
Italy: About the investigations against RadioAzione, and Croce Nera Anarchica

  • Posted on: 5 June 2017
  • By: thecollective


Yesterday, June 2nd, the DIGOS [political police] knocked on the doors of my house and of six other comrades’ to notify us of the closure of preliminary inquiries for a further investigation by the Public prosecutor of Turin and the prosecutor Roberto Sparagna [in charge of Scripta Manent], parallel to the investigation called “Scripta manent”, focusing on the anarchist web-sites of counter-information RadioAzione, and Croce Nera Anarchica.

Anarchism or Vanguardism? Critique of Guerrilla Ideology of the IRPGF

  • Posted on: 5 June 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Over the past few months, the International Revolutionary People’s Guerrilla Forces (IRPGF), a new anarchist group fighting in Rojava, have published a fair few interviews and texts setting out their positions. On a purely defensive level, I certainly appreciate anyone fighting against ISIS in the name of international antifascist solidarity, but the IRPGF go way beyond this and repeatedly present themselves as the representatives of anarchism in the area, carrying out a project that will be “valuable to the entire anarchist community worldwide”.

With that in mind, I think it’s legitimate for others in that “worldwide community” to raise a few questions about the IRPGF’s ideology, and how it relates to the cause they claim to be advancing.


[Greece] Solidarity with Eric King from Athens

  • Posted on: 3 June 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

On Monday night, May 22nd 2017, a group of comrades attacked the Ministry of Culture in Exarchia with Molotov cocktails. We carried out this symbolic action for two reasons:

To honor the memory of Mauricio Morales, who lost his life on May 22nd 2009 in Santiago, Chile, when the bomb he was carrying to strike the jailers academy exploded prematurely.

The Deportation Machine Case : Trial date set for four comrades on June 23 2017 in Paris

  • Posted on: 31 May 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

After seven and a half years of pre-trial hearings and thousands of pages of disclosure, after fifteen people had their homes searched, were arrested, followed, eavesdropped on, filmed, interrogated, incarcerated, placed on house arrest, and kept under various bail conditions for seven years, the state and the justice system will finally take only four people to trial on June 23 2017 in Paris.

[Video] Anarchists storm the greek parliament during the 2nd day of anti-austerity riots (Greece, 18/5 riot)

  • Posted on: 29 May 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

“We won’t live like slaves - The only lost battles are the ones that they have not been given”.

Video at

On Thursday 18 May 2017 thousands of people joined a 2nd day of protests following a general strike all over Greece on the day before, against the new harsh austerity measures of 4.9 billion euros incorporated in the 4th Memorandum signed by the greek government, aimed once again against the lower income classes rather, than the banks and the wealthy.

[Video] Anarchists attack the riot police outside the greek parliament (Athens, Greece – 17 May 2017)

  • Posted on: 29 May 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

“We won’t live like slaves - The only lost battles are the ones that they have not been given”.

Video at

On Wednesday 17 May 2017 thousands of people joined the general strike protests all over Greece, against the new harsh financial measures of 4.9 billion euros incorporated in the 4th Memorandum signed by the greek government, aimed once again against the lower income classes rather, than the banks and the wealthy.

CNT-AIT: To All Anarcho-Syndicalists (2017)

  • Posted on: 22 May 2017
  • By: thecollective

From Robert Graham's Anarchism Weblog

I meant to post this sooner, but here is a communiqué from those groups from the Spanish CNT (Confederación Nacional del Trabajo) that wish to remain part of the International Workers Association (Asociación Internacional de los Trabajadores – IWA-AIT), an international federation of anarcho-syndicalist groups. I have previously posted material on the split of one faction of the CNT, the Italian USI and the German FAU from the IWA-AIT. This communiqué is from the April 13 – 16, 2017 “Congress of Restructuring” in Villalonga, Spain, where various CNT groups disaffected from the CNT “leadership” responsible for the split from the IWA gathered to reconstitute the CNT as an affiliate of the IWA committed to the principles of international anarcho-syndicalism.

Clashes in Athens & Thessaloniki As Parliament Votes For More Austerity

  • Posted on: 19 May 2017
  • By: thecollective

From Enough is Enough (

Shortly before Greek parliament voted for new austerity measures, clashes broke out in Athens on Thursday night. It was the second day of clashes in the Greek capital. Read the Update below the report we published this morning.

Written by Riot Turtle

Note: Enough is Enough is not organizing any of these events, we are publishing this text for people across the US and Europe to be able to see what is going on and for documentation only.
