
The Canberra Times Editorials

Pell charges are the latest chapter in a sorry saga

A decision to lay charges indicates that on the basis of evidence which has yet to be tested in court the authorities are of the view it is "more likely than not" to result in a successful prosecution.

Tony Abbott needs embrace change for his party's sake

Compromise and the establishment of a consensus are crucial to the operation of any political party. This is particularly the case with the Liberals whose movement embraces strong centrist and right wing traditions.

It's time we stopped eating ourselves to death

If every time you walked into your favourite hamburger chain or the like, you were confronted with signage basically stating that more than half of the items on the menu fell into the "heart attack food" category you might begin to reconsider your dietary choices.

Gun amnesty a welcome show of courage by Government

While it is unlikely hardened criminals, outlaw bikie gang members and terrorists will be lining up to surrender their weapons, the pool of illicit guns they have been able to draw upon in the past will shrink.