Brazil: Meet Your Enemies – Against Monsanto and Everything That Makes it Possible (Eng/Port)


Received and translated by Insurrection News on 11.07.17:

Agribusiness means all processes that encompass the production, processing and marketing of agricultural and livestock goods. It is an industry that includes the production of raw material to the manufacturing of the products on the shelves of the supermarkets and also encompasses the various transport and distribution processes as well as the personnel associated with production and the public and private institutions responsible for promoting this industry.

In our territory (Rio Grande do Sul) it is possibly the worst. Prominent companies like AGROESTE and AGROCERES are on the list of the main exporting companies. And in this environment is where you will find transnational and holding companies such as MONSANTO (1), NIDERA (2), SYNGENTA (3), CARGILL (4) and BAYER (5). However their presence here would not be possible without the service of local players such as AGROESTE (6), AGROCERES (7), MONSOY (8), DEKALB (9), ROUNDUP (10) and SEMINIS (11) among other interests that package, store and distribute their products throughout the territory. Industrial machinery companies such as JOHN DEERE (12). MARSIPAN (13) and LS TRACTOR (14) are also responsible for importing machinery, sprayers and fertilizers that are essential to these processes. These bourgeois big landowners who own thousands of hectares and plant polluting monocultures form institutions to defend their interests for example FARSUL (15) and FEPARGO (16).

Once again, all the devastation and extraction that is being carried out would not be possible if it were not for the usual complicity of the state via the PARLIAMENTARY FRONT OF AGRICULTURE (17) and the MINISTRY OF AGRARIAN DEVELOPMENT (18).

1- Rua Padre Chagas, 415, sala 302,304, Porto Alegre – RS;
2- Rua Dona Laura, 320, Rio Branco, Porto Alegre –RS
3- Rua Ernesto da Fontoura,1479,São Geraldo, Porto Alegre-RS
4- Rua dos Andradas,1121, Edifício Rua da Praia, Centro, Porto Alegre-RS
5- Avenida São Pedro,1605, São Geraldo, Porto Alegre-RS
6- Rua Jorge Malchow , 421, Piratini, Panambi-RS
7- Tritec (Lajeado), Rodovia BR386, km 344, 3500, Lajeado-RS
8- Avenida das Nações Unidas, 1291, Torre Norte, 7° andar, São Paulo-SP
9- Rua Paulo J. Schlabitz, 130, Montanha, Lajeado-RS
10- Rua Marquês de Olinda, 89, Três Vendas, Pelotas-RS
11- Agropiá, Rua Frederico Michaelsen, 129, Centro, Nova Petróplis-RS
12- Plantare, Est Mauricio Cardoso, 3425, Bairro Olaria, Montenegro-RS
13- Reis Tratores, Est Mauricio Cardoso, 2303, Bairro Olaria, Montenegro-RS
14- Rua Vereador Klaus Lennertz, 2130, Palmital, Garuva-SC
15- Praça Prof. Saint Pastous, 125, Cidade Baixa, Porto Alegre-RS
16- Rua Gonçalves Dias, 570, Bairro Menino Deus, Porto Alegre-RS
17- SHIS QL10 Conjunto 8, Casa 6, Lago Azul, Brasilia-DF; 18- Avenida
Loureiro da Silva, 515, sala 312, Centro Porto Alegre-RS



Conheça seus inimigxs: Contra a Monsanto e tudo o que a faz possível

O agro-negócio implica todos os processos que englobam a produção,
processamento e comercialização de bens de origem agrícola e pecuário. É
uma indústria que vai da produção de matéria prima até aos produtos
manufacturados na gôndola do supermercado, englobando também os
diferentes processos de transporte e distribuição assim como o referente
ao pessoal associado à produção e às instituições públicas e privadas
encarregadas de fomentar este processo.

Em nosso território (Rio Grande do Sul) é talvez o negócio mais
importante e empresas como AGROESTE e AGROCERES estão na lista das
principais empresas exportadoras. E neste entorno é onde capitaneiam
empresas e holdings transnacionais como MONSANTO ¹, NIDERA², SYNGENTA³,
CARGILL4  e  BAYER 5 . Entretanto sua presença aqui não seria possível
sem o serviço de fatores locais como AGROESTE 6 , AGROCERES 7 , MONSOY 8
, DEKALB 9 ,   ROUNDUP 10  e  SEMINIS 11 entre outros que importam
armazenam e distribuem seus produtos em todo o território. Empresas de
maquinaria industrial como JOHN DEERE 12 , MARISPAN 13 e LS TRACTOR14
também se encarregam de importar maquinaria  – pulverizadores ou
fertilizadores  – fundamentais para estes processos. Estes burgueses do
campo – latifundiários donos de milhares de hectares, que plantam com
monocultivos contaminantes – se reúnem em instituições para defender
seus interesses como a FARSUL15 e FEPAGRO 16.

