Anti EDL Slough 2014-02-01 Report

Originally posted on berksantifa:

The EDL turned up in Slough last Saturday with a pitiful ~150 people. This is their lowest ever national call out, showing that the organisation is on the rocks, thanks to the concerted efforts of anti-fascists all over the country. Some of their coaches had as few as 8 people on board,  and organisers were overheard trying to coax the few members who did turn up to give further donations to pay for losses incurred by the under-occupied coaches.

Not even enough of them to fill the road

Low numbers of EDL gathered by the station

From the moment the EDL arrived at their assembly point they were met with resistance from members of the local community along with anti-fascist activists. This meant the only way they could move around town was with the aid of a mobile police kettle, keeping them contained and unable to deviate from their planned route.

After initially being held by police at the…

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