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/bane/ - CIA

Big Guys For You


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We are drawing/tracing every 6th frame from the plane scene to make an animated version.

This set of frames will cover from the 1:40 mark ("Or perhaps he's wondering…") to 2:00 ("Noone cared who I was…") of the plane scene.

How can I participate?

1) Find a frame that you would like to draw, e.g. frame 1944.

2) Search the thread to see if anyone has claimed that frame already ("ctrl-f #1944").

3) If it is not claimed yet, post in the thread to reserve it by writing, e.g. "I claim #1944" - make sure to include the pound sign ("#") so that everyone else can ctrl-f and know that it's claimed!

4) Once you have drawn the frame, upload it to the thread and/or website (preferably both), and post in the thread that it is complete: "I have finished @1944". Again, including the @-symbol is important so we can track which ones have been completed.

5) Make absolutely sure you claim and post completion of your drawn frames - if you upload to the website or thread without noting it, someone else will probably grab your prize.

Guidelines for drawings

1) Colour - All frames must be in greyscale. If you post a coloured image it will be converted to greyscale in the final video.

2) Shading - do your best to match the shading in the original frame. If you are doing a line drawing, at least set the background to not be pure white (pick a grey that sort of matches the video) as this will otherwise cause a flickering effect.

3) Quality - you don't have to be an expert to join. Tracings are 100% accepted and approved! Please just make sure that the drawing shows a reasonable mirroring of the actual position of characters/objects in the real frame.

Photo-manipulations: applying a filter, 'cartoonifying' the original frame, etc.Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

254 posts and 221 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>deleting the spam threads


They expected one of us in the wreckage, brother.

File: fdb772e434c0475⋯.jpg (263.37 KB, 1366x566, 683:283, mwt-the.dark.knight.rises7….jpg)


>ITT: Everyone writes one line from the plane scene in their own language.

Pável Doktor? CIA.

65 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



Nie ważne jest to, kim jesteśmy. Najważniejszy jest nasz plan!


Nikt się mną nie przejmował póki nie włożyłem maski.



Czy gdybym ci ją ściągnął, umarłbyś?


Sería extremadamente doloroso


Uh, je mag geen vrienden meenemen.

Maakt niet uit, ze reizen toch gratis mee.

File: 0275d8e93a7ce7e⋯.jpg (116.91 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, devolver.jpg)


Crashing the E3…




What did he mean by this?

File: b37b23bb66fcddb⋯.jpg (63.36 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, big_1411421801_1399665806_….jpg)



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File: 9f318eefdf3b0f1⋯.jpg (43.58 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Bane the Opera Singer.jpg)


So how do you achieve good vocal placement? It all begins with becoming aware of something called the mask, which is basically the front part of your face. If you close your mouth and hum at a normal volume, you’ll notice a buzz in the front part of your face. The area where you’re feeling the buzz is called the mask! Now practice getting the buzz going and slowly opening your mouth. As you open your mouth, keep the sound vibrating in that same front area. It should feel like your nose, teeth and even your eyes are buzzing.

Singing operatically requires you to sing into the mask at all times because it’s vital for singing in tune, singing fast runs, acquiring vibrato and gives the sound a clear, crisp that carries without the need for a microphone.


Nobody cared who I was until I sang through the mask.



Why do they generate the mask?


At least you can sing. Who are you?

File: 03dab35e326a9a1⋯.jpg (153.99 KB, 640x480, 4:3, crashing this mirror.jpg)


Through The Dark

Of Flightplans Crashed

The Big Guy Longs to See(IA)

One Chants Out-

At Least You Can Talk!

Fire, Rise With Me!

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File: dc660759b1cf5ef⋯.jpg (16.24 KB, 321x348, 107:116, brendan skull.jpg)





File: 296bd6994920477⋯.jpg (17.84 KB, 480x360, 4:3, always intense.jpg)

Dr Jacoby, I'm HDS


First one of you to talk backwards, gets to stay in my Lodge


File: 688b0ee785d592e⋯.jpg (19.08 KB, 100x184, 25:46, 1460532207757.jpg)


The money, Brendan…






take this shit out of my TP thead hotheads

File: deefa5c85ca7180⋯.jpg (83.28 KB, 634x546, 317:273, MM.jpg)



File: abbb45286afff1f⋯.jpg (977.85 KB, 2415x3451, 345:493, abbb45286afff1fcff878cd486….jpg)


>bane falls off top 50

>then today I read on passenger tv in bus to home how a burmese plane crashed

>mfw this happens every single fucking time

you guys scare the shit out of me

how do you pull this shit off all the time?


When we pull that off, people die.


File: c2e21bcaffcecb2⋯.jpg (439.42 KB, 791x1023, 791:1023, 1427482326217.jpg)

dam, we should really do some more film poster edits. I forgot how funny these are


It's magic. I ain't gotta explain shit.



Theatricality and Deception


okay gentlemen, it happened again

I wonder what plane you are crashing next

File: affcb05b230a522⋯.jpg (88.67 KB, 716x768, 179:192, IMG_0317.JPG)



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Dottor Pavel! Sono CIA. Non era da solo. Uh, non puoi portare amici. Non sono miei amici. Lavorano per il mercenario, l'uomo moschetta. BANE? Aye. Falli salire lo chiamo su. Il piano di volo che ho stilato con l'agenzia prevede sme, Imiey Uomini il Dottor Pavequí, Masolo "huno" divoji! Il primo che parla può stare sull'aereo! Chi ti ha pagato per afferrare Il Dottor Pavel? Non ha volato tanto bene! Chi vuole provare per prossimo? Parlami di Bane, perché porta la maschera? Tanta lealtà per una pistola noleggiata! O forse si sta chiedendo perché qualcuno debba sparare un uomo, prima di buttarlo da un aereoplano. Almeno tu sai parlare! Chi sei? Non è importante chi siamo, l'importante è il nostro piano. A nessuno importava chi ero prima che mettessi la maschera. Se te la tolgo tu muori?

