English Edition

Jack Hanick and his family have been received into Orthodoxy in Moscow

Source: Tsargrad

Moscow, May 10, 2016


Recently one of the founding producers of the Fox News American conservative TV channel Jack Hanick accepted a work invitation to Russia, and on April 30, Holy Saturday, he and his family members were baptized at the church of the Holy Martyr Tatiana at Lomonosov Moscow State University. Everybody was welcome to the festive event.

The ceremony which included the receiving of the journalist Jack Hanick to Orthodoxy and the Orthodox Baptism of his family members Joanne and Jackson lasted from 11:00 till 1:00. Hanick confessed that he and the whole of his family had tried to keep the Orthodox traditions: they kept Great Lent, prepared for the feast of Holy Pascha by painting eggs and baking kulich.

“We are really looking forward to the end of Great Lent. This is a difficult test but we are happy that we have withstood it,” said Hanick.


Upon his arrival to Russia Hanick was stunned by the great number of young people attending Church.

“I realized that people come to the Liturgy, strive for confession, Communion. In other words, they come to Christ as people did a thousand years ago,” he said in conclusion.

Translated by Dmitry Lapa


10 / 05 / 2016

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