Organise to stop the EDL march in Tower Hamlets – Oxford House, Bethnal Green – 7.30pm Tuesday July 30th

The racist English Defence League plan to march through Tower Hamlets on Saturday 7 September: how can we stop them?

London Anti-Fascists, part of the national Anti-Fascist Network, are calling a mobilisation for the day that will aim to be mobile and fluid in order to disrupt the EDL’s plans as much as possible.

Join us for a public discussion on how to build that mobilisation, as well as discussion of the politics and tactics necessary to beat the EDL and other racist organisations.

The Anti-Fascist Network (AFN) is a country-wide network of local grassroots anti-fascist and anti-racist groups which fight the EDL, BNP, and other racist and fascist organisations on the basis of direct action and working-class politics.


7.30pm Tuesday July 30th
Oxford House
Derbyshire Street
London E2 6HG
map link: google maps link
Facebook Event: Organise to stop the EDL march in Tower Hamlets

London Antifascists


Fight Fascism – from the street to the state – No Borders Call Out to oppose the EVF in Croydon

On 27th July, the English Volunteer Force (EVF) – a far right group – plan on demonstrating against ‘Islamification and mass immigration’ outside Lunar House, the UK Border Agency HQ in Croydon. We will be there to oppose their racist demagoguery and to show solidarity with migrants.

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