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Champagne Jayne triumphs in trademark battle with Comité Champagne

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After 10 years of running her Champagne Jayne business, Jayne Powell decided to register her trademark. What followed was a saga that saw her fighting a global organisation to keep her business and the reputation she'd built.

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While she ultimately won the legal battles, her story is a warning for small businesses in an era of big brands and social media.

Building her business

It was a 2003 champagne tasting event in London where Powell saw the potential for telling the iconic wine's story. "In order to give context to champagne, I thought it was also important to get people to try other sparkling wine styles, not to say there were cheaper or better or not as good but to give people a reference point when tasting," she told MySmallBusiness.

She set about setting up a career as wine expert, educator and then social media influencer under the name 'Champagne Jayne'.  Over the following decade, Powell wrote a successful book, was engaged to speak about champagne around the world, and won an industry award for promoting the wine. However that counted for nothing when her trademark application was noticed by the Comité Champagne.

The Comité Champagne is the trade association representing the interests of champagne producers, with a broad mandate to promote and protect the champagne appellation around the world. The CIVC failed to respond to a request for comment.


The French-based organisation has a reputation for being litigious, says Robert Joseph, editorial consultant at trade magazine Meininger's Wine Business International. "The CIVC would claim that their biggest international concern is with the use of the broader use of the brand: bar staff casually describing lesser fizz as champagne, for example."

"In justifying their actions, they point at post battles, like Britain's Cheddar and France's Brie cheeses, versions of which are produced everywhere," Joseph explains. "They also refer to the issue of legal precedent: if they don't clamp down on every possible infringement, however small, they risk a larger player using it as a precedent when defending a larger issue."

Litigation commences

Powell quickly found how litigious the CIVC could be when she replied to the organisation's objection to her trademark application. "As soon as I filed my trademark defence they took me to the Federal Court," she recounts.

The CIVC claimed she was deceiving consumers under the Australian Consumer Law along with breaching the Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation Act. "I took it as a personal attack, they said I was misleading consumers and damaging the champagne brand while I thought my work did exactly the opposite," she recalls.

Fighting the case was long and gruelling for the Sydney-based sole trader. After the first failed attempt at mediation in London and four days at trial in the Federal Court of Melbourne, Powell had to go through a second unsuccessful mediation in Melbourne followed by a further day before the judge to finish the trial, all the while relying on court appointed pro-bono barristers.

Social media becomes evidence

A key part of the case was Powell's use of social media, with the CIVC citing her Twitter and Instagram posts as evidence she was confusing customers. "In the end I had to download every single social media post, including 21,500 tweets," she recalls. "Of those Twitter posts, 84 became the focus of the CIVC's case."

It's been a heartbreaking process, but when you're a small business reputation is all you have.

Jayne Powell

Ultimately the court found some of those tweets did potentially confuse consumers, with Justice Bench ruling Powell had to flag social media posts that featured sparkling wines that weren't champagnes and stop using the term "ambassador". Apart from that, the rest of CIVC's case against her was dismissed without costs.

In a warning to social media influencers, Justice Bench was clearly uneasy about Powell's relationship with Tasmanian vintner Arras saying: "Ms Powell's own characterisation of her conduct was that she acted 'to advocate' for the Arras wines. But it was not the role of an independent reviewer and critic to 'advocate' for a wine."

Joseph warns these disputes are going to become more common, particularly in the wine industry. "Brand owners are going to become increasingly litigious, as the number of own- and private-label goods increases. The US has 100,000 differently labelled wines on sale now. China has a million. Making your wine stand out in this crowd is going to be tougher than ever ... so, yes, commentators may face a tougher time."

Approval at last

Five years after the saga started, Champagne Jayne triumphed in April when she learned IP Australia had finally approved her trademark. "It's been a heartbreaking process, but when you're a small business reputation is all you have," she says. "I think this is vindication that I've got my name back. I won't get my money back or the lost time but hopefully it restores my authentic reputation, which is really important to me."

"I'm a woman of strong convictions, I hate bullies but I still love champagne."

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