Your Daily Investigative News Magazine


Monday June 19th 2017 0

Posted on June 19, 2017 by Flashpoints

5671c6c6c361886c518b461dToday on Flashpoints, will Syria’s hot war, and the recent
US bombings their lead us into world war three: Also we replay our
interview with Christine Assange, the mother of Julian Assange on this
the fifth year anniversary of his taking exile in the Ecuadorean

Click on the link below to listen today’s show

Flashpoints 06-19-17

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Thursday June 15th 2017 0

Posted on June 15, 2017 by Flashpoints

thediplomat_2015-03-02_22-17-10-386x253Today on Flashpoints, up first we look at the role US Special forces are playing in the Philippines under the pretext of putting down an ISIS related insurgency by the Maute group in the province of Mindanao. Then we examine a new form of deep ocean mining and the consequences it could on the environment. Next we feature an exclusive interview with Stephen F. Cohen, one of the countrys leading experts on Russia. Finally, we have a special report by Nora Barrows-Friedman and the Electronic Intifada about the reasons behind the recent banning of the new Wonder Woman film in Lebanon.

Click on the link below to listen to today’s show

Flashpoints 06-15-17

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Tuesday June 13th 2017 0

Posted on June 13, 2017 by Flashpoints


Operation Enduring FreedomToday on Flashpoints,We take a look at the nearly sixteen year US military invasion and occupation of Afghanistan following an admission by Defense Secretary Jim Mattis todaythe United States is “not winning” the war. Then we dig deeper into the so-called Russia-Gate scandal amid continuing allegations of election tampering by the Democrats. Finally we go to Washington where the passage of a bill authorizing a $110 billion dollar arms sale to Saudi Arabia is seen as a symbolic victory by organizations opposed to the ongoing slaughter in Yemen.

Flashpoints 06-13-17

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Monday June 12th 2017 0

Posted on June 12, 2017 by Flashpoints


5893ee582800002700996976Today on Flashpoints, we revisit the issue at the center of the recent Senate Judiciary Committee hearings where last week fired FBI Director James Comey said he had “no doubt” of the Russians hacking US elections. Then, what the heck are Emoluments and why they might just force President Trump to finally release his tax returns. Finally, we go to Puerto Rico where yesterday’s opposition boycott of a Statehood referendum held voter turnout to less than 25%.

C;lick on the link below to listen to today’s program

Flashpoints 06-12-17


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Thursday June 8th 2017 0

Posted on June 08, 2017 by Flashpoints

RTX2UP0X-1024x698Today on Flashpoints, we feature an exclusive interview with the figure at the center of the so-called Russia-gate hearings as Executive Producer Dennis Bernstein catches up with  none other than Carter Page. Then we take a look at the shadowy Bilderberg group who recently held a series of secret workshops in Chantilly, Virginia. Next we discuss the fallout from Trumps withdrawal from the Paris Accords and why the democrats really aren’t that much better on climate change. Finally we go to London, England where a socialist candidate is running on the Labour ticket against the conservative Tory party

Click on the link below to listen to today’s show

Flashpoints 06-08-17

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Wednesday June 7th 2017 0

Posted on June 07, 2017 by Flashpoints

0-2EUUX59zsUP4YxNxToday on Flashpoints, we look at the recent row between Qatar and Saudi Arabia who both stand accused of supporting islamic extremists from Libya to Syria. Also,  we feature a special report by Flashpoints Senior Producer Miguel Gavilan Molina who talks with CA State Senator Kevin De Leon about the legislation he is sponsoring also known as the CA Values Act.

Click on the link below to listen to today’s show

Flashpoints 06-07-17

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Tuesday June 6th 2017 0

Posted on June 06, 2017 by Flashpoints

5893ee582800002700996976Today on Flashpoints, we are joined by retired  FBI special agent Coleen Rowley who more thn a few choice insights into the history and relationship shared by fired FBI director James Comey and Robert Mueller who was appointed by the Justice Department as special counsel overseeing the investigation into  Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections. Then we speak with investigative reporter Rick Sterling about Syria and the role of Russia. Finally, Shahid Buttar of the EFF on the second anniversary of the passage of the USA Freedom ACT and what it means for our protections from government surveillance.

Click on the link below to listen to today’s show

Flashpoints 06-06-17


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Wednesday May 31st 2017 0

Posted on May 31, 2017 by Flashpoints

6f5842c4f37a75947ef9f334f6f56876_400x400Today on Flashpoints: We’ll speak to Robert Parry about this year’s Gary Webb Freedom of the press award. Also, we’ll speak to former CIA analyst, Ray McGovern, about a Maddog in the white house and we don’t mean Trump.

Click on the link below to listen to today’s show

Flashpoints 05-31-17

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Tuesday May 30th 2017 0

Posted on May 30, 2017 by Flashpoints

vzcdvlyje60r5b_dofana258nbtvqde-largeToday on Flashpoints: More missile tests from North Korea more threats
and saber-rattling. We’ll  have a special report. Also, Santa Cruz
California continues to participate in a post-trump crackdown on the
poor and homeless and their community supporters/ And Manuel Noriega
dies in a Panama Prison. We’ll play Robert Knight’s exclusive
interview with General Noriega before the Americans captured him by
musically blasting him out of the Vatican Embassy

Click on the link below to listen to today’s show

Flashpoints 05-30-17

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Wednesday May 24th 2017 0

Posted on May 24, 2017 by Flashpoints

our_revolution_atchesonToday on Flashpoints: We feature a new Speech by Bernie Sanders  based on his new book, Our Revolution.

Click on the link below to listen to today’s show

Flashpoints 05-24-17

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    We're searching for great new music produced by independent musicians and members of our global audience, so that we can be as non-corporate and copyright-free as possible. All genres -- from blues to electronica to world beats -- welcome!

    We like smart, political and well-produced music -- and are especially in search of possible new theme instrumentals. Please send it to Flashpoints, c/o KPFA, 1929 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Berkeley, CA 94704, or email your Mp3s at with full descriptions and credits.

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