Anglo American break-up a tipping point for coal

Anglo American's Australian-born CEO, Mark Cutifani, has put a "may sell" sign on a vast sweep of his international business.
Anglo American's Australian-born CEO, Mark Cutifani, has put a "may sell" sign on a vast sweep of his international business.

Anglo American's painful deconstruction serves as notice of global mining's still brewing global financial crisis just as it announces tests both systemic and specific for those currently less existentially vulnerable to the sector's post-boom realities.

In the hope of buttressing its South African-born legacy business, Anglo's admirable Australian-born chief executive, Mark Cutifani, has put a "may sell" sign on a vast sweep of his international business.

Cutifani plans to reduce Anglo's workforce by a staggering 85,000 people, while trimming the miner's operational base from 55 working projects to just 20. It is widely assessed that this means Cutifani is open to offers on any or all of Anglo's coal and nickel operations, and that he would quite like to offload the massively ill-timed and consistently botched Brazilian iron ore project Minas-Rio.

That a once great mining marque like Anglo would be forced to push the panic button was predicted, indirectly, by Cutifani's Australian counterpart at Rio Tinto, Sam Walsh.

In agreeing with our assessment that price deflation across the minerals and energy business had reached a point that threatened some of the most recognised majors, Walsh predicted that we would see break-ups rather than mergers, but that selling assets at value could prove very difficult indeed. Cutifani has delivered an early fulfilment of Walsh's proposition.

This is what happens when quality thermal coal is trading at $US52 a tonne, when iron ore has slipped through the $US40 mark – with the cost curve telling us that there is little or no reason why we should not expect it to hit $US30 a tonne – and when oil and gas markets have been smashed by the collapse of OPEC discipline and a slate of regional factors like a warmer US winter.

Minas-Rios mistake

Getting minerals and energy out of the ground is an expensive, time-consuming business. Things rarely happen on schedule, on budget or in co-ordination with the demand and pricing cycles that promoted the investment in the first place.

That is why the best and biggest extractors always promote their ability to endure the cycles and consistently recommend that investors take a long view when it comes to the minerals and petroleum sectors.

The problem we see today is fairly simply explained. Through the early part of this century, there was a permanent shift in the quantum of demand for minerals and energy, as China's domestic resources sector could no longer sustain the nation's rampant economic growth.

The size and speed in the shift in the tectonics of demand was unprecedented. The effect was most obvious in iron ore and the steel raw materials sector. But Chinese demand sowed the seed of growth across the wider resources business. As ever, higher prices inspired investment against new capacity.

Some of that was rational, in that it would lower production costs over the longer haul, leaving the owner less exposed to the inevitable, which was always some level of return to historical trend pricing.

Some, like Anglo's Minas-Rios project, was not so clever. That mine cost too much and first production occurred pretty much on the cusp of the painful moment when seaborne iron ore supply finally caught up with demand. Since then, of course, the market has shifted into a structural oversupply that risks crushing all but the lowest-cost producers.

The shift in demand caused by China's arrival as a mainstream importer and the massive price peaks inspired by the yawning gap between demand and the miners' ability to supply signalled only that the return to a more natural state of commodities pricing was always likely to be more painful and destructive than in more recent minerals and energy busts.

That is because peak pricing supported and paid for a wealth of projects that sit at the second, third and fourth layers of the cost quartile.

Glencore in cross-hairs

Turning off all of the suddenly uncompetitive machines that global capital has paid for will be an expensive affair. But Cutifani has effectively announced that the tipping point has come. He is telling us that even a major like Anglo can no longer afford to run cash flow-negative mines and refineries, because this cycle is going to linger longer, and carrying the deadweight will risk the bits of his business that can make money through this most dangerous point of the cycle.

Anglo is not alone in staring down this reality. The world's next-biggest miner, Glencore, has sat in the cross-hairs of the shorts for more than a year because it boasts barely a tier-one mining asset in its portfolio, because it continues to carry a boom-time debt burden and because it is regarded as essentially a proxy for the copper market and the copper price has tanked.

Not even the biggest players are immune from these sorts of unanticipated price shocks. Until the oil price fell out of bed in October 2014, BHP Billiton management had contented itself and its owners with the quite obvious anticipation of price mean reversion across its mission-critical bulk commodities.

But a US winter gas price of just more than $US2MMBTU and a West Texas oil price of $US38 a barrel and falling were not part of the investment narrative that drove a $US38 billion plunge on shale petroleum production.

Which brings us neatly to the more intimate challenges offered by the great Cutifani's cull.

The suggestion that coal is on the chopping block looms as another ugly challenge for the whole of the Australian coal sector. Anglo employs 4800 miners and contractors across six working coal mines in Queensland and NSW. Whether any of them are cash flow-positive must be doubtful. Finding buyers could be tough. Closing them until pricing recovers might be a more certain choice.

BHP strategy tested

Three of Anglo's Queensland mines are owned in joint venture with Mitsui. One world-class coal investment is a 33 per cent share in the Colombian joint venture called Cerrejon. Its equal partners there are Glencore and BHP.

The thing about JVs is that they come with the security of pre-emptive rights that usually give the partners a final call on any sale price. In both cases here, Anglo's disintegration might end up being a litmus test of BHP's interest in thermal coal.

Mitsui, you see, is BHP's partner in thermal coal in Queensland. The addition of the four mines Anglo shares with Mitsui to the BMC joint venture is patently possible, even though it would signal a broadening of the portfolio. Anglo's mines produce coking coal and a high-quality softer product that can be used by steelmakers. But it would require a counter-cyclical commitment to the commodity arguably left most vulnerable by the world's determination to do something about carbon emissions.

But the bigger test of BHP's appetite for growth would be Cerrejon. It is a world-class business tapping world-class thermal coal and it operates under the same sort of independent management structure that has so complicated the response to the Samarco​ tailings dam disaster.

BHP has long wished away these sorts of JVs. So a chance to clean up the structure and increase its ownership of Cerrejon could be a timely expression of the potential for opportunism that BHP has recently talked about.

Then again, could BHP really afford to double its bet on a thermal coal beast like Cerrejon when it is very obviously considering the future of its progressive dividend policy in the name of balance sheet and credit rating protection?

But whatever anxiety Anglo's plans for dismemberment might trigger at BHP will be magnified tenfold at its post-boom love child, South32.

Anglo has apparently made it clear that it wants out of manganese. Anglo owns 40 per cent of GEMCO, which is one of the world's biggest and best manganese producers, and operates the high-grade Groote Eylandt​ mine just off the east coast of Arnhem Land. GEMCO also owns TEMCO, which, through an accident of history and access to cheap power, operates a manganese alloy plant in Tasmania.

Anglo's operating partner in manganese is South32. The South32 investment narrative mimics the pitch of its former parent BHP, which is that brownfields investment is going to be the highest-yielding track to growth.

Given that that holds, buying the balance of the things you already run would seem to be more capital-efficient still. So we would expect South32 to play an active role in this sale process, given that its access to cash and its appetite for growth remain undaunted by a resources recession whose long-promised effect on global diggers is now becoming a dark reality.