Sarebbe estremamente doloroso.

Sei un ragazzo grosso! Per te.

Farti catturare faceva parte del piano! Certo! Dottor Pavel ha rifiutato la nostra offerta in favore della tua, dovevamo scoprire cosa ti ha detto. Niente, non ho detto niente! Beh congratulazioni, ti sei fatto catturare. Qual è la prossima mossa del tuo piano maestro? Far schiantare questo aereo! Senza sopravvissuti! No, non può succedere, sono al comando qui!


File: 063f9ec4cf047ba⋯.mp4 (7.33 MB, 640x360, 16:9, get them out of here.mp4)



File: 0d9c061643b0197⋯.png (124.51 KB, 814x670, 407:335, baneofyourlife.png)


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File: d6b61633abdbfb3⋯.jpeg (241.86 KB, 700x900, 7:9, BIG GUY 10.jpeg)

Big Gay Guys.

ANY big gay guys.



Delet this.



fucking retard


File: def523677fe4bfe⋯.webm (1.28 MB, 480x360, 4:3, AJ Styles & The Gay Commu….webm)


File: 5e6790e56691943⋯.png (852.61 KB, 1080x574, 540:287, no charge for them.png)


I'm seeing several /bane/ references every day. Not complaining, I Kek every time.

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File: 19ee6c4cbda59de⋯.png (10.57 KB, 1704x50, 852:25, permission to die.png)

Fug lads, I stumbled onto more /bane/posting.


File: 143d8ced47e6561⋯.jpg (376.32 KB, 1440x1663, 1440:1663, 143d8ced47e656110e7a36cdc4….jpg)


Mass Effect: Banedromeda.

>CIA flies Bane to a new galaxy

>they fight aliens and try to colonize small planets

>they have a fight over this, Bane being a big guy wants to colonize big planets



>a man tells a story so many times he becomes the story

You either live long enough to hear the full story, or you become the story yourself.




We told the plane scene over and over so many times, that the bane scene became the movie.



>Big Fish

File: add143b5217115f⋯.jpg (162.42 KB, 1290x890, 129:89, 1460237629638.jpg)



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File: 55bd85641d01e9a⋯.webm (4.56 MB, 640x360, 16:9, weaponized autism.webm)


But I don't have autism.




File: 6fa5d2937f3da4f⋯.jpg (22.03 KB, 400x296, 50:37, 1422326837682.jpg)


>But I don't have autism.

Someone get this neurotypical out of here!


File: 2f6b0540fd5b258⋯.jpg (55.08 KB, 400x296, 50:37, 6fa5d2937f3da4fc196d644087….jpg)


>that pic



File: 28e18bc0ec372d4⋯.jpg (48.83 KB, 499x750, 499:750, harley.jpg)



harley is best bane girl

File: d7fc66521461b38⋯.jpg (26.04 KB, 361x361, 1:1, sample 1A.jpg)

File: c0cf6e47af85d8f⋯.jpg (25.98 KB, 361x361, 1:1, sample 1B.jpg)


Examine this case study. Below are two identical photos, the only difference is one photo is a hot head and the other is >>>/just/ alimony'd.

As you can see the hot head has a much greater tenancy of having his shit fucked up after paying 20 years of alimony than the regular poor soul.


File: ec39f12d833e96a⋯.jpg (168.34 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 50k a month for them.jpg)


>50k a month for them


Was getting your shit fucked up part of your plan?


File: 6de5b43b25e289b⋯.jpeg (376.47 KB, 700x900, 7:9, BIG GUY 9.jpeg)


Being a big guy fucks HER shit up.



At least you can cuck, who are you?



It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is who raises our children.

File: 1434083630057.jpg (167.45 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, hesabigape.jpg)


Nobody cared who he was until he climbed the Empire State Building.

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File: 44b6d1d30153ce8⋯.jpg (9.06 KB, 308x164, 77:41, index.jpg)


Was getting shot part of your plan?


>Kong climbed the biggest building in the city

What did he mean by this?



He was trying to grab the MC's prize.


File: e7aff4710fe6835⋯.jpeg (65.77 KB, 700x900, 7:9, BIG GUY.jpeg)


His GF?

Is pic related what he showed her?



fucking retard

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Favourite crossover episodes/cameos?

Mine's got to be the Simpsons episode where CIA and the gang come looking for Bane.

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File: 432cbfe75b2d454⋯.png (296.65 KB, 569x653, 569:653, rare cia paul blart.png)



Is the bank and plane scene linked in any way?



Of coursh, it was the warp up for The Plane Scene and both scenes share quite a few themes. Nolan used it as a warm up and refined The Bank Scene into The Plane Scene.

Both scenes start out with visions of the heavens and a car headed towards a standing man. Masked men take the center stage of both scenes with a prize they want to grab. Hee Zowt, later revealed to be Thaj Oaker, puts on a mask while wearing face paint. However, Nolan must have felt that he overcomplicated Hee Zowt and kept things simpler when he made Bane.




I'm pretty sure The Plane Scene and The Bank Scene are alternate universe versions of the same events. Like The Plane Scene is Earth-One and The Bank Scene is Earth-Two. CIA is the Earth-One version of Ewan Euphrenza. Thaj Oaker is the Earth-Two version of Bane.


File: 18950170026078f⋯.jpg (26.34 KB, 625x438, 625:438, 328.jpg)

>The Rugrats/Agents of CIA crossover where one of Dr Pavel's wacky machines turned the main AoCIA cast into babies

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