Uma vez mais, toda a devastação e extração realizada não seria possível
se não fosse pela já habitual cumplicidade do estado através da FRENTE
1- Rua Padre Chagas, 415, sala 302,304, Porto Alegre – RS;
2- Rua Dona Laura, 320, Rio Branco, Porto Alegre –RS;
3- Rua Ernesto da Fontoura,1479,São Geraldo, Porto Alegre-RS;
4- Rua dos Andradas,1121, Edifício Rua da Praia, Centro, Porto Alegre-RS;
5- Avenida São Pedro,1605, São Geraldo, Porto Alegre-RS;
6- Rua Jorge Malchow , 421, Piratini, Panambi-RS;
7- Tritec (Lajeado), Rodovia BR386, km 344, 3500, Lajeado-RS;
8- Avenida das Nações Unidas, 1291, Torre Norte,  7° andar, São Paulo-SP;
9- Rua Paulo J. Schlabitz, 130, Montanha, Lajeado-RS;
10- Rua Marquês de Olinda, 89, Três Vendas, Pelotas-RS;
11-  Agropiá, Rua Frederico Michaelsen, 129, Centro, Nova Petróplis-RS;
12- Plantare, Est Mauricio Cardoso, 3425, Bairro Olaria, Montenegro-RS;
13- Reis Tratores, Est Mauricio Cardoso, 2303, Bairro Olaria, Montenegro-RS;
14- Rua Vereador Klaus Lennertz, 2130, Palmital, Garuva-SC;
15- Praça Prof. Saint Pastous, 125, Cidade Baixa, Porto Alegre-RS;
16- Rua Gonçalves Dias, 570, Bairro Menino Deus, Porto Alegre-RS;
17- SHIS QL10 Conjunto 8, Casa 6, Lago Azul, Brasilia-DF; 18- Avenida
Loureiro da Silva, 515, sala 312, Centro Porto Alegre-RS;



Posted in Brazil, Eco-Struggle, Environmental Struggle, Fuck Monsanto, Posters, Rio Grande do Sul

Chesterfield, UK: Drilling Rig Owned by Earth Destroying Fracking Firm Cuadrilla Attacked


A drilling rig owned by one of the polluting scum fracking firms has been seriously vandalised, intended to stop the embryonic shale industry on prison island.

Between 18 and 24 May, a facility near Chesterfield run by PR Marriott was infiltrated, prison islands largest onshore deep drilling company, which stores and maintains the rig on behalf of scumbag shale gas firm Cuadrilla. Once inside, they caused what the authorities described as “a large amount of criminal damage” to the rig. The rig was attacked with sledgehammers to smash its touchscreen computers and windows. Components were drilled out, while pneumatic pipes and electrical cables were cut.

In January, Cuadrilla started work on a site in Fylde, Lancashire, where later this year it wants to destroy the enviroment by fracking the first well in the UK since 2011. Anti-fracking campaigners have staged daily protests outside the fences of the site on Preston New Road. Protesters have also successfully pressured subcontractors into ending their agreements with Cuadrilla.

The mainstream media understands that the damage at PR Marriott was to a Drillmec HH220, a mobile rig which it is believed was intended for use during the main drilling stage at Preston New Road. The yard in Danesmoor, between Sheffield and Nottingham, has been the target of protests by anti-fracking protestors. Campaigners have blockaded the company several times – 11 people were arrested at one demonstration there in April and two more were arrested on 30 June, one on suspicion of aggravated trespass.

One protester outside the site, told the local media scum: “We’ll be here until that [the drilling rig] is removed.” Even the company scum admit: “It’s disrupting our business, there’s no two ways about it.”

It is not yet clear what the impact has been on Cuadrilla. The company’s timetable for Preston New Road appears to have slipped – it had originally hoped to drill in the spring, with fracking it towards the end of the year. Surely the sabotage has put a spanner in the works.

Another shale company, IGas, hopes to begin drilling in Nottinghamshire in the last three months of the year, but does not yet have permission for fracking. The only other company preparing to frack later this year is Third Energy, which has permission to frack in Kirby Misperton in North Yorkshire.

Time to put an end to the fracking before it happens, attacking the infrastructure of these companies before they begin is the only way!

