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Avicenna’s Cannabis Medicine and Mysticism

Regarded as one of the greatest intellects of Islam’s Golden Age, the geographer, astronomer, poet, theologian, Avicenna, Ibn Sina, (980-1030) is probably best known for his contributions to medicine, and his works, after being translated into Latin became deeply influential in Medieval and renaissance Europe.

By Chris Bennett on

Avicenna’s Cannabis Medicine and Mysticism

Regarded as one of the greatest intellects of Islam’s Golden Age, the geographer, astronomer, poet, theologian, Avicenna, Ibn Sina, (980-1030) is probably best known for his contributions to medicine, and his works, after being translated into Latin became deeply influential in Medieval and renaissance Europe.
By Dana Larsen on

4/20 is Cheap, the Weed War is Expensive

CANNABIS CULTURE- Media coverage of Vancouver’s 4/20 protest festival is very different from that given to every other event in the city.