About us

Katehon think tank is an independent organization consisting of an international network of people - from a wide variety of fields and disciplines - who specialize in the geopolitical, geostrategic and political analysis of world events. The group consists of political thinkers, international relations (IR) researchers, experts in security and counter-terrorism, and journalists concerned with international affairs, geopolitics, ethno-politics and inter-religious dialogue.

We, at Katehon, clearly defend the principle of a multipolar world, and thus we fundamentally support a pluricentric worldview defined by an international balance of powers; we reject and challenge any kind of unipolar world order and global hegemony. Therefore, we pay special attention to global multipolar associations such as BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). All of our fellow contributors hold firm to the main principles of the continentalist school of geopolitics. In addition, we stress the importance of religious and cultural identities in international relations, and so we closely monitor the ethnic dimension in social processes, conflictual situations and agreements.

We, at Katehon, view the world as being a global space in which there will always be permanent and distinct civilizations or "civilizational spheres." These polylogue spheres of influence are not going to disappear in the near or even distant future, nor should they. We follow the realist school of international relations with its varying forms - e.g. defensive, offensive, neo, hyper - and so we are obliged to recognize the great diversity of values, traditions, interests and visions which exist among all of the world's distinct civilizations. In particular, we are engaged in studying the following "great spaces" which comprise the majority of all world civilizations - North America, South (or Latin) America, Europe, Russia-Eurasia, China, India, the Islamic world, Africa, and the Pacific. We consider all of the preceding global-regional "poles" to be different civilizational entities, all possessing certain commonalities and yet also differences which should neither be ignored nor denied. This demands a new multipolar approach to studying each civilization and the many subtle distinctions that exist within them.

We, at Katehon, understand our mission to be one that seeks to assist in the creation and defense of a secure, democratic and just international system, free from hegemony, violence, terrorism, persecution, slavery and extremism of any kind.

Supervisory board of the Katehon think tank:

Konstantin Malofeev (President)

Sergey Glaziev


Leonid Reshetnikov


Alexandr Makarov


Andrey Klimov


Zurab Chavchavadze


Contact us: editor@katehon.com