Holistic and Effective Alternative Health Care

Alternative health care is a holistic way of caring for our body, mind and spirit. It is called alternative because it offers a way of caring for our health that is not conventional or what we are used to in the Western world. In the Western world caring for our health is done mostly by the administration of medicines, many of which are synthetic, produced from sources which are derivatives of nature, not natural in the direct sense. A simple example will make this clear.

Most of us in the older bracket of age are familiar with aspirin. I remember when I was a child, if I had a headache my father gave me aspirin to drink. When I had a fever, he would give me also aspirin. Aspirin is a drug in conventional medicine. Aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid. It is a synthetic drug, meaning, it is a drug synthesized from certain acids, principally salicylic acid. The natural source for this is the willow bark. But the willow bark itself is not used, only a derivative from this, the salicylic acid.

In alternative health care we do not administer aspirin. The person who has a headache may just need rest. So, we tell him to rest. If he has fever, this may be a result of something that he has eaten. So we tell him to drink plenty of water to clean out what he has eaten.

Secondly this alternative health care is holistic. It does not deal with the body only, but also with the mind or soul, and the spirit. In conventional health care people think that sickness is a physical condition. So the sick person needs a material medicine to cure his physical condition. He feels pain in his joints, so he is diagnosed to have flu. And he is given a medicine to counteract this flu, usually an analgesic, any synthetic drug which relieves pain.

In alternative health care we do not just look at the body, but we also inquire into the mind of the patient and consider his or her level of spirituality. We do not just take care of the sickness when it strikes already but we also take precaution that it does not strike at all. When a person experiences headache we ask that person whether he has current anxieties and worries, whether his or her religious belief is strong enough in a God who cares and who can be depended upon at all times.

Actually we had alternative health care from the beginning of our race, since there were no synthetic drugs then. But with the advent of these drugs we gradually forgot alternative health care in favor of conventional medicine. One reason was that conventional medicine was fast and predictable. You do not have to search for the herb and boil it and make a concoction out of it. You just go to the drugstore, present the prescription your doctor gave you, receive the medicine from the pharmacist or his/her aide and pay for it. Upon reaching home, you just take the medicine. It is so convenient.

But the recent experience of people taking conventional drugs is that they may lead to dependence on these drugs and larger doses may be required upon subsequent intakes. Furthermore there are bad effects in taking these drugs. These happen especially with antibiotic drugs. So people began to look for alternative ways of healing, one that is not heavily dependent on synthetic drugs and one that heals body, soul and spirit so that the person really become whole.

Some of the methods of alternative health care may be enumerated thus:

1. Rest

2. Water Therapy

3. Pranic Healing

4. Hypnosis

5. Acupuncture and acupressure

6. Herbs

7. Magnetic Therapy

8. Chiropractic medicine

9. Reflexology

10. Biofeedback

11. Dieting

12. Massage therapy

13. Aromatherapy

14. Carmenbees Synchrotheraphy

15. Mind healing

16. Spiritual healing

Effective Alternative Health Care You Can Use at Home

Alternative health is regaining the popularity it once had. And so it should. For the most part it is natural, with no side effects, easy to use and works in accordance with nature’s laws.

Some can even be used at home, with just a little knowledge.

For too long people have believed in the knowledge of specialists, rather than their own inner wisdom. This may be the route cause of all the world’s ills.

No-one else but you knows you as well as you do.

No-one else has been with you 24/7 from the time you were born. No-one else will be with you 24/7 until the day you die.

No-one else can know what is good for you. But you’ve forgotten how to listen. You’ve ignored that inner voice for so long, you’ve forgotten it’s there. So you let other people make choices for you.

It’s easier.

It causes less fuss.

But there’s a tiny inner bit of you rebelling. Why can’t you be allowed to make your own choices in life? After all, it’s your life. Well, there is one modality of alternative health that does allow you to do just that.

Whilst homeopathy is a wonderful and deeply curative modality, it is also a complex modality to use at this level. Definitely this part should be left to those who know it well.

But on a therapeutic level, a level for purely dealing with a pain or a malady, it can be very easy to use.

So easy to use, that anyone can learn how to use it quickly and with practice.

Home prescribing with homeopathy must be one of the most self empowering and satisfying things to do in life. Although highly beneficial, not all alternative health modalities can offer this.

Imagine being in the back-of-beyond, miles from anywhere, and you get bitten by a bee. If you have your homeopathic first aid kit to hand, the likelihood of it becoming a problem is small.

Imagine waking up in the middle of the night with a raging temperature. If you are able to read the kit instructions, or someone else can for you, it’s likely that you’ll find a remedy that will bring the fever down in double quick time.

Imagine you take a heavy tumble and are badly shaken and sore afterwards. With your trusty homeopathic first aid kit with you, you’ll probably be able to resolve the pain and shock within a very short period.

These are just some of the things you can resolve or help resolve if you want to practice a bit of homeopathic home prescribing.

The diversity which homeopathy has leaves all other forms of health care standing, including other forms of alternative health, wonderful though they may be.

It’s not uncommon for homeopaths to be able to completely resolve an issue which is only palliated by drugs, or even other forms of alternative health.

