22 June 2017
Amid threat of US-Russia clash in Syria
NATO warplane buzzes jet carrying Russian defense minister over Baltic Sea
By Barry Grey, 22 June 2017
Any one of the virtually daily NATO-Russian encounters in the air could result in a fire-fight or collision, whether by intention or accident, which could quickly ignite a full-scale war between nuclear powers.
The US escalation in Syria and the threat of world war
US demands “much greater” Chinese pressure on North Korea, or else
By Peter Symonds, 22 June 2017
While continuing to press China over North Korea, the Trump administration is warning that the US will resort to other measures—including military action—if there are no results.
Trump takes another step towards war with North Korea
Democrats lose special House elections in Georgia, South Carolina
By Patrick Martin, 22 June 2017
The Republican Party has now held all four seats where vacancies were created by Trump appointing House members to his cabinet.
Weakened May government sets out plans for hard UK exit from the European Union
By Julie Hyland, 22 June 2017
Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May set out her government’s legislative agenda yesterday in the Queen’s Speech, which was widely acknowledged to be her first and last one.
Grenfell Tower fire victims and survivors treated with contempt by UK authorities
By Robert Stevens, 22 June 2017
The government’s “Grenfell Tower Residents’ Discretionary Fund,” which totals a pitiful £5 million, stands in stark contrast to the £369 million worth of repairs to Buckingham Palace.
UK’s Daily Mail tries to scapegoat resident for Grenfell Tower inferno
UK government deregulation led to Grenfell Tower inferno
Social inequality and the Grenfell Tower inferno
Over 8,000 VW autoworkers launch unlimited strike in Slovakia
By Dietmar Henning, 22 June 2017
The autoworkers are engaged in the first strike since VW began operations in the Eastern European country in 1991.
Notes on police violence
Milwaukee cop found not guilty of August 2016 killing that sparked protests
By Josh Varlin, 22 June 2017
Milwaukee police officer Dominique Heaggan-Brown shot Sylville Smith as he was running away, the fatal shot coming when Smith was on the ground and unarmed.
“Mom, please stop screaming because I don’t want you to get shooted”
Video released of Philando Castile’s girlfriend and her 4-year-old daughter in patrol car
By our reporter, 22 June 2017
Notes on police violence
Dashcam video of Philando Castile shooting released; Seattle police kill pregnant mother of four
Supreme Court clears Bush officials for illegal detention of Muslims
By Alan Gilman, 22 June 2017
The protracted legal proceeding concerned mass illegal detentions of immigrants in the New York City area, mainly Muslims, after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
Australian intelligence agency demands sweeping powers to suppress Chinese “interference”
By James Cogan, 22 June 2017
ASIO asserts that political opposition to Australian and US policy toward China could be the result of “foreign influence.”
South Korean president tries to smooth disagreements with Washington
By Ben McGrath, 22 June 2017
Seoul has suggested reaching out to Pyongyang as the US ramps up pressure on North Korea.
New in Urdu
روسی آرہے ہیں!روسی آرہے ہیں!
12 June 2017
ایف بی آئی کے ڈائریکٹر جیمز کو می جمعرات کے روز جب سینٹ کی انٹیلی جنس کمیٹی کے سامنے پیش ہوا تو امریکی میڈیا میں روس کے خلاف غیظ و غصب میں اضافہ دیوانگی کی حد تک بڑھ گیا ہے۔
New in Turkish
Londra'daki şirket katliamı
Robert Stevens, 22 Haziran 2017
Grenfell yalnızca korkunç bir trajedi değildir. O bir suçtur. Orada yaşamını yitirenler, sanki binada kasten yangın çıkarılmış gibi, kesin bir biçimde öldürülmüşlerdir.
New in Russian
Билл Клинтон и Борис Ельцин: Когда вашингтонский Белый дом определил исход выборов в России
Алан Гилман, 21 июня 2017 г.
Одна сравнительно недавняя кампания по выборам выделяется наглым и неприкрытым образом действий правительства Соединенных Штатов. Направляемое из вашингтонского Белого дома, оно активно вмешалось в ход этих выборов, преследуя цель добиться победы своего кандидата в чужой стране. Объектом данной операции выступала Россия.
