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Discuss and Develop Porn Games


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File: 59aa5be57ea3af0⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, GF amnesia.png)


Can we talk about My Girlfriend's Amnesia? Great concept, sex in the first day, graphics aren't cancerous.


27 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.




Is there any evidence to back up this cucking claim at all, or is it all in these anons heads?

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say it is something you guys have come up with because you want it to be there.



on the second day you go to the hospital with the GF where she gets drugged and molested. Unless your erotic fantasies involve some other dudes getting their hands on your girl, then you won't enjoy this game.

Maybe the situation is remedied later on, but the game wasn't that pleasant in the first place, so I didn't go on.



>on your girl

It's just a 3D model, you retard.



That's fine, I know autistic people have problems with the concept of fantasy, so let me spell it out for you:

This is a fantasy, in a fantasy you are the guy and so the girl is your girl. Therefore unless you get hard on the thought of someone molesting your girl, you won't enjoy this fantasy.



>Sometimes I forget to use the bathroom which is why my parents are getting me some diapers.

I don't know if you're too dumb to understand this but, this game is meant to be looked on a first person kind of way, the scenes are in first person, you never see what the MC looks like and you can make game decisions.

Of course you can still be mentally retarded and look as a third party and then deny that you're secretly a cuck, but you do you.

And yes, no one here really thinks that the 3D model girl is their girlfriend, we're not Otakus, we're perverts.

File: 7b40b19e0b86773⋯.png (764.66 KB, 1000x762, 500:381, Superpowered.png)


It's really odd that the only thread about this game is 404'd on this board.

Has anyone been paying attention to it or should we just let this one die?

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kys what? because it still not working..


I haven't played since like 0.12, are there any real scenes in this game yet? I'm not talking about pictures but actual dialogue and the like.

From what I remember most scenes were just:

"You did X. Y liked/disliked that. + / - Z stat."

Even the sex scenes were pretty much just:

"Your mom sucked your dick."


File: 74d5c5ed80c1569⋯.png (493.72 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, scene3_10.png)


In superpowered folder you have "game" folder. It ain't rocket science, really. It works.


Only instable scenes are worth something yet. If you make girl insane and corrupt enough you will have some decent scenes. You should enable console, command are somwhere here or on F95.

Still shit, but better than 95% games here.



Still nothing..



Put *.rpy file into folder, not fuckin' folder, you degenerate moron.

File: 1442283692601.jpg (47.18 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Female1.jpg)


Games to pass the time



A game that corrupts the school around you with random events that happen as you progress

One of my favorite games even due to the stolen art assets, the creators are kind of cucks so no lolis because someone complained

current build is 1.05


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The only reason I can think of for lying about their ages /self-censoring the content is to get patreon bucks but its not on patreon so I dont know what gives.



I guess it's because, when your forums are hosted somewhere where it's illegal, they can take you down (but somehow still let them upload shit as long as it's not in the opfficial release?)


The biggest event pack is here, although lots of those have already been added to the official release (albeit, with any loli pics removed if they had them)




>you can change the lowest age pretty quickly

Last I knew, it was hardcoded so that lowering the ages set everyone (even adults) to be 16 years old.



No anon, nothing about this game is 'hardcoded', everything is simply included in the default scenario. What you need to change is the config file:


Line 6 is the minimum age rule.

Line 230 is the minimum age for students.

Change both of these and either save as is or rename the save to something different. Personally I set the students to be 6-15, similar to Japanese primary through junior high.



>nothing about this game is 'hardcoded'

Well, that's just patently false. The game is compiled and not open-source, so many parts of it are 'hardcoded' and there's nothing we could do about it.

File: 7ef32b367cddd4b⋯.jpg (175.74 KB, 1184x666, 16:9, The-Gift-Reloaded.jpg)


You are an ordinary guy, living at home with your mother and sister, struggling to live your life. But one day, by a lucky twist of fate, you find a mind control drug that will drastically change your life! From now on you are able to influence the minds of everyone around you and you will use this ability to make your nastiest fantasies come true!


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oh fuck

>not paying attention

i"ll just continue to lurk and keep my mouth shut




It's alright mate, made me laugh at least



Stop being courteous. It's not normal and it's freaking me out.



>*tips fedora*



That ain't no fedora, that's a fucking trilby ya fuckin neckbeard!

