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White Helmet

By mike flugennockSunday - June 25th, 2017Categories: Middle East, War on Terror, media, war and peace

So, yet again, Western media darlings the White Helmets have been caught assisting ISIS and other militant groups in beheadings and decaptitated body disposals in Syria.

Still, the White Helmets are the good guys, right? I mean, the US media told us so, and Netflix made that documentary about them that won an Oscar n’stuff, right?


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“White Helmets Member Caught On Camera Disposing Of Syrian Soldiers’ Mutilated Bodies”, RT June 23 2017

“Syrian White Helmets Suspend Members Caught On Camera During Rebel Execution”, RT May 20 2017

“‘Lies Are Their Agenda’: Canadian Journalist Blasts MSM Syria Coverage At UN Event”, RT Dec 14 2016

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Tinfoil Hatter

By mike flugennockMonday - June 12th, 2017Categories: Party Animals, elections

Anyone who’s been paying any attention at all to what’s going on in this country knows that we’ve got a veritable buffet of issues waiting to be dealt with — healthcare, civil liberties, the neo-fascist threat, bloated war spending, police brutality, you name it.

So, what’s the Democratic Party up to? Yep, that’s right — they’re still pitching a tantrum, looking for someone to blame for their abject impotence, their sucking on toast in the last election, with their teeth clamped around their Russian hacking conspiracy theory like a dog with an old shoe.

Still blaming the Greens, the Berniecrats, the Left and the Russians, it’s looking like the Democrats are right on track to get their asses crushed again in the midterms next year. They’re going to go down hard and I, for one, am loving it.

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Regenerative Stoner

By mike flugennockMonday - June 5th, 2017Categories: environment

Hey, now, gang! It’s pop ed time!
Here’s one I did for DCMJ on the subject of “regenerative agriculture” — in this case, regenerative ag for urban gardeners; specifically, all you stoners out there in DC taking advantage of the homegrow provisions of Prop 71 to grow some house stash.

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