(via Fire On The Horizon)

Posted in Chesterfield, Direct Action, Eco-Struggle, Environmental Struggle, Sabotage, UK

Hamburg, Germany: Responsibility Claim for the Torching of a Diplomatic Vehicle during the G20 Summit


During the early morning of the summit on Saturday, we torched a diplomatic vehicle (license plate beginning with ‘0’) parked in the Dohrnweg in Hamburg-Sternschanze. The minibus used for transportation of government members was completely destroyed, a friendly welcome to the political riots that took place in the neighborhood.

We would like to document this action as one of many that took place during the insurgent days in Hamburg that cannot be condemned as either ‘senseless’ or ‘randomly targeted.’ We stand in complete solidarity with the looting and the rioting of the summit nights that some are currently condemning as ‘counterproductive’. Criticism of individual actions should always take place – sometimes even publicly. We regret for example the small cars that were destroyed during the summit revolts. But we consider the flat-out dissociation from the events that took place at night in the Schanze district to be bourgeois, politically incorrect and fatal. This also applies to the reduction of criticism to a level of ‘Please not in our neighborhood’.

We who propagate the loss of control as a revolutionary opportunity; We, who welcome and encourage expropriation campaigns with the slogan ‘All for All’, should not discredit the ‘spontaneity’ of a remarkable night of struggle. We do not find anything disturbing about the free shopping that took place at Rewe and Budni (two supermarket chains that were looted). That many in this district find this threatening is regrettable, but not suprising. Is the plundering and torching of the Bolle supermarket on the first of May 1987 a positive point of reference for us because such a distant historical event can no longer cause any more distress?

Targeted attacks against police convoys and targeted destruction of summit infrastructure as simple, premeditated, militant action would not be possible without the ‘riots’ of a temporary rebellion (which took place incidentally at several locations in Hamburg!). We understand the reasons for the current concerns some people have. We understand that many people now fear a repressive law and order crackdown during the upcoming election campaign. We understand that some people might feel inclined to avoid political damage to their own structures. However the categorizing and downgrading of acts of resistance to supposedly senseless ‘riots’ will not help. A united solidarity with all the different types of protesters (which worked remarkably well during the summit) WITHOUT condemning allegedly apolitical, supposedly foreign ‘riot-kids’ seems to us a better strategy.

(via Linksunten Indymedia, translated by Insurrection News)

Posted in Arson Attack, Direct Action, G20 Summit Hamburg 2017, Germany, Hamburg

Greece: Banner at Athens Polytechnic in Solidarity with Anti-G20 Protests in Hamburg

With this gesture, we want to show our solidarity to the comrades all over Europe that visited Hamburg in order to demonstrate against the G20 summit. The actions that they have taken, have made an impact to all of us. We want to send our strength and our combative solidarity, as the banner reads, to all of the anarchist comrades who have taken the streets and have taken actions these days. Also, to all of the arrested comrades. Solidarity from Athens.

Some anarchists and comrades from Athens

(via Athens Indymedia)

Posted in Athens, Banners, G20 Summit Hamburg 2017, Greece, International Solidarity

Rhineland, Germany: Incendiary Sabotage Against RWE Coal Company


On the night of Thursday, July 6, we set fire to signal cables for the coal line in the Rhine.

While in Hamburg the cops cut down resistance with tear gas and water cannons, we used the quiet of the night and the absence of our cops to pay a hostile visit to RWE (coal extraction company exploiting the forest in Hambach).

We see our action as part of the struggle for a world more respectful of life and against all this shit.

(via Linksunten Indymedia, translated by Insurrection News)

Posted in Direct Action, Environmental Struggle, G20 Summit Hamburg 2017, Germany, Hambach Forest, Incendiary Attack, Rhineland, Sabotage

Germany: Hambach Forest Activists Blockade Hambachbahn In Solidarity With Anti-G20 Protests In Hamburg


Solidarity greetings to Hamburg. While the government representatives of the G20 summit are protected by at least 20000 cops (because the ruling ones are so afraid of those they supposedly represent), we blocked the Hambachbahn by means of a tripod. Today, we have opted for the path of non-violent resistance – this does not mean that we want to reflect on attempts to divide peaceful protest from militant resistance or that we basically condemn militant counter-raids from below.

