Are we ready? Well, we can be ready — if our hearts are in the right place. In 2016, the November elections upset the apple cart. It has made us wonder what is happening to our nation. The divisiveness has reached saturation point, and it is time we bring people — diverse people — together and unite the nation. (more)

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Here in San Francisco we pride ourselves that we are the City that knows how. We will try to address issues pertinent to our times and focus of Quality of Life issues. We will do this by going to City Hall and speaking out and also by posting relevant articles on this web site. We will stand by our youth and do all in our power to reduce crime and violence. We will work both with the Executive Branch and the Legislative Branch to make good stuff happen.

Bayview Hunters Point Poised for Gentrification: The Last Frontier

We the People of the United States

The Demise of Capitalism Brought to an End in the Year 2008

(more Op-Ed)

The City and County of San Francisco turned the other way while PG&E; milked the poor and controlled most of the power grid. They do that even today. The rich and the powerful and the greedy! Hunters Point where PG&E; have an old plant built in the 1920's is one of the oldest in California. It still spews energy and while it does it also pollutes the air, the water and the land.

Grace Tabernacle Community Church on the Forefront - Bestows Honorary Degree

The Increased Divisiveness - Shootings and Killings in the Southeast Sector

49ers Choose Santa Clara, Ditch San Francisco to Build State of the Art Stadium

(more Bayview Hunters Point)


Seventh Annual Portola Festival

Sixth Annual Portola Festival

The Former Boys and Girls Club on San Bruno Avenue

(more Portola District)


Since the early 1960's I have been fighting for Environmental causes. Of course back then no one called them Environmental Causes - you fought to keep the rivers clean, the air clean, the beach clean - you kind of knew what was good and what was not good. You banded with friends to make good stuff happen. It was a good feeling. (more)

Heron's Head Park at Pier 98 Contaminated: Do Not Permit Our Children to Go There, Ever

Paramilitary Tactics Used to Intimidate Youths In and Around SF Public Housing

California Environmental Quality Act

(more Environmental Justice Advocacy)


All over the world the lay person is asking one question - how can I be safe? How can I exercise my freedom? How can I be free? After September 11, 2001 - we all CANNOT take our freedom for granted.

As the days lead to weeks and weeks into months and months to years - we can only hope. The human being is a very complex being. We human would like to have everything on a platter. A bed of roses. The future is bright - but it will demand innovative thinking.

"Epiphany - Blossoms of Hope" will reveal a series of articles. We hope it will inspire all women and men of good faith to view our Earth from a unique perspective. A perspective that will lead to making good stuff happen.

Surveillance, Security, Freedom and Peace of Mind for Ordinary Citizens

Mainz - The City With a Long History

Berlin - The City That Brought About World Change and Continues to This Day

(more Blossoms of Hope)


I had the opportunity to talk to some Middle School children from E.R. Taylor School situated in the Portola District. I spoke to them about the San Francisco Port Authority and the Park they had come to visit. The Park has been named the Muwekma Ohlone Park.

Small Park Represented Big Dreams

The Death of Muwekma Ohlone Park

(more Muwekma Ohlone Park)


I was born in Nairobi, Kenya and I am always very proud that I was born in Africa. As soon as this idea of having a summit was brought to my attention, I did everything possible to make this summit a success in the Bay Area.

Darfur Genocide

African American History

Kenyan Nomads are Perfect for Anthropology

(more Africa)


Muwekma Ohlone Website

The Debacle at Glen Cove and the Injustice Done to a Sacred Burial Ground


Lewis and Clark - 1805

(more First People)


We are here on this earth for a limited time and all of us human beings have just one chance to live a full life and make sense of our existence. The least we can do is respect Mother Earth. It is important that we take care of our Earth and leave it a better place for those that will live on this Earth long after we have left it.

State a Leader in Curtailing Flow of Waste

Recycling Christmas

Norcal Waste Systems and Recycling in San Francisco

(more The Earth)


Former San Francisco Mayor
Willie Brown

The African American community has always been strong and contributed to the growth and culture of our city. Now at last we are witnessing the creation of an African American cultural institution in the Yerba Buena district of downtown San Francisco.

Famous Pullman Porters

Some Famous Trains in the USA

Are Blacks Becoming History in San Francisco?

Interview with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

(more African American Cultural Heritage)


Evergreen plantation has over twenty-five slave houses neatly built in a row. Neatly planted are the famous Evergreen Oaks with their hanging Spanish Moss. Most of the slave houses or quarters are being rehabilitated today. We were given the opportunity to enter one and take photographs. (article; photos.)


Link to "Thousands Online For Slave Data"

L:ink to "Californians to Get Look Back at Slavery"



The Committee

A Permanent Museum

Light at the End of the Tunnel


Buffalo Soldiers: The Hidden History of our African American Heroes (2013 Gala PDF)

Buffalo Soldiers and the Indian Wars

Buffalo Soldiers Cemetary, Presidio of San Francisco >

(more Buffalo Soldiers)


Presidio Backgrounder

Presidio Bridges Gap to Be Self-sufficient

El Polin Springs in the Presidio

Photo Essay

(More Presidio of San Francisco)

Presidio Resources

Link to Presidio Homepage

Link to Presidio Directory

Doyle Drive

An Open Letter


They Gather and Bark at Each Other

Link to Environmental and Design Study

Centennial Year

NPS Accepts Early Outs and Fails in its Mission

The Bay Area Thousands of Years Ago

(More National Park Service)

Museum of the City

San Francisco

California Missions

Link to "Rescue Mission"

Tonu Shane Eagleton

Tiki Master

Link to "Port Chicago Explosion Still Echoes 60 Years Later"

(Port Chicago.)

Tonu Shane Eagleton Homepage

Shane Eagleton Bio

First Peoples' Childrens Healing Pole

Shane's Healing Poles at SulliStudios




The Death of Goa

Photos From a School at Mapusa


Bechtel's Bolivian Debacle

Link to Contract on Life of Dog Case Prosecutor
(I know Kerry Tremain who wrote the orginal article in San Francisco Magazine.)


Link to Anova

For Children

Link to "700 Great Sites"


60 Years — D-Day

Sixth U.S. Army

Sixth U.S. Army, the Presidio, and Korean War, 1946-1980
(Adobe Reader Format)

Photograph of Commemorative Marker

More Sixth U.S. Army Photographs



Libania De Souza


My sister Eualalia and niece Jacqueline

Eualalia Martins

Libania De Souza





Open Your Eyes

Spiritual Sustainability




Memorial Day 2000


Family Reunion


Espanola Jackson


Shellmound Conference:

- 5000 Years of History -

by James Carter

Diversity in the NPS

The Presidential Debacle

Link to "Nobody Knows"

Vision Taking Shape

Vision Beyond



Tata Madiba Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

James Brown

Natasha Saelua

Giovanni the Kind Shoemaker


Shellmound Peacewalk

Andrew Bozeman

Creative Powers

El Polin Spring

First People

Humming Birds

John Denver

Joel Skidmore

Lonely Nights

Monica Wadsworth

Nelson Mandela

Shane Eagleton