File: 50448f088609a45⋯.png (704.43 KB, 1000x720, 25:18, 1475543311085.png)


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fmoney = *

is for fire nation.


File: 259bffa2b5bbf49⋯.jpg (9.74 KB, 204x247, 204:247, images.jpg)


>reject Mai at every turn

>the game shoves her down my throat anyway

>just so in the end, over her sleeping body, I can fuck the sister

>but not even in the pussy


File: eccecec350939a9⋯.jpg (87.72 KB, 650x650, 1:1, aXm5292xjU.jpg)





>Sleepy Ty Lee scene (7 new art files)

Fuck this. Just played it.

Need more Ty Lee.


I think mine is bugged. after i found the false memory i cant exit.

File: 94402504455148f⋯.jpg (386 KB, 1233x800, 1233:800, Fotos1.jpg)


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File: c73b4b6341d5904⋯.png (197.66 KB, 832x652, 208:163, 2017-07-02_15-09-34.png)

nobody said to me there will be NTR even if thats your dad.



I'm glad this pos doesn't run on my computer.


Sarah is best girl.


What food should i give to beggar at Rachel's house?



>Nobody said to me there will be NTR even if that's your dad



File: 43142def347c8fb⋯.png (830.37 KB, 1022x768, 511:384, 4c9f559a476903bcdbccac4b68….png)


Alien Probing Edition:

Something Unlimited

Sunset Rider 7 -


A trainer game where you take the role of Lex Luthor and capture various heroines from the DC universe

Game is currently in alpha


Old thread: https://8ch.net/htg/res/2.html

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File: acc3157d5199c4c⋯.jpg (49.64 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, a54zr123az7489qsfd456489az….jpg)


>Miss Martian and Raven



To be fair, he did gave her multiples cookies before explaining to her how addictive it is for martians peoples.

So by the point he explained it to her, she was already addicted.

And knowing the fact that this is addictive to her, probably make her even mentaly weaker since she know she's doing something wrong, but still can't stop herself from it.

So yeah, i think telling her AFTER she got addicted to it, is actually a pretty smart idea to corrupt her.

Like she know she's just getting herself even more addicted, but she can't stop herself, and the more she take, the more addicted she get, and the more she submit



>Who's your best girl/s?

Lex is my brofu, no homo



I want more of Starfire, given how she's acting more like a willing pet than a slave, in that vein more of Blackfire too. Like where it's going, with Lex promising to let Blackfire mess with Starfire. Similar to Chesire messing with Artemis, which I enjoyed in the recent update.

Hell, maybe get Miss Martian, Cheshire and Artemis to interact with each other, beyond just Cheshire and Artemis.

Wanna get Wonder Woman as a cell character. More of Raven as I enjoy her relationship with Tala and how they're training her.

In general, just continue with a lot of characters. Left Mercy, Harley, Lois, Tala, Roulette naked with blowjobs being the last bit of content for them and Raven, Batgirl, Galatea, Cheshire naked with the last bit of content being dancing. Sucks we've had these characters that have just been dead for months, with the exception of Cheshire this recent update, especially because they're the most we've unlocked and invested our time into.


i want some more harley, mercy, and galatea scenes.

it'd be great if the former two could do some sort of competitive threesome with Lex, with them attempting to please him better than the other.

File: ed021417cf88cc8⋯.jpg (57.77 KB, 1920x480, 4:1, XrA3ZuyK4qFw7USb9zH0BA5VE8….jpg)


Does anyone have the 0.2 build for "big brother"?

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sandlustgames

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From f95zone: mega/#!pzpW1SKB!5JmjzR54JcEDZEdqxJOVydhjJDy3tI-tOM0KJV1f5Wc



wow nice ! thank you Anon




i was hoping for some new alice and her friend stuff but doesn't look like there is.



hehe this one is the pics pack, here is the f95zone game mega:#!56IxgZxI!P_Z5L-THKzOqbYsGjJk8n-00F5fgOttL3CSurn_YUdk



>Do people just self-insert too hard


This is an imaginary situation with fictional characters. Still they get all triggered if another fictional character put his penis before the player character inside one of the girls. Or one of the girls is involved in sex scenes with someone that is not the player character.

This is japanese level of obsession. I wonder if they are the same kind of hikkikomori that trash their anime collection when their favorite voice actress get a boyfriend.

