Tag: me

Lost & Disgusted

Lost & Disgusted

14 Jun, '1148 Comments

I have been thoroughly depressed over the last few weeks. Everywhere around me bad news persists; people dancing over dead bodies and urging for more killings, people whom I thought to be friends started to regard me as a mortal enemy, people throw about choice terms like “traitor” and “unpatriotic” with vitriol and not much […]

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Gulf Broadcast

Gulf Broadcast

23 Oct, '095 Comments

Gulf Broadcast, originally uploaded by malyousif. My life. My friends. My joy. My sanity! gulfbroadcast.tv

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13 Dec, '0712 Comments

Pinned!, originally uploaded by malyousif. I had the privilege to be inducted into the Rotary Club by the District Governor Mr. Farid Gebran at the annual Gala Dinner on Dec 4th, 2007. I am looking forward to contributing my time and efforts for the community and hope that I can be of benefit. I would […]

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On Al-Jazeera!

8 Nov, '0720 Comments

I’ve been interviewed and filmed by Al-Jazeera’s Hashim Ahelbarra (the English channel) about a couple of weeks ago, the segment is airing in their news program throughout the day today Nov 8th, ’07. If you’re interested in watching, you can do so online (click here or click “watch now” on their front page). Hope you […]

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Pulling Teeth

Pulling Teeth

16 Sep, '0718 Comments

Literally. I’m off in a few minutes to a “specialist” to pull two of my teeth. Molars. And that brings the total I have been made to part with to five. I won’t bore you with the details, suffice it to say that one of those already had been root canalled and crowned. How the […]

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