Neo-Nazi site declares ‘Holy Crusade’ on homocon Milo Yiannopoulos

Breitbart editor and self-described internet troll Milo Yiannopoulos, in a 2016 "Nightline" interview. Erin Rook

There appears to be trouble in alt-right land, as they argue over who the real deplorables are like a snake going after its tail.

Neo-Nazi hub The Daily Stormer has declared a “Holy Crusade” against Breitbart Tech editor and professional troll Milo Yiannopolous, calling him “the single greatest threat to our movement at this time.”

Yiannopolous, who has Jewish ancestry but is Catholic, is called by an antisemitic slur throughout the article, written by founder Andrew Anglin, as well as an antigay one, and is also accused of “taking our brand, our symbols, and turning them against us for a neocon-Jew conservative agenda.”

Anglin encourages his bigoted readership to show up at Yiannopoulos’s speaking engagements to confront him with questions concerning his downplaying of the racist element of the alt-right.

He provides suggested questions, all including a promotional mention of just how popular the site is, such as:

“You claim that the Alt-Right is only 5% racist anti-Semites. The Daily Stormer says this is a lie, and they are the number one Alt-Right site on the internet with more traffic than all other Alt-Right sites combined, which you can easily look up. Who are the non-racists in the Alt-Right? Are you lying? Who are these people that they have no media outlets? How have you quantified them?”

“Visit any post-speech event he has, and question him further there, and film it,” Anglin also suggests. “He is a drug addict and will have a hard time interacting with you in an off-stage environment. If you can get video of him looking rattled and post it online, this will damage his reputation.”

He says this will put Yiannopoulos in a “constant state of fear when he knows that real Nazis are going to show-up at every show and confront him. That there is nowhere to run.”

The Daily Stormer has previously published articles critical of Yiannopoulos, bemoaning the media trumpeting him as the face of the alt-right movement and for his claiming there are not that many antisemites within it.

Yiannopoulos made headlines for getting banned from Twitter for his role in the bullying of Ghostbusters star Leslie Jones.

In addition to calling her illiterate and a “dude,” he sent out fake tweets said to have come from Jones, which made it look like she had been tweeting out antisemitic and homophobic statements. He appeared on ABC’s “Nightline,” where host Terry Moran called him “revolting,” an “idiot” and accused him of having the mentality of a “13-year-old boy.”

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