Georgia: The most expensive House race in history

The race between Democrat Jon Ossoff and Republican Karen Handel is the most expensive House race in history, with a staggering $56.7 million (at least) already spent on the special election.

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Blog Post

Trump earned at least $1.3 billion in the last two and a half years

By Alex Baumgart June 16, 2017

The Trump presidency is less than five months old, but has been a quick study at one longstanding D.C. tradition: the Friday-night dump. Administrations often release promised documents once journalists have left the office for the weekend, hoping that any damaging info would get lost in the news cycle turnover. Today, the U.S. Office of Government Ethics has followed suit and released a…

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Blog Post

Outside groups kick into high gear post-primary in Georgia, South Carolina

By Sara Swann June 19, 2017

On Tuesday, voters in Georgia’s 6th Congressional District will vote in the most expensive House election ever. A staggering $56.7 million (at least) has been spent on the special election, including $51.9 million on the two candidates left standing after the primary. The race between Democrat Jon Ossoff and Republican Karen Handel is the most expensive House race…

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Data Feature

President Trump's 2017 Financial Disclosure

June 20, 2017

On June 16th, 2017 the U.S. Office of Government Ethics released President Trump's 2017 personal financial disclosure. The form sheds the first real light on the steps the president has taken to disentangle himself from his business interests after assuming office.

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