Problems of syndicalism and anarchism – Juan Peiró

A pamphlet first published in 1930 composed of a series of articles by Juan Peiró—anarchist glass worker, twice National Secretary of the CNT, “Treintista”, Minister of Industry under Caballero, executed by the Franco regime in 1942—arguing for a dual strategy for anarchism and syndicalism, in which syndicalism pursues the “political” goals of anarchism (resistance, general strike, expropriation, meeting the needs of the population immediately after the revolution), while anarchism serves as a guide for syndicalism and works for the “social”, or truly constructive goals of the revolution that are not class-based but “human” (the “Commune”, generalized liberty and cultural progress).

A journey into libertarian historical memory; Casas Viejas, January 1933

The aftermath of the massacre at Casas Viejas

A short history of the tragically unsuccessful uprising of anarchist peasants in the small town of Casas Viejas which ended in a brutal massacre of the participants by the Republican government.

The brief summer of anarchy: the life and death of Durruti - Hans Magnus Enzensberger

Hans Magnus Enzensberger’s non-fiction “adventure novel” about Buenaventura Durruti and the Spanish anarchist movement (ca. 1917-1937), first published in Germany in 1972, consisting of a more or less chronological “collage” of “translated, abridged and rearranged” excerpts from “reports and speeches, interviews and proclamations … letters, travel narratives, anecdotes, pamphlets, polemics, newspaper articles, autobiographical texts, flyers and propaganda leaflets” (including extensive selections from the eyewitness accounts of Simone Weil, Ilya Ehrenburg, H. E. Kaminski, Mikhail Koltsov, Ricardo Sanz and Jesús Arnal Pena), punctuated by the author’s “Commentaries”.

Orobón Fernández and the Workers Alliance – Ramón Álvarez Palomo

A short biography of Valeriano Orobón Fernández, widely regarded as one of the great figures of Spanish anarchosyndicalism, emphasizing his role as an advocate of the Workers Alliance in the early 1930s, written by a former leader of the Asturian CNT.

Iturbe, Lola aka Kyra Kyralina aka Kiralina (1902-1990)

Lola Iturbe

A short biography of the Spanish anarchist Lola Iturbe, fighter for women's liberation

Morin, Emilienne Leontine (1901-1991) aka Mimi aka Mimi-FAI

Emilienne Morin

A short biography of Emilienne Morin, active in France and Spain, companera of Buenaventura Durruti

The First Congress of the National Confederation of Labor (CNT) (Barcelona, September 8-10, 1911)

Barcelona, July 31, 1909

The Agenda and texts of the Reports presented to the assembly of delegates representing approximately 27,000 workers at the First (official) Congress of the National Confederation of Labor, held in Barcelona in 1911, providing a glimpse of the doctrinal spectrum represented by the founders of the CNT and the most urgent concerns of the membership of the new organization, including the “rights and duties” of disabled members of the CNT, the creation of rationalist schools, the formation of itinerant propaganda squads, and the need for a daily newspaper.

Beyond the IWA: An Interview with the CNT’s International Secretary

Discretely, almost silently, something is happening which will have serious consequences for the future of the international Anarchist movement: the reorganization of anarcho-syndicalism on a global scope, at the initiative of the CNT. Following the agreements of its XI Congress in 2015, the CNT – together with the German FAU and the Italian USI – has organized an international conference of anarcho-syndicalist and revolutionary unions (November 26-27, Bilbao). To understand the goals of this conference, we have interviewed people from the working group of the CNT’s International Secretary, in a conversation which aims to go to the root of the question, without dogmatism or mythology.

The CNT and the IWA, part 2: The crisis in the IWA as seen from the CNT

The CNT and the IWA, part 1: The CNT since Franco

The decision that the CNT took at its eleventh congress (December 2015) to re-found the IWA is the latest act in the process of updating anarcho-syndicalism which began with the resurrection of the CNT in 1977, and which still isn’t finished.