I had not even befriended Eric in my gameplay. But having an enemy to defeat actually was a fun thing for me.

The problem is that people have no patience, Eric's sex scene have been the earliest to be added, and still max could not do much. And so they got paranoid about this game being all about watching eric fuck everyone. It was easily predictable that Max would have got the most of the fucking as the developement would advance. But this cuckoldry stuff became such a paranoia that even threesomes with 2 girls are seen as cuckoldry.

File: 590e886a4a98da5⋯.jpg (241.54 KB, 803x477, 803:477, cover_patreon_2016_c_by_ma….jpg)


Patreon https://www.patreon.com/sissymaker

About this game:

Sissy Maker is an adult point-and-click adventure game. It's a mix of erotic interactive novel and dating sim. You play as, James, a young landlord and his only tenant, Chris. Your objective of the game is to help Chris achieve his dream of becoming a full-fledged transsexual woman (and settle a sizable rental debt at the same time).

Sissy Maker offers an engaging storyline and a colorful cast of characters to provide a unique and entertaining experience. The game has multiple endings and endless potential for additional stories, characters, and endings!

Download: https://mega.nz/#!ZlRCHJSS!dPcDRzHGiayzVuNmMkXNeSeSfYjMBWAt80A5Xa_F86E

the game have a new version, i just find 1.0 for download, enjoy !

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You wait years for an update




Or you could go to the club, have a drink and look around for the first and best sex scene in the game, but whatever




Well yeah


Like that's hard to do when it's the only scene



Just because you're a pleb that can't figure it out doesn't mean I haven't unlocked the entire gallery



1.6 is out, anyone have the walktrough?

File: c4489f944c80ca7⋯.png (222.03 KB, 1920x480, 4:1, aYqNZ3okBDUh2eaiknhjkATZHE….png)


Link House party

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File: 9fc0444dad6f156⋯.jpg (117.65 KB, 1000x652, 250:163, steam content control.jpg)



there's no cut content, no free patches, the discussion pages straight up claims that this is the first pure porn game on steam, the ingame censor is broken anyway and never worked.

pls report :^)



nah, they give the patch outside of steam, some other nsfw game did it, forgot the name of it Vn dating shit i think



nope the game is on steam with penetration and nudity no patch needed


Why are you guys freaking out about this game in particular being on Steam? Dieselmine has released a couple of full-on porn games already on Steam.



they might have released a million, now there is only 1 left with censorship and a 18+ pegi stamp

File: a698f98c42bb4b1⋯.jpg (82.9 KB, 816x624, 17:13, gWK3epD.jpg)



by Dardamex

Public Version 0.40.1: mega.nz/#!MpEEwAwA!XoMak323GyGPsNnL3Csurs7gBQ9fTjkr46Rw2OYFDg0

Development Thread: www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=30024

Patreon page of Dev: www.patreon.com/SidValentine

Development reached a state where it is actually playable, so I think it's okay to shill the project. This is a RPG Maker MV game, but thankfully not a RPG. It is more a PnC Adventure style Corruption / Trainer game, based on that engine and assets of a certain well-known company.

You play Calvin, a perverted old fart moving in with your family to help them out with paying bills. As it happens there is not much space left, you need to share a room with your lovely niece Megan. Which means you have to play the 'nice uncle' the family members expect you to be, helping the girl in any way you can. And you are totally going to use this situation to your advantage…

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anyone have link to new v48




Someone said in f95, there are only a few scenes.

I don't get why this dev is so lazy.




>- 2 favor scenes in bathroom

>- 1 mom shower live spy cam scene

>- 2 daughter shower live spy cam scenes



Yeah usually devs don't start getting lazy till they're making ~1k he's at half that and is already lazy.

File: a9f511629519369⋯.jpg (489.02 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 15efsid.jpg)


New promising Renpy game that seems to be showing some progress. Second version just released, first version is free to download.


Really like the concept of turning good loyal girl into a slut.

Anyone got the 2nd version?

