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Six charts that explain why oil is in a bear market

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As if investors didn't have enough to fret about, the threat of a disorderly fall in the price of the world's most important commodity is spooking markets. Here are six charts that tell the story, plus the one that answers the question every motorist will be asking.

1. An oily bear

Global oil prices entered into a bear market on Tuesday night as they extended their recent run of losses to more than 20 per cent from their recent peaks in January. West Texas Intermediate crude futures, the US benchmark, dropped below $US43 a barrel for the first time since November of last year, and fetched $US43.50 around lunchtime on Wednesday. It fetched $US55.24 a barrel in early January. The global Brent crude price is at $US45.96 from a January high of $US58.37.

2. The cartel

Why are global oil prices in free-fall? Simply, because there is too much of it and investors are growing increasingly worried that the glut is staying stubbornly high, despite efforts over recent months by the Saudi Arabia-led oil cartel, the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries.

In November of last year OPEC reached an historic agreement in non-OPEC countries, such as Brazil and Russia, to limit production in order to place a floor under the market after oil prices had dropped to lows of well below $US30 in early 2016. They extended that agreement in May.

Compliance among signatory countries has been good, but the return to production of Nigeria and Libya after periods of unrest, has some OPEC delegates and investors questioning whether the cuts are enough.


3. The outsiders

Meanwhile, non-OPEC production picked up smartly in May, boosted by strong growth from Brazil, Kazakhstan and Russia.

4. Born in the USA

But the main reason why OPEC is having such trouble cutting into the oil glut and therefore providing some floor to the oil price is the disruptive effect of the US shale oil industry. American shale oil drillers are now the world's biggest swing producers and US production is running at around two-year highs. And American oilers have continued to pump more crude, despite falling prices.

The previous assumption was that the bulk of these shale oil producers needed oil somewhere around $US55/barrel to stay viable; but that now is looking more like $US45/bbl, and maybe even less. Still, at these prices, some producers must surely be feeling the pinch.

5. Rigged

The strongest signal that American shale oil companies are comfortable producing at lower crude prices than previously thought is the steady upward march in the number of new oil rigs being put up. Baker Hughes's widely followed weekly rig count has advanced for a record 22 weeks, and has only recorded three falls over the past year. Another factor feeding the market's angst is a rise in the number of drilled-but-uncompleted wells in US oilfields. At the end of May, there were 5946 wells in this category, the most in at least three years, according to estimates by the EIA. In the last month alone, explorers drilled 125 more wells in the Permian Basin than they would open, meaning production could surge when they turn on the spigots.

6. A stubborn glut

All of which brings us back to the global oil glut. Global crude inventories are a good measure of how oversupplied the market is. OPEC says it is trying to bring these inventories back to their five-year average, but progress towards this goal is proving elusive. There are no obvious signs currently that the glut is being reduced in any sustainable or meaningful way. Most analysts, including the International Energy Agency, expect a pick-up in demand over the second half of this year to eat into oil stockpiles. But that demand growth has come in weaker than expected and the IEA has recently expressed worries that supply growth will once again outstrip growth in demand in 2018, casting a further cloud over oil's longer-term prospects.

7. Relief at the pump

So will Australian consumer reap the benefits of the fall in oil prices? To a degree, they already are. The national average Australian price of unleaded petrol fell by 2.7 cents to 128.0 cents a litre in the past week, according to the Australian Institute of Petroleum. But with the wholesale price at a seven-month low and gross retail margins (pump price less terminal gate price) at a three-month high, prices are expected to fall further. CommSec estimates that the average Australian price could fall by a further six cents a litre, saving motorists as much as $8 a month from the cost of filling their cars up with petrol, which is the single biggest weekly expense for most households.