
BNP organises East London “Food Banks”?

The British National Party has begun organising “food banks” in East London, one of their historic bases of strength and a target for them in next year’s elections.

At the moment the operation is rather meagre — a stall with a few rows of tins — and is undoubtedly mainly organised to give the fascists a photo opportunity and some publicity. But, as elections approach, this type of activity is likely to increase. Anti-fascists will need to be on the lookout.

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EDL supporters sent down: No Tears, but no gloating either

Anti-fascists and the left should derive no pleasure from the prison sentences handed out to English Defence League supporters for disorder at a demonstration in Walsall in 2012.

We have consistently organised to confront the EDL, and while we won’t be organising prisoner solidarity for these individuals, we cannot applaud or welcome the role of the state in fighting fascism and far-right nationalism.

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3Cosas Strike Report

London Anti-Fascists members have been involved in building solidarity with outsourced cleaning, catering, and security workers at the University of London, who struck for two days on 27 and 28 November. A mainly migrant workforce,the outsourced workers face anti-migrant racism and bigotry as well as exploitation by their bosses.

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