks like they didn't even consider the question, just thought what they had was convincing enough for normalfags to believe it was AI, so the scheckels would flow.

When this shit started, people who were total jerkoffs mentioned it was bullshit but it went of anyway, and now it's stuck and seems like nothing can be done about it.

Like everything in the current year, it's just a lie. You pass for something else for a given period of time, people get tired of discussing with autism and just let it go. And any sense of meaning to things just go to shit.

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I just wanted a GPU with freesync to go with my pleb monitor.

Now I'm glued to amazon like a filthy beggar hoping something etched in the last 5 years shows up in the open box section for 30% over the RRP.

And now ASRock announces the abortion in pic related.


CryptoShecklers need to go and stay go.

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Why are you archiving a page for a product?

Are the jews going to take you out for sharing a product page with us?



you anti-privacy shills really need to kill yourselves


/tech/ gets flooded by a subhuman american and you retards dogpile on all the bumped threads to keep it going, thanks



Every game that uses Autodesk's Scaleform is burdened by it. We were using it for a title that was released in the 2015, and I fixed so many bugs and memory leaks that got sent back upstream. Can't believe console and mobile titles use it. It's utter garbage.



Here's what I see when I read the product page:

>(((Advanced))), (((cross-platform))) (((game UI))) solution

>Scaleform(((®))) (((middleware))) provides a (((design-driven))) (((workflow))) for creating (((powerful and immersive))) user interface (((UI))) (((environments))) for PCs, (((game consoles)))[because implying post 90's console], (((mobile))) devices, and (((consumer electronics))).

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why can't we live in a world where windows is approved by /tech/?

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Windows is corrupted by design you stupid cattle. How about you fuckoff to >>>/g/ instead.


We already do.



Because the Windows of our world took a bad path. Had Gates made moral decisions, maybe Windows wouldn't have been bad. The Gates of our world is corrupt though, and therefor so is Windows, and thus unapprovable by /tech/



I don't get why we can't use permissive licensed software. Just don't use any of the proprietary forks of the software. Also you can fork a BSD/MIT/ISC licensed program and license it under the GPL.



Yeah, but what happens after the first sale huh? What's stopping your work being stolen? Yeah it's not technically stolen but we all know that it's stolen. Someone will go and make it free and take all your money.

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Linux still vulnerable to attacks that have been mitigated in Windows since XP.


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I fell for the meme of Rust safety a while back, because so many people like you were parroting this theoretical notion as truth. I didn't have that much experience with the language, but I was pretty determined to make an idea work, and actually learned a lot about it in a short amount of time, given my experience with deep abstraction.

So I started writing a kernel, in pure Rust. Things were smooth for a while, and I was getting benchmarks honestly beyond belief, just in the first sketches. The first time something went wrong, I just googled the problem, and there were so many resources about that in reddit that I fixed it over a night, with the help of the community. Unfortunately, that wasn't the end of it. Next day, as I was checking some compatibility variables in the compiler, bugs suddenly showed up everywhere. Each attempt I tried to do to fix them literally multipled the problems, over and over again, This was pure darkness, I tell you.

I looked for the problem everywhere I could, it was not running in a coherent enviroment, so I started looking outside the box. I sent my samples to twenty tree and me, waited patiently for an answer, and when it came it was only pure disillurion. There was no levantine trace in my dna. I thought about this for a while, but honestly, engaging in same sex relationships with random strangers was not something I could so, I could get along with the taste and smell I guess, but the almost 100% incidence of fatal diseases in that demographic scared the hell out of me.

So I just had to live with the fact that programming in Rust was beyond my capacity, and accept the huge failure as a learning experience. Hope you have better luck!



This was meant to reply to




>oh you mean that shit that got patched the day it was found? your article is 3 days old nigger

It only took over a decade. And it's still not fully mitigated.



Linux is broken by design. This attack has been "mitigated" since before UNIX existed. The OSes UNIX copied mmap from didn't have this problem in the first place.



even if Windows has a proper way to manage the stack in C/C++, it doesn't matter since Windows and Linux are both ultrafucked in terms of stack smashing


well this shit is just full retard, and can be solved even without Rust, and Rust's current implementation could still have this problem

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Have you ever thought about websites that are in different languages and how they have different cultures and norms compared to the English websites?

Since English is the most popular language on the Internet we are constantly bombarded by corporate advertising, search engine manipulation, through copy right take downs, and other practices that reduce our freedom to regulate what content we see.

Now take for example the Russian Internet and the forces that drive Internet websites in the country. Since Russia is a poor country and the inhabitants are not drawn into consumerism as they are in the U.S advertising is not as prevalent. You end up with less money being pushed through advertising unlike in the U.S. Copy right holders care less about Russian websites as they are not the main source of income.

websites such as youtube cannot exist in Russia due to the low advertising income and lack of corporate investment making it impossible to sustain.

Since we established that the people of Russia are poor: The children in those countries tend to play video games that are low resolution, f2p mmo rpgs and other time wasters.

From my understanding, a lot of Russians still play warcraft 3 and dota all day.