New in Spanish
La escalada militar de EE.UU. en Siria y la amenaza de una guerra mundial
Por Bill Van Auken, 22 junio 2017
La gravedad de las tensiones entre Washington y Moscú fue demostrada el martes por el anuncio de Australia de que no volará sus aviones sobre Siria.
Conferencia sobre América Central traza planes de militarización y mayores ataques contra inmigrantes
Por Andrea Lobo, 22 junio 2017
Prácticamente no hubo una discusión sobre las graves condiciones sociales del Triángulo Norte de América Central, con la salvedad de ser mencionadas como un atractivo para inversiones.
New in French
Trump fait encore un pas vers la guerre en Corée du Nord
Par Peter Symonds, 22 juin 2017
En déclarant que la pression exercée par la Chine sur Pyonyang « n’a pas fonctionné », Trump ne se laisse plus d’autre options que de lancer des attaques militaires imprudentes sur la Corée du Nord.
Intensification de la campagne antirusse du New York Times
Par Patrick Martin, 22 juin 2017
Un éditorial publié par le Times dimanche à propos de l’enquête sur l’ingérence présumée de la Russie lors des élections présidentielles américaines de 2016 est un exercice de désinformation pure visant à susciter un soutien pour une guerre contre la Russie.
New in German
Die US-Eskalation in Syrien und die Gefahr eines Weltkriegs
Von Bill Van Auken, 22. Juni 2017
Die Spannungen zwischen Washington und Moskau spitzen sich gefährlich zu. Unterstrichen wurde dies durch die Entscheidung Australiens, den Einsatz seiner Luftstreitkräfte in Syrien auszusetzen.
Trump bereitet Krieg mit Nordkorea vor
Von Peter Symonds, 22. Juni 2017
Trumps Erklärung, China habe nicht genug Druck auf Pjöngjang ausgeübt, lässt ihm kaum eine andere Wahl als einen rücksichtslosen Militärschlag gegen Nordkorea.
Österreich: Sozialdemokraten offen für Koalition mit rechtsextremer FPÖ
Von Markus Salzmann, 22. Juni 2017
Die SPÖ hat wenige Monate vor der Parlamentswahl im Oktober die Weichen für eine Koalition mit der rechtsextremen Freiheitlichen Partei Österreichs gestellt.
Schweiz: Soziale Schere öffnet sich immer weiter
Von Marianne Arens, 22. Juni 2017
Seit der Frankenkrise 2015 sind sowohl die Armut, als auch die Managerlöhne stark gestiegen.
Other Languages
- Der Hochhausbrand in London: Massenmord aus Habgier (19.06.2017)
- Zum Tod von Helmut Kohl (19.06.2017)
- USA wollen weitere 5000 Soldaten nach Afghanistan schicken (19.06.2017)
- Baberowski bekennt sich zu seinen rechtsextremem Vorbildern (19.06.2017)
- Der Anschlag auf US-Kongressabgeordnete und seine politische Bedeutung (17.06.2017)
- Bundesregierung weist US-Sanktionen gegen Russland scharf zurück (17.06.2017)
- Britische Premierministerin May in Paris
Frankreichs Präsident Macron stellt Rücknahme des Brexit in Aussicht (17.06.2017) - Frankreich: Parlamentswahlen enthüllen den politischen Bankrott Mélenchons (17.06.2017)
- Siemens streicht in Deutschland Arbeits- und Ausbildungsplätze (17.06.2017)
- Italien: 24-Stunden-Streik im Bahn- und Flugverkehr (17.06.2017)
- Français
- Meurtre capitaliste de masse à Londres (19.06.2017)
- Le PS laminé, l'abstention record éclipse la victoire de Macron aux législatives (19.06.2017)
- L’Allemagne s’oppose durement aux sanctions américaines contre la Russie (19.06.2017)
- La partie de Monopoly d’Amazon gonfle après son offre de rachat de Whole Foods pour 13,7 milliards de dollars (19.06.2017)
- Royaume-Uni : May obligée d’ouvrir une enquête publique sur l’incendie de Grenfell Tower (17.06.2017)
- Le procureur spécial enquêterait sur Trump pour obstruction à la justice (17.06.2017)
