Fuel (film)
Fuel (previously called Fields of Fuel) is a 2008 documentary film directed by Josh Tickell and produced by Greg Reitman, Dale Rosenbloom, Daniel Assael, Darius Fisher, and Rebecca Harrell Tickell.
It won the audience award at the 2008 Sundance Film Festival. The DVD was released on June 22, 2010.
According to director Josh Tickell, since its appearance at the Sundance Film Festival, the film has gone through major editing changes and additions. The name was changed from Fields of Fuel to Fuel. This edited film is a re-cut of the same film with 45 minutes of new material in its total 112-minute running time.
2008 Sundance Film Festival Winner - Audience Award
2008 AFI Dallas Film Festival Winner - Current Energy Earth Friendly Award
2008 Sedona Film Festival Winner - Most Compelling Documentary
2008 Sedona Film Festival Winner - Best Screenwriting
2008 Santa Cruz Film Festival - Producer's Award
2008 Gaia Film Festival Winner - Audience Award, Best Documentary