It has often been made clear why it is necessary to resist climate change and environmental destruction. Let us not enumerate the arguments here, but formulate some messages:

First, all the environmentalist, capitalist and domination-critical activists are expressing their dissent in Hamburg in a variety of ways:
Of course, we are in absolute solidarity with you. It important to take the contradiction of the status quo directly to the right addresses. Nevertheless, we wanted to encourage more decentralized actions at major events. Let us imagine that only one-tenth of the activists in Hamburg are prepared to block or sabotage targets that are symbolic and / or strategic for domination and capitalism…or there would be looting of supermarkets and plundering of production sites…Those responsible would no longer dare to go to such an event, so as to protect themselves from those they controlled, since the cops would then be missing in other places.
We also want to inspire you to be more creative and diverse in protesting. For example tripods could be usid it the city. 😉
We also invite you to be active after the summit in Hamburg, for example in the Hambacher Forest (for more information:

The most important message, however, is to RWE: Even if things have been quieter in recent months, we are still here, we remain uncontrollable and the coal industry remains a capital risk! We will not stop until you stop: As long as you continue to steal local land and destroy irreplaceable nature, such as the Hambach Forest, as long as you massively contributing to the mass murder and the destruction of eco-sytems via humanized climate change, With every method that we consider appropriate: whether it is today, with peaceful blockades, with sabotage or also militant action when it makes sense.

Smash G20!
Smash Capitalism!
Save The Earth!

(via Linksunten Indymedia, translated by Insurrection News)

Posted in Direct Action, Environmental Struggle, G20 Summit Hamburg 2017, Germany, Hambach Forest

Melbourne, Australia: Activists Blockade Office of Israeli Arms Manufacturer as Part of International Week of Action


ACTION ONGOING: Activists blockade office of Israeli arms manufacturer as part of international week of action

Activists from WACA (Whistleblowers, Activists and Citizens Alliance) have this morning blockaded the entrance to the office of arms manufacturer Elbit Systems at 60 Bertie St, Port Melbourne.

Elbit Systems is an Israeli weapons and surveillance equipment manufacturer  that advertises  its products as “battlefield tested”, due to  its use on the Palestinian people of Gaza.  It makes parts for drones, or unmanned air vehicles, used by the Israeli Defense Force (IDF).  Elbit has an Australian subsidiary that manufactures equipment for the Australian Defense Force. According to Elbit’s website, “Elbit Systems is the largest defence company in Israel and one of the top 30 companies worldwide in terms of defence revenues.”

Arms companies around the world are profiting from Israel’s occupation of Palestine. Today’s action is part of a week of protests around the world from 1st to 7th July 2017, on the third anniversary of Israel’s 2014 attacks on the Gaza Strip. This year marks 50 years since the military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza.

Amnesty International’s 2014/15 Report on the State of Israel says :

“Israeli forces committed war crimes and human rights violations during a 50-day military offensive in the Gaza Strip that killed over 1,500 civilians, including 539 children, wounded thousands more civilians, and caused massive civilian displacement and destruction of property and vital services.” 

This is verified by the UN Independent Commission of Inquiry’s report on Operation Protective Edge, which additionally states that in contrast, only 6 civilians were killed by Hamas.

WACA spokesperson Sam Castro stated “Israel’s ability to launch such devastating attacks with impunity largely stems from the vast international military cooperation and trade that it maintains with complicit governments across the world. By importing and exporting arms to Israel and facilitating the development of Israeli military technology, governments are effectively sending a clear message of approval for Israel’s military aggression, including its war crimes and possible crimes against humanity.”

Israel’s military technology is marketed as “field-tested” and exported across the world. Military trade and joint military-related research relations embolden Israel in committing grave violations of international law and facilitate the entrenchment of Israel’s system of occupation, colonisation and systematic denial of Palestinian rights.

Castro continued, “We are here today to call on the Australian Government to end military trade deals with Israel and to cancel all domestic contracts with Elbit Systems. We, like many other groups around the world, call on the UN and all governments to take immediate steps to implement a comprehensive and legally binding military embargo on Israel, similar to that imposed on South Africa during apartheid.”

This is the third time the pro-Palestinian group has disrupted Elbit Systems, the first time being in August 2014 when they occupied the building’s roof and blockaded the entrance to Elbit during the 2014 Israeli attack on Gaza (see more photos of the previous action ).  The second time was in July 2015.

WACA activist Gaye Demanuele said, “We take this action as we can not stand by while 1.8million people are held hostage in the open-air prison of Gaza. Israel subjects the Palestinian people to conditions which impoverish and traumatise them. While Elbit Systems’ drones daily monitor them from the sky, they live in constant fear that at any moment the IDF will bombard them again using their “battlefield tested” technology. We ask the Australian Defence Minister, Marise Payne, to imagine living under such oppression and ask her what she would do.”


#ShutDownElbit  #StopArmingIsrael  #CancelTheContracts #FreePalestine

Media Contact: 

Sam Castro 0439 569 289

Gaye Demanuele 0414 580 851


Posted in Anti-Militarism, Anti-War, Australia, Banners, Direct Action, Fuck Elbit Systems, Israel, Melbourne, Narrm, Palestine, so-called 'Australia', WACA (Whistleblowers Activists & Citizens Alliance)