Stay Healthy Through Natural Health Care

Do you believe that you can achieve and maintain good health by using alternative natural health care? Basically, natural health care or also called alternative medicine have been used since the old times. Alternative medicine or natural health care is any healing practice used in place of conventional medicine. Natural health remedies are a better way to relax and reduce stress and anxiety.

These days there are still a lot of people around the world using natural or alternative health care products and most products work even better than those commercialized products. Even some doctors are recommending these types of products to patients who prefer non-invasive methods of healing or are no longer using conventional medicine. There are different approaches to natural health care and it actually depends on your ailment.

Here are some of the natural health care practices that you can benefit from to achieve good health:

Herbal medicines- Using of herbs can treat various health problems like diabetes, skin diseases etc. is Herbal medicines also help you lose weight naturally and designed to restore your body balance and strengthen the immune system.

Aromatherapy refers to use of plant materials or essential oils to cure such diseases. Essential oils and other aromatic compounds are for the purpose of improving a person’s mood and health. Essential oils are added to oil base which is applied to the body for massaging. Basically the skin absorbs it to stimulate the circulatory system.

Some essential oils like tea tree have anti-microbial effects and may be useful for treatment of infectious diseases.

Acupuncture-Basically when we hear that word, you will think about needles, right? Acupuncture is the procedure of inserting needles into various parts of the body to relieve pain and gives therapeutic purposes. Acupuncture is a form of treatment in traditional Chinese medicine and is used to treat a wide variety of illnesses and health conditions.

Yoga is one way of feeling relaxed and calm. It regulates your body parts and allows your mind to relax and free from stressful problems. This is one way to achieve a natural health as it offers different physiological benefits such as respiratory rate and blood pressure decreases. It is also an aid for anxiety and depression.

Natural health care is the best health care practice as it helps you get rid of your health problems naturally, free from any harmful chemicals. This is more preferred rather than the conventional medicines because it does not have any side effects that would affect our health in the long run. This may even be more effective than any other medicines available.

Health Care Solutions – Alternative Health Care

Alternative health care can be a great choice for someone who feels they are out of options with traditional medicine. Many doctors now even recommend some alternative health care practices for their patients. Alternative health care will continue to grow and one day, will possibly, work hand in hand with traditional medicine.

Alternative health care is something that has been around for quite some time. Alternative health care is practices that are not scientifically proven. A good example is what is called a home remedy. These are practices that people have used for centuries and that they believe to work. Alternative health care is coming back into the forefront of medicine because many people are concerned about the side effects of modern medicine practices.

Alternative health care is usually not covered under insurance policies. Practices like acupuncture and aromatherapy are example of alternative health care that some insurance policies are starting to cover. Other things, like alternative medication, are something that most insurance companies will still not cover.

Some alternative health care practices do not involve medication at all. There are alternative practices that involve using the mind to heal the body. Some examples of the most popular forms of alternative health care practices include herbal medications, hypnosis and massage therapy.

There is concern from the medical community that using alternative health care over traditional health care can be harmful to a person. Many people, though, seek alternative health care in situations where traditional medicine has failed them. A good example of this is in the treatment of arthritis. There are many alternative practices and medications that have shown to be quite effective for arthritis sufferers, where traditional medicine can only go so far to provide relief.

Alternative Health Products

With so many different types of side effects with traditional medications, it is no wonder that more and more people are starting to buy alternative health products to treat their conditions and even diseases. There are much more health benefits to alternative medications and they even work on making you over-all healthier.

The main reason people love alternative health products as they are made from all natural items so there are no side effects or ill feelings. They help to fix the problem not mask the symptoms as more traditional medications do. People also love the fact that these types of health products are so much more cost effective. No need to pay a small fortune to get medications your doctor prescribed.

Many health products are also used in addition to the medication that the doctor prescribed as it helps to take care of all of the symptoms where traditional alternative doesn’t. Some of the more common alternative health products include: green tea- as it helps to fight off cancer, works on cholesterol and helps those with high blood pressure, acupuncture (which doesn’t use any medication), and chiropractic medicine. It is said that massage therapy also works well.

Another type of alternative health care products is Xocia chocolates. They offer a wide variety of chocolates to choose from. They offer people as safe and healthy way to each chocolate and they are packed with Blueberries and Acai Berries, which make them an antioxidant powerhouse. Since they are naturally sweet, they are perfect for those that suffer with diabetes.

Antioxidants are vital for health care. As they help to protect your heart from heart disease, anti-aging and your overall health. Antioxidants such as blueberries, Acia Berries and dark cocoa, which make the Xocia chocolates the ideal choice in antioxidants. Other antioxidants include such herbs as grape seed, turmeric, bilbury, gingko and milk thistle.

There are plenty of alternative health care products out on the market. It is always best to check with your doctor first. If you are thinking of taking anything to help you deal with your illness,you want to be sure that your antioxidant supplement will not interfere with your current medications or treatment plan. Most often, since there are no side effects, you will get the green light to start the plan.

Antioxidants are very important to your body as they help to remove the free radicals from your body. If these are left in your body and they start to build up, then you will have issues with your health later on in life. It is best to do something now about it. Look into the types of alternative health products and decide which is best for you. You may want to talk with a holistic doctor to see what he or she would recommend.