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File: 414831f58998daf⋯.png (247.37 KB, 500x304, 125:76, väiski.png)

>used to be always the nice guy and watch from the sidelines how girls were taken by jerks

>started hating women because of this

>play this game

>always choose the slut route because it's much more fun

>fuck over the cuck dad and the beta boyfriend and enjoy it tremendously



>used to watch from the sidelines how girls were taken by other guys

>started hating women because none decided to approach me and jump on my dick just because I was vaguely nice

>now I have autism




Not yet, but it's going in that direction. You need 12+ good or something, then you can sleep with him for comfort after the mom leaves and then later after your bf leaves you can do it again. No sex yet though, just sleeping with some groping, but it's probably where that story line will lead.


File: 138d7658c35b918⋯.jpg (5.87 KB, 200x194, 100:97, pepe tykkää.jpg)


File: b3c847d05b53d6d⋯.jpg (169.26 KB, 790x1076, 395:538, 1493327398234.jpg)


any one got version 0.5 ?

File: d0e6c8e05130b1c⋯.png (302.05 KB, 600x465, 40:31, 400924d2587815e1f48caa9bec….png)


I'm going to take control of this general



If you want to spam something off-topic, argue about it's validity first

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Just tell dev it's a bug.

He's used to it.

SS is like the most difficult game out there.



not funny anon.

Anyway, same thing happening here. Any idea how to fix it ?


to activate masturbate on Mom bed,

when Mon in shower select "LEAVE"

go to Mom room, check panties in drawer

use bed and second option will appear to masturbate



Same here.

Feels Batman



In the console. Renpy/common/00console.rpy edit "console=False" to "console=True" then in game shift+O opens the console to enter codes…

File: 1467752144327.png (352.27 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, Pyorgara-416809-Soldiers_L….png)


Found this game today which seems to be a mix of (simple) strategy game along with main theme of taming your female arch enemy.


Anyone had experience with the game?

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this gives me "Unexpected end of archive error"




God's work anon.




Little changelog couldn't hurt I guess…

>v0.16 Changelog:

- 1 new scene for “lend her NPC - Daniska”, starting that branch.

- 1 new scene for “pig costume”, ending that branch.

- 2 new scenes for “humiliation”, ending that branch.

- 1 new scene for “sex”, ending that branch.

- 3 new pics added to “blowjob”.

- Added the puppet for the minotaur in the 3rd level.

- 5 new events added to the sortie levels.

- 1 sortie event being expanded (Try to find it for bonus sex scene).

- Fixed a small army of bugs.


any other games with similar battles/fighting strategies?

File: 411124806a5a40c⋯.jpeg (10.54 KB, 240x240, 1:1, vSYvv2fYtzqNgHpJSES103Yje….jpeg)


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understandable have a great day


File: c1e3061fc4df9e0⋯.png (104.93 KB, 465x518, 465:518, v2.4 BDSM 96771939.png)

First of all - Links, bc they are still missing:



From Patreon (recting M's english a little):

>Jun 12, 2017 - Redemption

>It's going to be a shitty update. We and you guys both know it, because there's only two major new things to add. It's a not pleasant feeling to serve thing, you already know will be bellow expectations. I'm the only one who can be blamed. Negative comments, real life issues you don't need to be bothered, and time pressure do no good for a creative mood to cook good content. Basically we are looking for a way out of this situation, get our shit together and return to delivering good stuff you are waiting for.

>We just need time to calmly work on new staff/fix existing/balance things and finally prepare for you a good worthy update. So we are prolonging the counter till 29th of June. Consider it a remission time, to get back on the rails, feel the power and horny joy of creating adult games. We'll post news about upcoming additions.

>Thank you for your understanding.

The two major new things M is probably writing about here:

Fucking/bulling old Pal's Wife?

>Old Pal Visit

>UPD: Just a few (more) days of final testing. Updated the countdown (to June 29th).

>What could happen when you have your old pal visiting you with his wife? This update is a bit scarce, so we are finishing and adding an old event that was partially scripted before. Plus we want to finish SM dungeon actions both for MC and FC. Sorry for the delay and inconvenience, guys.

BDSM Dungeon - also for Worker Motivation (pic rel.)? Hoepfully.

>Pervy mood strikes back

>Expanded slave treatment. New item to force her to move involuntary while sitting on a dick. Animations are ready but we are still thinking how to bring itPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Someone got the 2.4?


File: 2c3ada1fb390a99⋯.png (142.54 KB, 1025x800, 41:32, SimBro2.4a.png)


swf flash version






exe (stand alone flash projector)



Someone found out how to trigger the second part of the new event ?

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