

Democrats seethe after special election loss: 'Our brand is worse than Trump'

Democrats seethed, second-guessed and sought to regroup after a disappointing special election defeat in Georgia that had been labelled 'a referendum on Donald Trump', with the party's campaign chief in the House of Representatives outlining alternative paths to taking power, and some lawmakers questioning anew the leadership and political strategy of Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic minority leader.

By fiercely contesting a congressional race in the conservative Atlanta suburbs on Tuesday, Democrats had hoped to make an emphatic statement about the weakness of the Republican Party under President Trump. Their candidate, Jon Ossoff, raised about $US25 million, largely in small donations, and assertively courted right-of-centre voters with promises of economic development and fiscal restraint.

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Ossoff unable to beat GOP advantage in Georgia

Political science professor Andra Gillespie says Democrat Jon Ossoff wasn't able to overcome Republican Karen Handel's advantage in Georgia's 6th Congressional District.

But as the returns came in and Mr Ossoff remained stubbornly behind Karen Handel, a veteran local officeholder, Democratic frustrations burst into full view. Lawmakers and strategists fretted about the party's inchoate message, and some called the race a sign that Democrats should not bet too heavily on converting red-tinged suburbs to win a majority in the House.

Representative Tim Ryan of Ohio, who has been a vocal critic of his party's overarching political strategy, said Democrats needed to recognise that they were "toxic" in huge parts of the country.

"Our brand is worse than Trump," said Mr Ryan, who urged Democrats to make forging a clear economic agenda an urgent priority. "We can't just run against Trump."

Mr Ryan, who tried to unseat Mrs Pelosi as House minority leader after the November elections, said she remained a political drag on other Democrats. Mrs Handel and Republican outside groups tied Mr Ossoff to Mrs Pelosi in campaign events and television ads, casting him as a puppet for what they described as her liberal agenda and "San Francisco values."


"They're still running against her and still winning races, and it's still a problem," Mr Ryan said.

On the Republican side, jubilation over Mrs Handel's victory mixed with lingering unease about the overall political environment. While Mrs Handel defeated Mr Ossoff by about 10,000 votes and nearly 4 percentage points, Republican outside groups had to spend $US18 million defending a district where the party's candidates won easily for decades.

On the same night, a little-watched special election in South Carolina gave the Republican Party another scare, as an obscure Democrat, Archie Parnell, came within 3,000 votes of capturing a solidly Republican congressional district.

In Washington, Representative Ben Ray Luján of New Mexico, chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, moved to calm the party overnight, circulating a memo that outlined in detail how Democrats aim to capture a majority in 2018. In the document, which was sent to lawmakers and staff, Mr Luján wrote that there was "no doubt that Democrats can take back the House next fall" in the midterm elections.

Acknowledging that the Georgia result was a setback, Mr Luján wrote Wednesday that there were between six and eight dozen seats held by Republican lawmakers that would be easier for Democrats to capture than Georgia's 6th. He said the next few months would become a "recruitment blitz" for Democrats as they enlist candidates in those elections.

"Let's look outside of the traditional mold to keep recruiting local leaders, veterans, business owners, women, job creators and health professionals," Mr Luján wrote. "Let's take the time to find people who fit their districts, have compelling stories, and work hard to earn support from voters."

And, citing snippets of private polling, Mr Luján said there were Republican seats in southern Arizona and Florida, northern New Jersey and the Kansas City, Kansas, suburbs, where Democratic challengers were already ahead of Republican incumbents.

Democrats need to win 24 Republican-held seats in order to win control of the House.

Democratic lawmakers were expected to gather Wednesday morning in a caucus meeting, which could become a forum for restive lawmakers to air their political anxieties and grievances.

But well before the gathering, a half-dozen Democratic elected officials and operatives privately vented in text messages and phone calls about a dispiriting trend emerging in this year's special elections: When their candidates appear to gain traction in the polls, Republicans can easily halt the momentum by invoking Mrs Pelosi.

A spokesman for Mrs Pelosi noted that in some polls House Speaker Paul Ryan's approval ratings were even more dismal than Mrs Pelosi's and argued that the right would make any high-profile Democratic leader the focal point of attacks.

"Republicans blew through millions to keep a ruby red seat and in their desperate rush to keep stop the hemorrhaging, they've returned to demonising the party's strongest fundraiser and consensus builder," said Drew Hammill, Mrs Pelosi's deputy chief of staff. "They don't have Clinton or Obama so this is what they do."

New York Times