Republican nominee Donald Trump is defending his friend Fox News CEO Roger Ailes from accusations that he sexually harassed female employees.

In an interview Thursday with the Washington Examiner, Trump said he doesn't believe the allegations recently leveled against the 76-year-old Fox News chief executive.

"I think they are unfounded just based on what I've read," said Trump. "Totally unfounded, based on what I read."

Former Fox anchor Gretchen Carlson last week announced her lawsuit against Ailes, which alleged that he declined to renew her contract after she complained of unwanted sexual advances from Ailes, and also alleged sexist behavior from some of her other male colleagues.

Ailes and Fox News have denied the charges, but the organization's parent company, 20th Century Fox, has opened an internal investigation into the matter.

Trump and Ailes have had an up-and-down relationship throughout the 2016 campaign. Trump had repeatedly said that Fox's coverage of his campaign was "unfair," and feuded with anchor Megyn Kelly. In January, the candidate refused to participate in a Fox-hosted GOP debate.

More from Trump's interview with the Examiner will appear next week in the magazine's special edition for the Republican National Convention.