Book – American Culture Warriors in Africa


A Guide to the Exporters of Homophobia and Sexism

American Culture Warriors Book Cover

American Culture Warriors in Africa: A Guide to the Exporters of Homophobia and Sexism is a new, popular-format guidebook designed to educate U.S. audiences and motivate all people of conscience to take action that interrupts the persecution of women and sexual minorities overseas.

The book includes:

  • Profiles of the American bad actors most responsible for the international assault on LGBTQ people and reproductive justice
  • An overview of their culture war campaigns in Africa
  • Guidelines for concrete action we can take here in the U.S. to interrupt the continued export of American culture wars abroad—including a case study in effective local organizing

American Culture Warriors in Africa releases on May 19th, the same day as the national PBS broadcast and DVD release of Roger Ross Williams’ award-winning documentary film, God Loves Uganda.

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“Each of us has a role in stopping the persecution of sexual minorities across the globe. Kapya Kaoma and Political Research Associates are showing us why it is urgent that we do so–and how and where to begin. I highly recommend American Culture Warriors in Africa, as an excellent starting point for all who are committed to ending oppression and sharing the true message of God’s all-inclusive love.”
Archbishop Desmond Tutu

“As people learn more about Americans driving anti-LGBTQ animus and legislation in Uganda and beyond, they ask “What can I do to stop this?” American Culture Warriors in Africa is the perfect companion piece to God Loves Uganda, and should be read by anyone who wants answers to that question.”
Roger Ross Williams, Director of God Loves Uganda

“No one has done more to illuminate American evangelical efforts to bring the culture wars to Africa than Rev. Dr. Kapya Kaoma of Political Research Associates.”
Mariah Blake, senior reporter at Mother Jones 

“Kapya Kaoma is a genuine hero on the front lines of human rights struggles in Africa — and, really, everywhere, for the great value of Kaoma’s crucial work is in revealing the increasing globalization of a culture war crusade born in the U.S.A.”
Jeff Sharlet, best-selling author of The Family 




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