- Allemagne : un professeur de droit accuse Baberowski d’extrémisme de droite et de révisionnisme historique (17.06.2017)
- Les autorités indiennes veulent envoyer en prison encore plus de travailleurs accusés à tort (17.06.2017)
- Le sens politique de la fusillade contre des membres du Congrès des États‑Unis (17.06.2017)
- Les crimes de guerre de Washington en Syrie (16.06.2017)
- Español
- La audiencia a Sessions: Otra distracción anti-rusa mientras se profundiza la contrarrevolución social en Estados Unidos (19.06.2017)
- El significado político del tiroteo contra congresistas estadounidenses (19.06.2017)
- Gobierno de Syriza en Grecia aprueba más medidas de austeridad (17.06.2017)
- Redadas migratorias llegan a Detroit: decenas de personas detenidas para ser deportas a las zonas de guerra en Irak (17.06.2017)
- Un golpe palaciego o la lucha de clases: La crisis política en Washington y la estrategia de la clase obrera (17.06.2017)
- Los crímenes de guerra de Washington en Siria (17.06.2017)
- Plebiscito sobre estatus de Puerto Rico marcado por abstención masiva (15.06.2017)
- La abstención masiva opaca la victoria de Macron en las elecciones legislativas francesas (15.06.2017)
- El mítin electoral del Nuevo Partido Anticapitalista en París: la pseudo-izquierda sin salida (14.06.2017)
- Lo que hemos dicho:
El World Socialist Web Site y los obreros de Maruti Suzuki (14.06.2017)
- Русский
- Дворцовый переворот или классовая борьба: Политический кризис в Вашингтоне и стратегия рабочего класса (17.06.2017)
- Эта неделя в русской революции
5-11 июня: Ужасы на Западном фронте (15.06.2017) - Сочинения Троцкого 1917 года
Центральная задача (15.06.2017) - Саудовская Аравия идет на конфликт с Катаром на фоне глобального усиления геополитических трений (10.06.2017)
- Осмысление геополитики терроризма (09.06.2017)
- Сочинения Троцкого 1917 года
От кронштадтских матросов, солдат и рабочих — революционному народу Петрограда и всей России (08.06.2017) - Збигнев Бжезинский, архитектор катастрофы в Афганистане, умер в возрасте 89 лет (07.06.2017)
- Сочинения Троцкого 1917 года
Речь на экстренном заседании Петроградского Совета по вопросу о Кронштадте (07.06.2017) - Эта неделя в русской революции
29 мая—4 июня: Ленин и Троцкий сближаются на фоне растущих призывов к взятию власти Советами (06.06.2017) - Немецкий профессор Баберовски разъясняет свои крайне правые взгляды (03.06.2017)
- Português
- As questões colocadas pela Marcha Mundial pela Ciência
A Ciência e o Socialismo (25.04.2017) - Por que estudar a Revolução Russa? (24.04.2017)
- Raça, classe e a eleição de Trump (21.11.2016)
- Estudantes secundaristas brasileiros continuam ocupações mesmo diante de enorme repressão (21.11.2016)
- Socialismo e a luta contra a guerra
Construir um Movimento Internacional da Classe Trabalhadora e da Juventude Contra o Imperialismo! (25.04.2016) - A pressão pelo impeachment e os perigos com que se defronta a classe trabalhadora brasileira (25.04.2016)
- Os cinco anos da Revolução Egípcia (12.02.2016)
- Governo brasileiro reprime protestos em São Paulo contra o aumento do transporte (30.01.2016)
- Estudantes brasileiros ocupam escolas de São Paulo contra plano de reorganização (22.12.2015)
- As lições políticas da traição do Syriza na Grécia
Declaração do Comitê Internacional da Quarta Internacional (08.12.2015)
- As questões colocadas pela Marcha Mundial pela Ciência
- 中文
- >>
Amazon’s purchase of Whole Foods and the case for public ownership
22 June 2017
The expansion of the Amazon corporate behemoth is an expression of the unprecedented concentration of economic power among a handful of corporations that dominate the world capitalist economy.
