- published: 09 Jun 2016
- views: 81331
Icelandic i/aɪsˈlændɪk/ ( íslenska ) is a North Germanic language, the language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language belonging to the North Germanic or Nordic branch of the Germanic languages. Historically, it was the westernmost of the Indo-European languages prior to the colonisation of the Americas. Icelandic, Faroese, Norn, and Western Norwegian formerly constituted West Nordic; Danish, Eastern Norwegian and Swedish constituted East Nordic. Modern Norwegian Bokmål is influenced by both groups, leading the Nordic languages to be divided into mainland Scandinavian languages and Insular Nordic (including Icelandic).
Most Western European languages have greatly reduced levels of inflection, particularly noun declension. In contrast, Icelandic retains a four-case synthetic grammar comparable to, but considerably more conservative and synthetic than, German. By virtue of its being in the Germanic family, which as a whole reduced the Indo-European case system, it is inappropriate to compare the grammar of Icelandic to that of the more conservative Baltic and Slavic languages of the Indo-European family, many of which retain six or more cases, except to note that Icelandic utilises a wide assortment of irregular declensions. Icelandic also has many instances of oblique cases without any governing word, as does Latin. For example, many of the various Latin ablatives have a corresponding Icelandic dative. The conservatism of the Icelandic language and its resultant near-isomorphism to Old Norse (which is equivalently termed Old Icelandic by linguists) means that modern Icelanders can easily read the Eddas, sagas, and other classic Old Norse literary works created in the tenth through thirteenth centuries.
Egill Ólafsson (born 9 February 1953), is an Icelandic singer, songwriter, actor and legal and copyright expert. He is married to the actress Tinna Gunnlaugsdóttir.
Egill Ólafsson studied playing guitar and piano when he was young and was part of a boys' brass band under the direction of Karl Otto Runólfsson.
During he was a student at Hamrahlid College from 1970 until 1974 Egill Ólafsson sang in choir of the school Kór MH.
1970 he started to study at the Tónlistarskólanum (music school in Reykjavík). The disciplines he was studying were singing and composing. In 1976 Egill Ólafsson graduated at Tónlistarskólanum in Reykjavík.
He specialized in legal matters and copyright issues, but also composed for many types of music including music for choirs, brass band music and music for strings and trumpets. He has composed around 30 theatrical works. He composed for musicals Grettir, Eva Luna and Come Dance With Me, the latter having a run on off-Broadway in 1996. His works have been played by various ensembles like Spilverk þjóðanna, Stuðmenn, Hinn íslenski Þursaflokkur, Tríó Björns Thoroddsen, Blái hatturinn, Les Grand Tango and The Icelandic Soundcompany.
The Biggest Loser is a reality television show which started in the United States in 2004. The show centers on overweight and obese contestants attempting to lose the most weight and to fight for a cash prize. There are different variations of The Biggest Loser around the world. Each country has made its own adaptation to the show; however, the contestants always have the same goal: to lose the highest percentage of weight (or most weight) to become the Biggest Loser. There is no minimum or maximum weight limit for the show but most males tend to weigh over or near 300 lb (136 kg). Females tend to weigh over or near 200 lb (91 kg).
Each country has its own variation of the show. Some seasons will have a single contestant on a team, couples, or families, these usually rotate depending on the season and the directors.
Árið 2011 kviknaði sú hugmynd hjá Halldóri Gunnari Pálssyni kórstjóra Fjallabræðra að fara af stað með eitthvað risastórt. Nánar tiltekið að heimsækja eins marga staði og mögulegt væri og safna röddum í lokakafla lagsins Ísland sem hann hafði samið við ljóð eftir Jökul Jörgensen ljóðskáld og rakara. www.thjodlag.is
Ísland getur unnið hvern sem er. Stöndum stolt við bakið á strákunum. ÁFRAM ÍSLAND!