Private servers for games such as WoW are left alone as its difficult to prosecute copy right infringement in Russia.

Hacking sites are left alone in Russia, allowing for hacking groups to spread, compare this to the U.S hacking community where a game hacking website(Cheat engine) was taken down for hosting hacks for offline video games.

Torrent sites are also left alone.

Since the Russians are used to being under communism they expect political speech to be silenced.

Due to this Russians are more likely to use VPN services unlike their U.S counter parts.

Russians are much more paranoid about spying from the government but they are also more accepting of it.

The politicians in Russia regularly silence political speech on the IntPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Kind of sounds like 4chan, at least in concept. What makes it different?

Is the culture not so incredibly shit?



Humans have free speech but there are consequences to free speech. You can't speak your mind and then complain that people are offended by your speech. Our modern governments exist so that the citizens can have an input into the governance of the land. The citizens of the land have decided that CP is not a form of speech that will be tolerated.

If you feel that you want to live in a society of anarchy, then that's your choice but don't complain when the wealthiest or bloodiest landowner decides your speech is worthy of your execution.



um. It doesn't become anarchy if people are allowed to say "nigger" or post CP. In fact there are almost no consequences to anything which you can talk about, which is the whole point im trying to make. The whole point in police is to stop people from abusing each other physically.

>Humans have free speech but there are consequences to free speech

This is first and foremost a phrase used by tyrants equivalent to "for your security", and otherwise just a meme used among retards discussing politics.

CP is only a regulatory law by the way. Viewing or sharing CP is not the problem in itself. The idea is that if CP is illegal, it will be less likely for a child to be raped/killed, because there's less market for it. I'm pretty sure in US and such contries it's unconstitutional to even argue that you should be punished for being a pedo in and of itself. Of course lots of people support the regulatory law because they think it's for hanging pedos, or others may use it as a thin viel to hide this fact.



>de facto government


pick 1


I found this dank shit in USSR, check out this snapshot that was taken before the soviet union was dissolved:


File: 33b34beb9f0f7a1⋯.jpeg (191.18 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, dontworrytheysay.jpeg)


How do I enable the out of memory killer on Linux? Even with no swap the whole system freezes when I run out of memory and I end up having to reboot. I'd rather the system killed a few processes instead of me having to kill everything with a reboot. Running Arch, no custom kernel but can compile it if necessary.

inb4 just buy more ram: that doesn't help if I accidentally mess up memory allocation when coding.

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When I have no swap, my system freezes. When I have swap, linux kills something and my computer doesn't freeze. So swap is important in my experience.


Did you execute swapon?


sysctl -w vm.overcommit_memory=2


>Even with no swap the whole system freezes when I run out of memory and I end up having to reboot.

Sounds like it's enabled and doing its job then.

>if I accidentally mess up memory allocation when coding.

>implying half the linshit desktop programs don't already do this


Linux is broken by design.

File: 1f3d9807d83aa91⋯.jpg (377.13 KB, 1867x1076, 1867:1076, POO.jpg)


>look up 8chan's source code in hopes of figuring out why auto-update lags the browser on long threads

>find the appropriate JS

>something seems wrong, how come the request is sent to the same URL you're at with no extra information?

>see something akin to jqueer.find('reply')

>it finally dawns on me what's happening

When 8chan threads auto-update, they load the entire page

the entire page again as HTML, rip out the posts from the HTML string using pajeetquery, and then appends them onto the thread.

This happens every time the thread updater reaches 0.

I can't take it anymore, I need 8chan to burn to the ground so this piece of shit software can be replaced with literally anything else.

What can we do besides wait for a slow replacement of bits and pieces over the next decade? I'd go on an autistic rewriting rampage but I don't know anything about backend development.

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Look at your browser console. All the images that are requested seem to be thumbnails, so I doubt it.



I don't know if they use SSE, websockets, or something else. But I imagine this does it efficiently.





Basically, what OP said is true, auto-update fetches and parses the entire page. The initial parsing takes a hundred ms or so depending on the thread.

Then for each new reply added it triggers a 'new_post' event, which calls the functions highlighted in images 3 and 4. The function in image 3 consumes the majority of the cpu time (about 400ms per reply). I'm not sure exactly what it's doing, but that is some of the ugliest abuse of jquery I have ever seen.




There's also frequent ajax requests to threads.json even when you disable every auto-update thing in the options. What a clusterfuck

File: 4ef3e52b06fc0aa⋯.png (247.96 KB, 923x623, 923:623, Untitled.png)


It's time to stop.

By Brian Fagioli

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kek is literal /pol/-tier garbage



Then who am I checking for?





it's the deadest /tech/ meme tbh

the first thread when people found him like a year or two ago was kinda funny but since then it's as bad as doge. everyone just shits up the board, spamming "by brian fagioli" threads. the mods really should've done something by now.



Most of the fagioli sliding threads are posted by prepubescent /pol/cucks. The simple answer is exodus to nextchan, they won't follow there because their roach overlord isn't there to shield them.

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