Centenary of the Russian Revolution
From the archives of the Revolution
Speech on a personal note at an evening session of the First All-Russian Congress of Soviets
By Leon Trotsky, 22 June 2017
This is a contemporary account of a speech delivered by Trotsky in which he addresses the slanders being spread by Miliukov and others that he and Lenin were agents of the German government.
From the archives of the Revolution
Speech on the question of war
By Leon Trotsky, 21 June 2017
This week in the Russian Revolution
June 19-25: Bolshevik antiwar demonstration banned by Congress of Soviets
19 June 2017
From the archives of the Revolution
From the Kronstadt Sailors, Soldiers, and Workers—To the Revolutionary People of Petrograd and All Russia
By Leon Trotsky, 13 June 2017
Chronology of the Russian Revolution »
US hospital visits due to opioid issues top one million a year
By Genevieve Leigh, 21 June 2017
The Democrats’ fraudulent opposition to Trumpcare
By Kate Randall, 21 June 2017
Senate Republican health plan could make deeper cuts to Medicaid than House version
Baberowski acknowledges his right-wing extremist role models
By Peter Schwarz, 21 June 2017
The New York Times steps up its anti-Russia campaign
By Patrick Martin, 20 June 2017
The “People’s Summit:” Sanders wing seeks to give Democratic Party a facelift
By Jerry White, 20 June 2017
People’s Summit attendees discuss Democratic Party, war, socialism
Free the Maruti Suzuki workers!
On-the-Spot from New Delhi
Lawyer for Maruti Suzuki workers denounces frame-up
By our correspondents, 21 June 2017
On-the-spot report from India
Maruti Suzuki worker condemns court verdict as “pre-determined”
By our correspondents, 16 June 2017
Indian authorities seek to imprison more Maruti Suzuki workers on frame-up charges
By Shannon Jones, 13 June 2017
Sri Lankan students demand release of framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers
More on the frame-up of Maruti Suzuki workers »
Netflix drama strikes a nerve …
A spook comes out of the woodwork to attack Brad Pitt’s War Machine
By David Walsh, 21 June 2017
House of Cards, Season 5 and the “death of the Age of Reason”
By Hiram Lee, 20 June 2017
My Cousin Rachel: Was she innocent or guilty—and what would it signify?
By David Walsh, 17 June 2017
Theater professionals address the Flint water disaster
Public Enemy: Flint, an adaptation of Henrik Ibsen’s classic play: A remarkable artistic event
By Joanne Laurier, 15 June 2017
Interviews with actors in Public Enemy: Flint
By Joanne Laurier, 15 June 2017
International Amazon Workers Voice
California Amazon worker speaks out:
“Amazon fired me because I complained about age discrimination”
By Evan Blake, 20 June 2017
Amazon’s monopoly swells with $13.7 billion offer to buy Whole Foods
By Evan Blake, 17 June 2017
California Amazon worker speaks out
“They told us to work harder, promised ‘a cookie’ to fastest worker”
By Marc Wells, Toby Reese and Kevin Martinez, 7 June 2017
Watch: How can Amazon workers fight back?
Share this video widely! Like and Follow the International Amazon Workers Voice on Facebook
New in Arabic
A Lecture by David North: “Why Study the Russian Revolution"
We are publishing here the Arabic translation of the lecture by WSWS Chairman David North, “Why Study the Russian Revolution?” The lecture, delivered on March 13, 2017, was the first of five lectures presented by the International Committee of the Fourth International to commemorate the Centenary of the Russian Revolution of 1917.
On the death of former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl
By Peter Schwarz, 19 June 2017
Featured Comment
Palace coup or class struggle: The political crisis in Washington and the strategy of the working class
By Joseph Kishore and David North on behalf of the Socialist Equality Party Political Committee, 13 June 2017
The working class cannot remain a bystander in the fight between Trump and the Democrats. Rather, it must develop its struggle against Trump under its own banner and with its own program.
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Socialist Equality Party
Socialist Equality Party stands candidates in German election: Against militarism and war! For socialism!
By Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (Socialist Equality Party of Germany), 5 June 2017
Floods in Sri Lanka: Government responsible for another social disaster
By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 5 June 2017
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