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Best job for an Anarchist

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Re: Best job for an Anarchist

Postby crze » Sun Dec 08, 2013 9:04 am

firstly, pardon my english. english isnt my native language. :|

sorry if i get this wrong, but i think the question is about "is it okay to have a shitty corporate job (or something we dont like but pays damn well) since doing what we love in this capitalist world doesn't pay our bill?"
if thats the question, then i do have the same dilemma.
i came from a poor family, but thanks universe i could get a rather decent education. but unfortunately that rather decent education doesnt really fit my passion. just so you know, i really dont mind to live in poverty as long as i live my dream life, i really don't. but the problem here is that i dont just have myself to care about. i (have to) care about my family as well.
oh, i wanna be a musician, btw.

"what about doing what you love as a part time job?"
well, i waste my free time sighing. i work as a public servant. yeah, im an anarchist working as a public servant.

oh, and about teacher. if i have the chance to be whatever without worrying about something, i want to be a teacher, while being a musician as well of course.
to be honest i never have any problem with any capitalist, statist, theist, you name it, as long as they really DO know what they believe. and i really am sure if all people really know what anarchism is, they'll join us too.
thats why rather than shoving people my knowledge of everything that im sure is good, i choose to ask them what they believe and why. and by asking i mean ASKING.
and thats why i really want to open a school which the main curriculum is philosophy so that the pupils can know what or who they really are. :)
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Re: Best job for an Anarchist

Postby Anonymous420 » Fri Apr 11, 2014 8:57 pm

Free school teacher? Permaculture farmer? Nonprofit manager? Anything in the green economy?
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Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2014 8:33 pm

Re: Best job for an Anarchist

Postby GSO_Anarchy336 » Wed Jul 30, 2014 6:41 pm

I am trying to minimize the time I spend at work as much as possible and still earn enough to pay for the house and land I have to eventually exit the job market and homestead (permaculture hopefully). The ideal is to love the job I work at and increase the income I make off the land until I can exit the workforce permanently. That way I'm doing what I love and minimizing my involvement in the capitalist system.
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Re: Best job for an Anarchist

Postby BriandEvans » Thu Jan 21, 2016 11:09 pm

Can't recommend any specific fields of work, but some industries and jobs offer greater autonomy than others. I got lucky and found a job with a boss who likes that they don't have to pay attention to me. I get the job done independently, the boss leaves me in peace. I work in a testing laboratory, for the record.

Something else to consider: a job where management is part of the work is an opportunity to spread collective management ideas and techniques. I have two co-workers who I'm responsible for 'managing'. They know about my politics. We talk through decisions as a group, and they know that they'll never be punished for saying 'no' to a task. (So far, our productivity is quantitatively higher than the company's other branches by a substantial margin. Collective management works, and well.)

Re: Best job for an Anarchist

Postby Guest » Thu Jan 21, 2016 11:10 pm

BriandEvans wrote:Can't recommend any specific fields of work, but some industries and jobs offer greater autonomy than others. I got lucky and found a job with a boss who likes that they don't have to pay attention to me. I get the job done independently, the boss leaves me in peace. I work in a testing laboratory, for the record.

Something else to consider: a job where management is part of the work is an opportunity to spread collective management ideas and techniques. I have two co-workers who I'm responsible for 'managing'. They know about my politics. We talk through decisions as a group, and they know that they'll never be punished for saying 'no' to a task. (So far, our productivity is quantitatively higher than the company's other branches by a substantial margin. Collective management works, and well.)

Re: Best job for an Anarchist

Postby BriandEvans » Thu Jan 21, 2016 11:16 pm

Can't recommend any specific fields of work or education, but some industries and jobs offer greater autonomy than others. I got lucky and found a job with a boss who likes that they don't have to pay attention to me. I get the job done independently, the boss leaves me in peace. I work in a testing laboratory, for the record.

Something else to consider: a job where management is part of the work is an opportunity to spread collective management ideas and techniques. I have two co-workers who I'm responsible for 'managing'. They know about my politics. We talk through decisions as a group, and they know that they'll never be punished for saying 'no' to a task. (So far, our productivity is quantitatively higher than the company's other branches by a substantial margin. Collective management works, and well.)

Re: Best job for an Anarchist

Postby Guest » Tue May 23, 2017 1:36 am

i am a traveller, expert casino player, and a manager from a popular casino website...
:evil: 8) :twisted: 8)



Re: Best job for an Anarchist

Postby kongponleu » Wed Jun 14, 2017 1:43 am

nice topic,
thanks for sharing this post.


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