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A bombshell Bloomberg View report dropped Wednesday morning detailing President Donald Trump’s shadowy business partnerships with Russian investors on New York City real estate deals.

There are deep forces in American society that are driving the current political crisis

We are currently passing through an ugly crisis in our history, one of the ugliest in recent times. At the center of this crisis is a president who acts like a bratty child, who delights in rubbing salt in the wounds of the people he insults.

GOP congressman sorry for claiming Bill Clinton threatened to kill Loretta Lynch over email probe

Rep. Pete Olson walked back comments he had made on local radio in which he accused former President Bill Clinton of admitting to the murder of a deceased aide and of threatening former Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

Author and activist Naomi Klein reveals how to get beyond Trump’s shock politics

Klein reminds us to pay attention not only to the style in which Trump governs (a multi-ring circus so routinely corrupt and corrosive that anti-democratic practices seem normal), but in whose interests he governs.

Trump’s visit to the UK ‘shelved’ for at least two years over fears of mass protests: report

President Donald Trump was greeted warmly during his trip to Saudi Arabia, but his concern about facing mass protests in the United Kingdom has shelved his state visit to America’s staunchest ally for at least two years.

Mitch McConnell is betting voters won’t punish GOP for Trumpcare — because they already hate Congress

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is making a cynical gamble that voter antipathy toward Congress will allow Republicans to pass an unpopular health care bill in secrecy without facing electoral consequences.

Texas couple sent to prison during 90’s ‘Satanic panic’ child abuse hysteria exonerated after 25 years

In 1992, Fran and Dan Keller were both sentenced to 48 years in prison over accusations of sex abuse crimes related to children they babysat in their home daycare center outside of Austin

Trump to roll back aid for the poor — but protect millions in housing subsidies he’s already receiving

Trump would continue to be a beneficiary, receiving millions of dollars as a part-owner of Starrett City, the nation’s largest subsidized housing complex.

Right-wing media response to Virginia shooter strongly underscores their white supremacist values

Most gun owners in America are white Republicans. Most victims are women and non-whites.

Bodyguard for white nationalist stabbed 9 times after pro-Trump rally – and doesn’t have health insurance

Antonio Foreman, the bodyguard for white nationalist internet personality Tim “@BakedAlaska” Gionet, was stabbed by two men after getting into a verbal altercation with them.

‘Terrifying for all of us’: Farmers in Kansas Trump country fear their workforce being deported

“Two weeks ago, my boss told me, ‘I need more Mexicans like you,’” a young Latino farmhand explained. “I said, ‘Well, they’re kind of hard to find.’”

‘Part of me is giggling’: Green Party activists cheer Trump and dismiss Russia hacks as ‘pathetic excuses’

Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein has no regrets about her possible spoiler role in last year’s election, and she dismissed concerns about Russian interference as “pathetic excuses” for the Democrats’ loss.