ÁFRAM ÍSLAND, UNGLINGALANDSLIÐIÐ SENDIR HVATNINGAR TÓNINN STOP WAIT GO ENDURGERÐU BARÁTTUSÖNG ÍSLANDS Upptökuteymið íslenska StopWaitGo hefur gert nýja útgáfu af laginu "Áfram Ísland", baráttu-og hvatningasöng til Íslenska landsliðsins í Knattspyrnu sem fyrst var tekið upp árið 2002. Mánudaginn 11. nóvember fá útvarpsstöðvar landsins nýju útgáfuna en inní hana eru klipptir nokkrir bútar af ógleymanlegum gullkornum íþróttafréttamannanna sem lýstu síðustu leikjum landsliðsins. Þeir félagar í StopWaitGo; Pálmi Ragnar Ásgeirsson, Ásgeir Orri Ásgeirsson og Sæþór Kristjánsson áttu nýlega lag með stúlknasveitinni The Saturdays sem fór inná topp tíu breska smáskífulistans, þannig að þeir hafa haft í nægu að snúast en gáfu sér þó tíma í þetta skemmtilega verkefni. Flytjenda hópurinn eru nokkra...
Parody of Michael Jackson song Smooth Criminal done in Icelandic to show the people who have ruined the economy and robed the children's future for ever. But it has a very nice ending which i hope we will see soon.
Lag Magnúsar Þórs Sigmundssonar við ljóð Margrétar Jónsdóttur í mögnuðum flutningi Fjallabræðra
SkjárEinn og Sagafilm ráðast í stærstu sjónvarpsframleiðslu seinni ára, The Biggest Loser Ísland! Markmið okkar er að aðstoða keppendur við að breyta lífi þínu til frambúðar. Þúsundir einstaklinga hvaðanæva úr heiminum hafa farið í gegnum heilsuferli The Biggest Loser sem hefur gjörbreytt lífsháttum þeirra og er vottað af læknum, sálfræðingum og næringarfræðingum. Undraverður árangur hefur náðst og hafa keppendur þáttanna náð að snúa við blaðinu og fengið að njóta til fullnustu þess sem lífið hefur upp á að bjóða. Keppendur dvöldu í 10 vikur á heilsuhótelinu á Ásbrú sem veitti keppendum þann stuðning sem til þarf í átt að breyttum lífsháttum. Þættirnir eru sýndir öll fimmtudagskvöld kl. 20:40 á SkjáEinum.
ísland born is the latest project from Icelandic snowboarder: Eiki Helgason The project is split into three sections: Zine, Full part, and Documentary. In align with trying to keep each season different and fresh, Eiki decided to film his entire part in his home country of Iceland. Traveling throughout the country, finding spots that have never been ridden before. The Documentary will be released on 12/12 Presented by Monster Energy Horsfeathers Music Fufanu “Sports” Sports fufanu.net Joseph Minadeo and Michael Tolan w/ Corey Farrow “Strange Eden” Salt Flats patternbased.com More info visit: island-born.com Instagram: https://instagram.com/boardsnwheels/ Official website: http://boardsnwheels.com/ Группа ВКонтакте: http://vk.com/club21979537
Izlandi kőrutazás "Mozgó .. Képek" sorozat "Best of ... " válogatása Egill Ólafsson énekére. 2008 - 2009. Iceland is your country / Ísland er land þitt Singer: Egill Ólafsson. (Íslandsklukkur) Here are the lyrics translated by me to English, with some of the words I didnt know exactly which one to pick out of the translation, so I keep all of them until I know better :) Iceland is your country Iceland is your country, and always you keep Iceland on your mind, wherever you go. Iceland is the country, which at young you dream, Iceland in the light of hope that you see, Iceland in the summers all green decoration, Iceland with glittering northern lights fringe. Iceland to the fathers accomplishments nursed, Iceland is the land, that gave you the life. ((please note that in ...
Goodnight my love
Remember me as you fall to sleep
Fill your pockets with the dust and the memories
That rises from the shoes on my feet
I won't be back here
Though we may meet again
I know it's dark outside
Don't be afraid
Everytime I ever cried from fear
Was just a mistake that I made
Wash yourself in your tears
And build your church
On the strength of your faith
Listen to me
Don't let go
Don't let this desperate moonlight leave me
With your empty pillow
Promise me the sun will rise again
I too am tired now
Embracing thoughts of tonight's dreamless sleep
My head is empty
My toes are warm